Methane spiked at an unprecedented 2,986 ppb. There were extremely high levels (shown in magenta) over Antarctica
This is not reflected,however by the CAMS data
Methane Data from CAMS for 3/25 & 3/26/19 with Margo
(Mar. 30, 2019)
goes over new methane data from Monday, 3/25/19 and Tuesday, 3/26/19.
CAMS is only releasing methane data for one day at a time.
Sometimes the new data is only up for a few hours before it goes
away. I explain all this in this video.
I am taking down the video from Max Igan and replacing it with audio for the protection of people living in this country. Christchurch
- How They Did It
I have extracted this audio from the video so that folk don't need to look at images from the video which is illegal in New Zealand.
I agree with Max Igan on so much that he says in this video, especially on quick assumptions that "nobody died" and the effects that this could have on people in this part of the world trying to spread the truth.
I don't agree or disagree with his interpretation except in broad terms. Max Igan himself makes no claim to know exactly what happened but he has gone deeper than others by using video technology to go in and see as clearly as possible what actually happened.
Even then the video compression and bad bandwidth is bad enough for it to be impossible in most cases to even identfiy car registration plates so that it beggars the information to believe that people with strong opinions can say it was simply CGI.
Personally,I could at a pinch agree that there might be elements of computer generating imaging . I can no longer, thanks to the NZ censor, go back and check for myself.
For me people who know exactly what was happening are probably dangerous demagogues. What ever happened to staying with the questions because that is what we have got - many more questions than answers.
The only thing that I can say for certain is that the official narrative in this country is nothing but a crock of shit and both government and media are LYING.
Beyond that we don't know.
Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 369 - American Voice Radio,
March 29, 2019
are still many markers I did not include in this dialogue, but I have
only been getting around 4 hours sleep per night since this event
happened and was very tired when I recorded this broadcast. Thus I
either forgot to mention them, or had not yet noticed them. However
if everyone can get away from the fake/real debate with the
Christchurch Shooters video, not want to believe either side, and
really look, at what is happening in your peripheral vision with this
video, this shooting in NZ has MK Ultra and Tavistock written all
over it.
may sound weird but, look at his car - color markers, turquoise
compliance label in that car... they come in all colors but why was
his turquoise (right eye)? then the yellow air freshener (left eye) -
He is switched on. He drives out, then, red car - red car, click,
click - he's primed - on standby... then, all at once, a trailer with
a red flag + yellow building on the right + yellow car on the left
(same bright yellow - what are the chances?) + yellow air freshener +
turquoise label. The color combo. Click. He's switched on. Go! Turns
on music - the program is running
shooter was programmed to react to colors and sounds. Look at the
drive there. And I would even be willing to bet that he thought he
was just going to a training exercise as part of the drill that was
running in Christchurch, and he was recording it to show off to his
mates on 4 chan. How the fuck did he know he had been programmed? And
Im certain his handlers had no idea he intended to stream the drill
to his mates. People don't realize what this video is showing them.
This was a Tavistock MK ultra hit with real bullets, real victims and
a mind controlled patsy - and for the first time ever. We have the
patsy's view of it. And I'm not saying that - the video is saying
that.... And for the first time ever. We can see the triggers and see
exactly how they do it. The victims would have likely been brought
there to be killed, that's why there were no shoes. The controllers
were likely getting them into the corners, but they were killed too -
no loose ends... The video shows a very real possibility that this
guy thought he was simply on a training exercise in one of the
drills, and he probably streamed it live to show off to his mates.
Remember in the car, he was saying how "I couldn't top my time
because I had no ease of access, but if you have ease of access, you
will top you time". If we factor the possibility that he was
chatting away to his mates so calmly happily that way after just
slaughtering 41 people because he thought he had just run them
through the training drill with him, his dialogue even starts to make
illusion of freedom will continue for as long as it's profitable to
continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too
expensive to maintain, they will take down the scenery, move the
tables and chairs out of the way, then they will pull back the
curtains and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."
- Frank Zappa
controls the past controls the future, who controls the present
controls the past." - George Orwell
the tyrant has disposed of foreign enemies by conquest or treaty and
there is nothing to fear from them, then he is always stirring up
some war or other, in order that the people may require a leader. -
would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that
can't be questioned.” - Richard Feynman
have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking
on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside.” - Rumi
To listen to the crap being spread by Jim Fetzer GO HERE
A global review has painted a dramatic and dismal picture of our planet under climate change, as record carbon dioxide levels soar toward increasingly dangerous levels.
