Tuesday 14 August 2012

Russia speaks out against sanctions

Russia says new U.S. sanctions on Iran could affect ties
Russia sharply criticized new U.S. sanctions against Iran on Monday, saying the measures to punish banks, insurance companies and shippers that help Iran sell its oil would harm Moscow's ties with Washington if Russian firms are affected.

13 August, 2012

Russia, which has long opposed sanctions beyond those approved by the U.N. Security Council to pressure Tehran over its nuclear program, called the measures "overt blackmail" and a "crude contradiction of international law."

The United States ceased most trade with Iran many years ago and has put increasing pressure other countries to reduce their business with the Islamic Republic.

The measures approved by Congress on August 1 build on oil trade sanctions signed into law by Obama in December that have prompted Japan, South Korea, India and others to slash purchases of Iranian oil.

"We are talking about restrictive measures not only against Iran but also affecting foreign companies and individuals working with it, including in the hydrocarbon extraction and transport, petrochemicals, finance and insurance industries," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"We consider efforts to ... impose internal American legislation on the entire world completely unacceptable," it said. "We reject methods of overt blackmail that the United States resorts to in relation to the companies and banks of other countries."

"Those in Washington should take into account that our bilateral relations will suffer seriously if Russian operators ... come under the effects of the American restrictions," the ministry said.

Relations between Moscow and Washington improved after President Barack Obama moved to "reset" ties early in his term, but they have been strained by disputes over Syria and President Vladimir Putin's accusation of U.S. meddling in Russian politics.

In the statement, Russia repeated its argument that unilateral sanctions - as opposed to those approved by the Security Council, where Moscow has veto power - are counterproductive.

The "constant increase of pressure on Tehran" undermines unity among the six nations leading diplomatic efforts to rein in Iran's nuclear program - Russia, the United States, China, Britain, France and Germany - and hurts the chances of success.

Russia balances its role in the diplomatic attempts to ensure Tehran does not develop nuclear weapons with aid to the civilian nuclear program in Iran, where it built a nuclear power plant that came on line this year.

Talks between Iran and the six powers in Moscow in June failed to end the standoff over Tehran's nuclear activities including the enrichment of uranium which Western nations fear is part of a bid for weapons capability.

'Unilateral sanctions against Iran could damage Russian-US ties’ - Foreign Ministry

13 August, 2012

The Foreign Ministry has warned of a possible blow to Russian-American relations if the US pursues unilateral sanctions against Iran that affect Russian economic interests there.

"Washington should understand that our bilateral relations will suffer considerably if the American restrictions affect Russian economic entities cooperating with partners in the Islamic Republic of Iran in strict compliance with our legislation and UN Security Council resolutions," the ministry said on its website on Monday.

Late Friday, US President Barack Obama signed into law new sanctions against Iran which aims to penalize those parties aiding Iran’s insurance, financial, petroleum, petrochemical and shipping sectors.

Moscow considers US sanctions against Iran unacceptable, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Mariya Zakharova said on Monday.

"Russia is fully committed to the restrictions on cooperation with Iran that were established by the UN Security Council," the spokeswoman said. "However, we do not recognize the unilateral sanctions that were imposed by Washington on the plea of serious concern about Iran's nuclear program and run counter to international law."

Zakharova called US efforts to punish countries that do business with Tehran “blackmail.”

"We refute methods of undisguised blackmail,” she said, “which is used by the US towards banks and companies of other countries."

Earlier, the US passed legislation that targets any party doing business with Iran’s central bank.

Russia has cooperated with Iran in economic projects in the past, including in the Bushehr nuclear plant, which started adding energy to Iran's electricity grid in September, 2011.

The United States is one of several countries, including Israel, that is concerned that Iran may be trying to develop a nuclear weapon under the cover of a civilian energy program.

Tehran has strongly rejected the accusations, saying it is pursuing nuclear energy for civilian purposes only.

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