Thursday 6 March 2014

Neo-nazis in the Ukraine

In my opinion the following videos provide an inkling of what is at stake in the Ukraine.

Demonstrations that started last year against the government of Yanukovich and government corruption that started, as far as I can see, with a grassroots movement by Europe-orientated Ukrainians were taken over by fascist mobs.

The video sequences really speak for themselves, even if you don't speak Ukrainian or Russian.

It has been revealed to day that the snipers that killed demonstrators were not Yanukovih's Berkut, but hired by extremists on the Maidan.

This is why Russian- speaking Ukrainians are afraid for their language, and even for their freedom, and are willing to contemplate Russian military assistance.

Do these people represent a tiny minority? Of course they do! But they exercise power and influence beyond their numbers.

Here is an unusually balanced account from Radio NZ

Neo-Nazi Takeover? Ultra-nationalists take center stage amid political chaos in Ukraine

The threat of neo-nazi ideology is causing alarm in Ukraine. The country, home to over 13 ethnicities, is now rocked on a daily basis by shocking videos - uploaded to Youtube by some of those who came to power following the ousting of President Yanukovich. Maria Finoshina reports

12 videos showing why Ukraine fears and stands up to radical nationalists

3 March, 2014

Ukrainian ultra-nationalist groups actively fought on Maidan to overthrow President Yanukovich. Now as the fierce riots in Kiev are over, they are unwilling to give up their violent ways, unleashing their “revolutionary” power against local authorities.

They hide their faces behind masks. They wear jeans and camouflage, helmets and bulletproof vests. Their arsenal is not rich, but it's quite powerful: spiked ball maces, baseball bats, batons, spades, and flames. Under the guise of "self defense units,” they attack activists without distinction in Kiev.

On February 15, activists from 'For a Clean Kiev' gathered to sweep up the mess, collect trash, and dismantle the barricades across the city’s main central square that was at the heart of the revolt. But radicals blocked them from doing so.

Armed youngsters then chased down the crowd of activists, knocking them off their feet and beating them with batons and bats.

Hapless onlookers were dragged into the scuffle. One man with his face covered in blood said he was shielding his wife when a group of five to 10 “Maidan protesters” suddenly attacked them and battered him with baseball bats.

Ultra-nationalist groups that took an active part in overthrowing the ruling regime at Kiev’s Independent Square now want to repeat their success in other regions of Ukraine.

A far-right network of groups called Right Sector has its own agenda. They are less interested in Ukraine’s association with European Union, focusing instead on the “national revolution

They want “Ukraine for Ukrainians.” Its members salute in a Nazi style and shout nationalist slogans like “Glory to the nation! Death to enemies!"

Far-right activist Aleksandr Muzychko, aka “Sashko Beliy” (Sasha White) definitely has his own style of negotiating.

The Right Sector was armed and will be armed till the time when it will be necessary,” Muzychko said, dressed in camouflage. As if to prove his words, he pulled an AK-47 machine gun out from under the table of a local Ukrainian parliament.

You did not give us this weapon and you will not take it away. Who wants to take away my machine gun, my pistol, my knives? Let them try! As Americans say, ‘God made every man different; Sam Colt made them equal!’ I will put aside my Kalashnikov only when order in Ukraine is restored,” he said.

In the video, titled “Sachko Communicates with a Prosecutor,” he hoarsely yells at a prosecutor of Rovno (Rivne) Oblast after being told a criminal investigation into a local murder is being delayed.

Snatching the prosecutor’s tie, Sashko threatens tie him up with a rope and pull him to Maidan.

Another far-right activist, Igor Mosiychuk – aka “Moisha” – is a member of 'Patriots of Ukraine.'

He proudly calls himself a “Ukrainian nationalist.” In this video from 2010 found on Youtube, he is seen haughtily playing with weapons.

Igor Mosiychuk was sentenced to six years in January this year for plotting the demolition of the monument to Lenin, but has just been released as “a political prisoner.” He almost literally stepped from prison to a Ukrainian TV station where he shared his group's views and threatened “harsh punishment” to those who try to split Ukraine. He called on the Right Sector to move on Crimea.

Negotiations between far-right groups and local authorities seem to be far from constructive and peaceful. Ultra-nationalists, accompanied by masked people in camouflage with batons in hand, show no respect.

The people of Vasylkov don’t want ultra-nationalists in their city, which is located some 25 kilometers from Kiev. A verbal fight between the two groups risks evolving into real clashes.

So, who are the 'Patriots of Ukraine?'

The Patriots of Ukraine is a well-structured group that mainly consists of football ultras, professional raiders, and militants. They all undergo illegal military training, using real weapons, in various parts of Ukraine.

From a right-wing website, Storm Front

'I'll be fighting Jews and Russians till I die': Ukrainian right-wing militants aiming for power

22 February, 2014

Kalashnikov-wielding members of Ukraine's radical nationalist opposition group, Right Sector, have pledged to resort to arms in their fight against those involved in "lawlessness" and looting, saying they will shoot to restore "order and discipline."

"I warn you, if anyone in this town, this area, engages in 'lawlessness' and looting, Right Sector squads will shoot the bastards on the spot. Then there will be order and discipline," one of the radical nationalist opposition group leaders, Aleksandr Muzychko, said on Friday.

On February 21, when Berkut police officers arrived in the western Ukrainian town of Rovno from Kiev, Muzychko said that if he met them on a battlefield, his hand "would not tremble."

"I would shoot," the Right Sector leader declared in Rovno, where his supporters have already equipped themselves with Kalashnikov rifles.

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