Saturday 16 February 2013

Greek unemployment

Greek Youth Unemployment Tops 60%

14 Febraury, 2013

Optimism it seems is all that matters (or is all that is allowed) as we are battered by dismal data left, right, and center. Of course, a reflection on the markets tells any 'smart' person that it all must get better - or why would stocks or sovereigns, or EURUSD be where it is? However, the 6 out of 10 15-24 year olds in Greece (61.7% to be exact) would beg to differ with that view of the world (as their economy grinds to a halt) - and with Spain reaching new highs at 55.6% (as well as the Euro-zone over 24%),all the bureaucratic lip-service in the world won't stop the revolt that is coming we fear

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