Tuesday 14 August 2012

Guy McPherson in Auckland, New Zealand

Here is another video of Guy McPherson giving a presentation in Auckland, New Zealand in June, 2012.

Apart from the fact that Guy was not suffering from a bad cold this video is very clear and the presentation is slightly different.

Produced by Deep Green Productions

Guy McPherson - Building a Durable Life

Part 1 - "Our Environment - By the Numbers"

Part 2 - "The Durable Life" Building a Durable Life

Part 3 - Q & A


  1. Whatever it is you are really desiring, give it away. If it's companionship, give it to someone else, and just listen to them and be there. If it's money, give it to someone who is less fortunate. If it's encouragement, give it to others. If it's friendship, become the best friend you can be to others. If it's time, serve others with your time. You will be amazed to see how much more of everything you have when you are willing to freely give. Cheap Flights to Auckland | Flights to Auckland | Cheap Air Tickets to Auckland

    1. I suppose that people who avail themselves of cheap flights might be making their contribution to burning up oil (as suggested by Guy in a humourous moment). Otherwise people might find it pretty offensive that you are advertising in this way.


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