The World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) today issued its State of the Global Climate in 2018 report - a sprawling stocktake pulling together data from hundreds of scientists and agencies across the globe.
One leading New Zealand scientist said it revealed a "now-familiar litany" of all the ways the climate was warming and changing around us.
Ocean heat content and sea levels were also both at record highs, sea ice extent was well below normal in both hemispheres, and glaciers and ice sheets were melting, Victoria University's Professor James Renwick said.
The statement, the WMO's 25th, particularly highlighted "exceptionally high" land temperatures over the past four years – a trend that had lasted since the start of this century and was expected to continue.
Carbon dioxide levels, which were at 357.0 parts per million (ppm) when the statement was first published in 1993, had kept rising – to 405.5 ppm in 2017.
For 2018 and 2019, greenhouse gas concentrations were expected to increase further.
"Extreme weather has continued in the early 2019, most recently with Tropical Cyclone Idai, which caused devastating floods and tragic loss of life in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi," WMO secretary-general Petteri Taalas said.
"It may turn out to be one of the deadliest weather-related disasters to hit the Southern Hemisphere."
The start of this year had also seen warm record daily winter temperatures in Europe, unusual cold in North America and searing heatwaves in Australia.
Arctic and Antarctic ice extent was yet again tracking near record lows.
"The data released in this report give cause for great concern. The past four years were the warmest on record, with the global average surface temperature in 2018 approximately 1C above the pre-industrial baseline," UN secretary general Antonio Guterres wrote in the report.
"There is no longer any time for delay."
Beyond the obvious physical impacts of climate change, Renwick said it was worrying to see the range of associated extreme weather events and impacts on human populations.
"World hunger is on the rise and we are now talking of millions of people displaced as a result of weather and climate extremes."
More than 1600 deaths were associated with intense heat waves and wildfires in Europe, Japan and USA, where they were associated with record economic damages of nearly US$24 billion in the US.
Smog shrouds the Mexican capital in Mexico City. Students across the world skipped class this month to protest inaction on climate change and rising air pollution levels. Photo / AP Photo/Marco Ugarte
The Indian state of Kerala suffered the heaviest rainfall and worst flooding in nearly a century.
Exposure of the agriculture sector to climate extremes was meanwhile threatening to reverse gains made in ending malnutrition.
New evidence showed a continuing rise in world hunger after a prolonged decline, according to data compiled by United Nations agencies including the Food and Agriculture Organisation and World Food Programme.
In 2017, the number of undernourished people was estimated to have increased to 821 million, partly due to severe droughts associated with the strong El Niño of 2015–2016.
And out of the 17.7 million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) tracked by the International Organisation for Migration, over two million people were forced to shift due to disasters linked to weather and climate events, as of September 2018.
Drought, floods and storms were the events that had led to the most disaster-induced displacement in 2018.
Renwick further highlighted how ecosystems were being affected worldwide, on land and in the oceans, where acidification was associated with rising temperatures and loss of dissolved oxygen.
"The record heat in New Zealand and the Tasman Sea during summer 2017/18 is an example of what we can expect much more of in future years."
Students take part in a global protest for climate change in Cambridge city centre, England, earlier this month. Photo / Stefan Rousseau/PA via AP
Since the middle of the last century, there had been an estimated one to two per cent decrease in the global ocean oxygen inventory.
Other such impacts included the loss of "blue carbon" associated with coastal ecosystems such as mangroves, seagrasses and salt marshes; and ecosystems across a range of landscapes.
On land, climate change had emerged as a significant threat to peatland ecosystems, because it exacerbates the effects of drainage and increases fire risk.
Peatlands were important to human societies around the world as they contributed significantly to climate change mitigation and adaptation through carbon sequestration and storage, biodiversity conservation and water quality.
"With no action on climate change, that record warm summer in New Zealand would be counted as a cold summer in another 50 years," Renwick said.
"The associated increases in climate and weather extremes would displace hundreds of millions and would threaten the fabric of societies everywhere."
Veteran Kiwi climate scientist Professor Jim Salinger agreed the report showed hastening climate warming globally.
"This was true for the New Zealand region - a combined land and marine area of four million sq km, with the warmest year on 150 years of land and sea records," Salinger said.
