OH! Russia "Respectfully
Reminds" Turkey that those
breaking the cease fire will
be declared "Terrorists" -
Strongly recommends
Turkey Avoid Placing Itself
on that list!

February, 2016
"cease-fire" in Syria is on shaky ground into Day two, with
sporadic fighting, with most areas remaining calm. It appears,
however, that Turkey is the largest "violator" of the cease
fire, through its continued shelling of certain parts of Syria.
just moments ago, at 5:15 PM eastern US time, "respectfully
reminded" Turkey that both Russia and the US agreed "any
party which does not abide the cease-fire will be added to the list
of terrorist groups." Russia then "urged" Turkey
to "mind its actions to avoid placing itself on
that list!"
between the lines, folks: It seems that what Russia is really saying
is: knock it off, or we target YOU.
could get dicey.
Turkish Gov't MEMO Proves
Turkey Covertly Recruiting
and Housing Al-Qaida
Terrorists to Fight Inside

February, 2016
months of DENYING they are assisting Al-Qaida and other terrorists
inside Syria, the government of Turkey has been caught red-handed
doing exactly that!
A memo
written, issued and signed by Muammer Guler the Turkish Interior
Minister is shown below:
to Google Translate, the memo says:
Hatay province
Number: 21714546-47201 (81340) 224-5826 / 42438 Date 3/15/2013
Subject: Provision of by providing regional interests of the Turkish Republic (TR) comprehensive support for the Mujahideen Dzhebhat al-Nusra, leading the fight in Syria against the strengthening of the positions of the Syrian Kurdish "Party of Democratic Union" and thus preventing the expansion of the separatist organization "PKK" in the framework following claims. Placement of the Mujahideen in the welfare facilities belonging to public institutions of your province (Hatay).
number 2013/12
Under the leadership of the National Intelligence Organization TP carried out to ensure the transition from the Mujahideen inside your province to Syria to fight against the separatist organization "PKK", leading its expansion due to the Syrian representative - "Party of Democratic Union."
Under the leadership of the National Intelligence Organization TP carried out to ensure the transition from the Mujahideen inside your province to Syria to fight against the separatist organization "PKK", leading its expansion due to the Syrian representative - "Party of Democratic Union."
these Mujahideen, for the most part, are persons of Chechen and
Tunisian nationalities related to the organization Jebhat al-Nusra
and coming into our country from different countries. At the same
time, the importance given to the issues of intelligence officers
with the necessary support and assistance, with full provision of an
adequate level of security and privacy.
seems appropriate to place the Mujahideen in guest houses, under the
jurisdiction of the Ministry of TR religion, as well as in public
Province hotels on the direct orders of the National Intelligence
Organization TP.
During the implementation of activities related to the implementation of this circular, you must pay particular attention to the privacy mode.
During the implementation of activities related to the implementation of this circular, you must pay particular attention to the privacy mode.
Details and requirements suppose assume particular importance.
Muammer Guler
Interior Minister TR
(as translated by GoogleTR)
is now irrefutable proof that the government of Turkey has recruited,
supplied and supported terrorists from the Al-Qaida affiliate
"Al-Nusra Front" as part of an effort to forcibly overthrow
the government of Syria. This is, in every aspect, and act of
war by Turkey against Syria.

man under whose name this memo was issued, and who apparently signed
it himself, is Foreign Minister Muammer Guler, pictured at left.
This is no low level lackey; he was the Foreign Minister of Turkey!
Hence, a state-sponsor of terrorists.
anyone in the United States government knew about this, and continued
to do business with or provide support to the government of Turkey,
then that member of the United States government has committed a
felony violation of 18 USC 2339(b) "Providing material support
to foreign terrorist organizations."
legal logic works like this: If Turkey paid money or used its
public housing resources to house affiliates of Al-Qaida, then
Al-Qaida did not have to use its own money to do
so. Thus, Al-Qaida could use the money they would have spent
for such housing. . . . on something else. Therein lies the
material support of terrorism by this Minister and his country!
await seeing the Commander-In-Chief and some of his top Generals
being given a "perp walk," in handcuffs, for providing
"aid" to Turkey, thus allowing Turkey to "aid" Al
Qaida, making the CIC and his generals who knew about this,
wonder if the Military Police will be able to find some "convening
Authority" to file charges under the UCMJ to put a stop to our
own country aiding Al-Qaida affiliated terrorists.
as of Oct. 2015. Click to see the full-size map
February, 2016
has given Ankara a deadline of ten days to show good will by
“significantly” reducing the influx of refugees and migrants
across the Aegean Sea, otherwise Europe will no longer be able to
avoid the closure of national borders in a row, that was said today
in an analysis of the Paris newspaper “Le Figaro”.
which was set by the German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere,
refers to both Ankara and Athens and the other capital cities which
have not restrained wave of newcomers, and the time limit is not
accidental, because it will be in exactly 10 days, at a summit of EU
and Turkey, time to draw a balance of “pact” which has so far
caused only disappointment on both sides, writes the French daily.
Chancellor’s is, as noted by French daily, under the pressure of
the internal deadline, since in less than a week, on March 13, her
Christian Democratic Union is threaten by loss, to the benefit of the
extreme right-wing, in the three key regional elections, the first
ballot since the beginning of the 10-month crisis in which Berlin
found itself, and that for the ruling party could be an ”
punishment “.
March 7th we want to note a significant decline in the number of
refugees at the Turkish-Greek border,” Thomas de Maiziere said,
adding that if this does not happen, Europe needs to take additional
German minister did not specify exactly what measures he has in mind, but he said that “we’ll see when the time comes.”
message, however, several diplomats interpreted as a “catastrophic
scenario”, in which Berlin drastically reduces the number of
refugees that will be received, after he strongly urged them to come
last year.
In that case, the border across Europe would be closed, in a chain reaction, which for Schengen, could be a sign that this zone came to an end, as it was said by the unnamed ambassador.
In that case, the border across Europe would be closed, in a chain reaction, which for Schengen, could be a sign that this zone came to an end, as it was said by the unnamed ambassador.
with its precautionary measures, showed how this might look, while
Greece, where disembark almost a million newcomers for a past year,
could soon become their final destination, concludes “Le Figaro”
as quoted by Tanjug.