Thursday 9 August 2012

Information and disinformation in the Syrian civil war

I would be the first to acknowledge that in wars there are atrocities on both sides and that it is very difficult to find the truth in situations of war.

There is, however no doubt that we are being fed propaganda, half-truths, lies and disinformation in our western media.

This next article which certainly does not come from a disinterested party (Iran's Fars News Agency) is as shocking as any of the massacres ascribed to Syrian government militias.

Terrorists Hang Shiite Child after Killing Family Members
TEHRAN (FNA)- Terrorists in Syria hanged a small Shiite child after killing all his family members in Damascus, human rights activists in Iraq unveiled on Monday.

6 August, 2012

According to a report by Iraq's Qanon news website, Iraqi human rights activists said that armed rebel groups attacked the house of a Shiite Iraqi family in the Seyede Zainab neighborhood in the capital city of Damascus, killed all members of the family and hanged the last one, a little child. 
The footages and pictures of the rebels' brutality which surfaced online in the last few days are revealing the terrorist nature and the war crimes of the opposition fighters in Syria.

The massacre is said to have badly damaged the western-backed rebels and opposition forces' ability to claim the moral high ground in their fight against Damascus and showed their accusations that Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces are conducting war crimes are nothing but lies.

Meantime, Saudi Wahhabi cleric Mohammad al-Arifi has called on Syrian armed groups to prevent leakage of the pictures and footages of their attacks against Syrian army and civilians.

In his Tweeter page, Arifi asked rebel groups to continue their attacks and intimidation against Syrian people but do not allow a release of the pictures and footages of their operations.

In a similar crime last week, terrorists in Syria brutally executed 15 civilians in the Northwestern city of Aleppo on charges of supporting the Bashar al-Assad government.

The terrorist members of the so-called Free Syrian Army on Tuesday attacked Al Berri family in Bab al-Neirab neighborhood in Aleppo who are famous for their pro-government stances, and kidnapped 15 family members and executed them in front of a local school.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011 with organized attacks by well-armed gangs against Syrian police forces and border guards being reported across the country.

Hundreds of people, including members of the security forces, have been killed, when some protest rallies turned into armed clashes.

The government blames outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorist groups for the deaths, stressing that the unrest is being orchestrated from abroad

This next video has being doing the rounds on You Tube and serves as yet another example of how the news out of Syria is being concocted.

I suppose if you are a western media corporation with interests in common with the western governments and you have no direct access to Syria you might have to make it all up.

Judge for yourself what you think is going on

Caught: Staged CNN Syria Interviews Faked By Activist Danny

Syria activist Danny, the poster child to justify a military invasion in Syria, caught staging entire CNN interviews including directing fake gunfire off stage.

Raw video footage of the Syria activist Danny as he waits to do a live video interview with CNN shows him directing off-stage fake gunfire and explosions, as well as being directed to tell CNN he has been retrieving the bodies of civilians from buildings that collapse due to Syria army mortar fire. It also shows Danny totally exaggerating a sense of fear and urgency as he goes from being totally calm, smiling and even somewhat bored before the on air interview starts to acting totally scared, hysterical and pretending he is in the middle of a war zone as soon as the actual interview starts.

I have condensed footage of the original video to remove 5 uneventful minutes of watching him waiting around before the interview because most people will not stay interested long enough to get to the parts were he starts directing his off-stage actors to start the faked off stage gunfire. Also below are two detailed reports from the Intel Hub and Infowars on this incident, which outline more faked activist reports and other crimes committed by the rebels.

HERE is "official" coverage (from the Washington Post) of 'the voice of Homs' , who has now left Syria

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