freely admit to being a bit obsessed with the Guardian. I am far more
familiar with the British media than the US.
"Those out to demonise Hillary Clinton should be careful what they wish for”
The Agenda is Set: Elect the War-Hawk for the Sake of “Progress”
by Kit
Hillary Clinton is the most qualified person to “rule the world”, if she can get around the “insane” US Constitution
June, 2016
the democratic nomination now officially all but certain (Sanders,
quite obviously, never had a chance), the Guardian has thrown their
full editorial weight – such as it is – into a pre-emptive
defence of Hillary’s record and an hysterical celebration of the
“progress” that the election of this particular bank-backed,
corporate-bought, war-hawk would (apparently) demonstrate.
there was Jonathan Freedland’s anaemic
plea that
Sanders’ voters get in line and stand with Clinton against the
“true enemy”, Jill Abramson followed
with gushing sentiment and
simpering praise. And then? Then came Polly
Toynbee, going full Guardian.
Never go full Guardian.
Those out to demonise Hillary Clinton should be careful what they wish for”
in this instance, seems to mean “accurately describe her political
career and possible criminal activities”. If you can demonise
someone by holding a mirror up to their face, chances are that person
is a demon.
The choice of the next US president is now so stark that it’s time the left put aside its sneers and pray that this strong woman will get to rule the world”
the world?” Does the US president rule the world? I think I missed
that particular UN resolution. As I recall, the POTUS doesn’t even
wield supreme executive power within their own nation, the US
constitution prevents that…but we’ll get to that later.
for the starkness of the electoral field – I have to say I agree
with Toynbee there. The choice between a bombastic orange
billionaire, who sometimes seems to be running for president as an
elaborate prank, and a proven corrupt and dangerous war-hawk, backed
by lunatics like Victoria Nuland is indeed a stark one. Nuclear
winter type stark. Perhaps literally.
This is a time to celebrate. At last, a woman leads a major US party to fight for the presidency.
At last, a woman. It doesn’t matter who the woman is, what she has
done, how much she cheats to get there. Irrelevancies used to
“demonise” her. Hillary is a woman, and thus her being president
is A Good Thing…because progress. This is going to be key to
Clinton’s campaign, and you
will hear it a lot.
It’s one of only 2 real tactics the Clinton camp have at their
disposal. “What’s the other”, you ask? Simple: Lying. A
lot of lying.
…as the first woman to enter the White House, she will also step through the door as by far the most qualified and experienced arrival there for generations…”
this isn’t technically a lie…but only because we don’t know
what Toynbee means by “qualified”. If being a shambolic Secretary
of State and highly unpopular first lady makes you qualified then
sure. If being proven to lie
for your own benefit,
time and time again, makes you “qualified”, or being firmly
behind every
American military intervention for
the past 25 years…then I guess Hillary has qualifications to spare.
…a searing firestorm of abuse…Why so fierce, so unreasonable, so vitriolic?”
is called a strawman. Having made a statement, one which is not
backed up by any citations or quotes, she will attempt to “explain”
this fictional phenomenon with some cloying cod psychology:
If you are naturally left of centre, especially if you are a woman, yet you find you instinctively dislike her, ask yourself why. There may be some good reasons…
liberal traitors – especially the female liberal traitors – why
do you “instinctively” dislike Hillary Clinton? I mean
there may be some good
reasons, for example:
…she’s not as radical as Sanders; she is not a natural rabble-rouser at rallies; she is the wife of a past president; she’s called “robotic” in her careful choice of words; and as a flesh-presser she warms the cockles of few hearts.
rephrase: You may not like her because she has no principles, is a
bad public speaker, her election reeks of nepotism or she comes off
as cold and sociopathic. Toynbee volunteers these facts – and we
should note that these are the qualities the media list when they
are trying to make her look good.
are others: You MAY not like her because she planned and executed
an illegal
coup in Honduras,
the destruction of Libya and execution of its head of state, she
backed the Afghan and Iraq wars, she lied to cover up for a pedophile
by blaming
his 12 year old victim,
the many alleged crimes, or any of the other callous and dreadful
instances of dishonesty and self-aggrandisation she
has taken part in.
are the reasons you MAY think justify your “instinctive” hatred
of this woman. But Toynbee knows better. She knows why you REALLY
don’t like her – It’s because you’re a misogynist who doesn’t
understand how tough it is for a woman:
If women of the left do break into the bastions of power, the sisters often view them as sell-outs to the establishment, as if permanent outsiderdom and victimhood is the only true mark of feminism.
see? You “instinctively” dislike her, because you assume she must
be a member of the establishment. That is the burden of the female
“liberal”. You start a few wars, attend a few
Bilderberg conferences,
get a few million dollars donated to you from the most powerful banks
in America, speak at the Council of Foreign Relations a few times and
suddenly – BOOM – you’re viewed, unfairly, as part of the
putting aside the forced gendercentric argument and massive
intellectual dishonesty, there’s some far more worrying agenda
being whispered subliminally into the minds of Guardian readers here
– Hillary’s greatest opponent is not the republicans, it’s not
the patriarchy, it’s not the other women who so resent her rise to
it is the law itself:
Unlike most, she knows how to wield the power levers, insofar as the insane US constitution allows any president to carry out their manifesto.