"It is very alarming that the carbon dioxide levels reaching a highest 406 ppm – up from 280 ppm in the 19th century, and methane jumping unexpectedly by 25 ppb to a record 1850 ppb by 2017."
"With no action on climate change, that record warm summer in New Zealand would be counted as a cold summer in another 50 years," Professor James Renwick says. Photo / File
Salinger expected the extra 3.7 mm of sea level rise would prove very significant for the coast of Australia, and especially New Zealand with its many seaside urban areas and long coasts.
"The record warm summer ending in February 2018 produced the largest ice loss on the Southern Alps glaciers since the regular end of summer snowline surveys started 42 years ago," he said.
"As well, Queensland groper occurred in the Bay of Islands, 3000km out of range, and snapper in Milford Sound in Fiordland, with massive mortality in the aquaculture fisheries of the Marlborough Sounds.
"These are a harbinger of climate in the latter part of the 20th century if we do not take action to reduce emissions from combustion of fossil fuels - and production of greenhouse gases from other sources such as waste and agriculture - immediately."
WMO report at a glance
2018 saw new records for ocean heat content in the upper 700 and upper 2000m, topping the previous record set in 2017. More than 90 per cent of the energy trapped by greenhouse gases goes into the oceans and ocean heat content provided a direct measure of this energy accumulation in the upper layers of the ocean.
Sea level continued to rise at an accelerated rate. Global mean sea level for 2018 was around 3.7 millimetres higher than in 2017 and the highest on record. Increasing ice mass loss from the ice sheets was the main cause of an acceleration observed over recent times.
In the past decade, the oceans absorbed around 30 per cent of anthropogenic CO2 emissions. Absorbed CO2 reacted with seawater and changes the pH of the ocean. Observations in the open-ocean over the last 30 years had shown a clear trend of decreasing pH. In line with previous reports and projections, ocean acidification was ongoing and the global pH levels continue to decrease.
Arctic sea-ice extent was well below average throughout 2018 and was at record-low levels for the first two months of the year. The annual maximum occurred in mid-March and was the third lowest March extent in the 1979-2018 satellite record. The September monthly sea ice extent was the sixth smallest September extent on record. The 12 smallest September extents had all occurred since 2007. At the end of 2018, the daily ice extent was near record low levels. The Antarctic sea ice extent reached its annual maximum in late-September and early-October. After the maximum extent in early spring, Antarctic sea ice declined at a rapid rate with the monthly extents ranking among the five smallest for each month through the end of 2018.
The World Glacier Monitoring Service monitored glacier mass balance using a set of global reference glaciers with more than 30 years of observations between 1950 and 2018. They covered 19 mountain regions. Preliminary results for 2018, based on a subset of glaciers, indicated that the hydrological year 2017/18 was the 31st consecutive year of negative mass balance.
The secret services of France and Belgium are plotting to stage a false flag chemical attack in Syria to frame Moscow, the Russian Defense Ministry said. Agents of the two countries are cooperating with terrorist leaders in Idlib.
Militants, occupying large parts of the Syrian province of Idlib are readying a false flag attack involving chemical weaponry, the head of the Russian Centre for Reconciliation in Syria, Major General Viktor Kupchishin said on Friday.
The attack is being prepared in close cooperation between operatives of Belgian and French secret services and terrorist groups, including the rebranded Syrian Al-Qaeda offshoot – Hayyat Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS, previously known as Al-Nusra Front). Apart from them, the “pseudo humanitarian,” as the General put it, White Helmets group is also taking part in preparations.
A batch of poisonous gas, believed to be chlorine-based, has been already delivered to a number of villages in the Idlib province. The poison is packed in canisters disguised as oxygen and natural gas tanks, according to the Russian military.
The plotters have discussed the filming of the upcoming false flag attack and are expected to repurpose footage of a recent Russian strike on a drone warehouse in Idlib to “prove” Moscow’s involvement.
While the “actors” are offered some $100 for playing the roles of chemical attack victims, there’s a distinct possibility that the militants will poison people for real to make the video more “lifelike,” the official warned.
It’s not the first time Russia has warned about a false flag attack involving chemical weapons, revealing details about it to the general public. Last September, the Russian military issued a string of warnings of an imminent false flag attack in Idlib, accusing the notorious White Helmets group of being behind it. The attack would be used by the West to launch – again – airstrikes on Syrian government troops, according to Moscow. The incident, however, never happened – probably since it was exposed beforehand.