Thursday 27 March 2014


A sad waste of resources
Sochi after the Olympics

26 March, 2014

The future of the Sochi Olympic venues is unclear.

Alexander Valov, a Russian reporter for BlogSochi, visited Sochi’s “coastal cluster” — the group of six venues, Olympic Village, and Olympic Park that was built from scratch on an undeveloped plot of land — and he took some eerie photos this week.

He called the area around the Olympic Village “Dead City.”

The photos are a reminder that much of what was built for the Olympics has no long-term use.

While a few arenas and other buildings have plans going forward — the media center is being turned into a mall! — the Russian government is still behind schedule on post-Olympics planning.

Valov’s photos, which we’re republishing with his permission, should serve as a warning for what could become of the “coastal cluster.”

To see the photos GO HERE

1 comment:

  1. Most of the times these get sold to the public in due course. As the season opens up, there should be some sales activities.

    It happened in India after the Asian and Commonwealth Games as well and became desirable addresses to live in because they we actually much better planned than the rest of the available infrastructure.

    I agree that there is some hurried construction activity...consistent with most govt projects shoddy construction issues crop up everywhere, .

    There is much that this helps with too...having the stadiums and facilities, will bring Sochi on the Russian training map, help run regional sports general..." If you build it, they will come" still works for most developing countries.

    As a third world resident, I rather have this infrastructure available than not. The development and planning is usually of a higher quality due to the inputs and requirements of the Olympic committee. We do have to look at the issue through local lenses and I hope there will be a follow up article on what the locals feel about it.


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