Wednesday 20 February 2013

A deflection campaign

If in doubt, deflect the blame onto beneficiaries! Anyone remember Jenny Shipley and her “dob in a benefiary” campaign?

Government cracking down on benefit fraud

20 February, 2013

The Government has announced it is cracking down on benefit fraud, including creating a new offence for the partners of beneficiaries convicted of the crime.

Associate Social Development Minister Chester Borrows said on Wednesday that, at present, it is difficult to prosecute people who know of or gain from fraud committed by their partners.

Mr Borrows said law would be changed to ensure that both parties who benefit from the crime are punished.

"It may be hard to prove, but by creating this offence then you don't have people who are wilfully turning a blind eye.

"You often have this situation where everyone in the neighbourhood knows the relation is going on and they're also aware of the circumstances of the beneficiary living there and where the partner may well be working."

The Government would also introduce new ways of dealing with beneficiaries who have previously been dishonest and remove the need to inform a beneficiary they are being investigated for fraud.

It will formalise information sharing between ACC, Inland Revenue, Housing New Zealand Corporation, police and the Ministry of Social Development.

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