United States Constitution is insane folks. I’m not sure which
specific part of the most important
egalitarian legal document of
all time Toynbee has taken issue with – and she declined to answer
when I asked her on twitter. But there’s a lot of good places to
one thing: Limiting the power of the chief executive, making them
answerable to the legislative body in order to prevent tyranny? That
is obviously stupid when your head of state is a WOMAN who only wants
to be nice. No, that has to go. The three separate branches of
government should obviously be reshaped into a supreme executive with
control over both legislative and judicial bodies. After all, how can
you expect to implement a “manifesto” when you don’t have
absolute power?
speech? Well, this is an antiquated notion, from a time before
“progress” when people didn’t understand what was definitively
correct. Now we have reached consensus on what is “right” and
what is “wrong” there is no need for freedom of speech – and in
fact it is a hindrance, as people will only abuse their “right to
free speech” by spreading propaganda, or broadcasting opinions
which we have all agreed are wrong. As the
Guardian has made clear many
times, free
speech is meaningless if
people use it to bully and disenfranchise minorities. If free speech
is being used to inflict hatred and tyranny on women, ethnic
minorities or the trans community, then what use is it? Free speech
doesn’t mean hate speech…but unfortunately banning hate speech
DOES mean banning free speech sooo….yeah.
to bear arms? Absolutely crazy. The very idea that civilians having
access to firearms is important as a general principle in guarding
against tyranny is foolish. There isn’t going to BE any tyranny
anymore, because we’ve handed absolute power over to a woman who
has banned the “tyranny” of “free speech”.
frightening statement gives us a flash of the future – of the
agenda already set in place. The US constitution has been largely
ignored and misinterpreted for years to excuse totalitarian laws,
such as the Patriot Act. But when Clinton is president, it will come
under full-blown attack. Make no mistake: Clinton will be president,
there’s no doubt about that. The election will be fixed, either
literally like in 2000 and 2004, or more subtly by simply making the
alternative bizarre and unelectable – as in 2008 and 2012. The
latter possibility even explains the rise of Trump.
don’t know if the man is genuine or not, I don’t know if he
really believes he can win, but I understand his role. He is there to
guarantee a Clinton victory. That’s why the press talks up his
“violent” supporters, and balloons any and every tiny comment he
makes into “racism” and “sexism”. He exists so that people
like Toynbee can say this:
Outside, the world looks on aghast at any possibility America could choose a racist, sexist brute over a feminist with a long track record of standing up for the right causes.”
have there be a tiny kernel of truth to it. A very tiny kernel.
professional wrestling. It’s fake, everybody knows that, it only
just barely pretends to be otherwise. An elaborate action-based soap
opera, with wild stunts and expensive tickets. That is all that
American democracy has become. In wrestling it is predetermined who
will win, they have labels for their wrestlers. First there is the
the hero, the good guy. He fights fair, he has a noble cause. He
wears the American flag like a cape. When his music pipes up, we
cheer because we’re supposed to. And the other guy? He’s
the Heel.
He’s obnoxious, he cheats, he’s mean for mean’s sake and smiles
when we boo. And when your Face is Hillary Clinton, you need a HELL
of a big Heel. Enter Donald Trump. A cartoon character. The
caricature of the everything we’re supposed to hate about the GoP.
fact that Clinton has still somehow contrived to be behind him in the
polls tells you all you need to know about the desperate struggle the
media face in turning Clinton into a believable hero.
Clinton WILL be President. But it won’t be a sign of progress, it
will be a neon display highlighting everything that has gone wrong
with the American political system. It won’t be because she’s a
woman, or a liberal, or an idealist. It will be because she sold her
soul to finance her ambition for fleeting prestige and the appearance
of power.
Rarely has any candidate so deserved their place.
this case I tend to agree with Toynbee – never before has a
candidate SO obviously worked SO hard to become president. Never
before has a candidate so brazenly sold out the values they were (at
best) pretending to hold dear. Never before has a candidate so
artlessly and obviously lied about so many things. Never before has a
candidate been so open and obvious about the Faustian pact they
needed to make to get where they want to go, so obviously played the
political game of the oligarchs who really run the country, in order
to get her pay-off.
such as Toynbee’s will appear on the regular all through the
campaign, all variations on a theme, all attempting to re-write
Clinton’s history and hinging on the worst kind of puddle-deep
identity politics. The truly tragic part is that they KNOW they are
lying, they KNOW they will be called on it, they KNOW what they ARE,
and they resent us for telling them. That’s why they say stuff like
And if you want a reminder of what women like her are up against, just read the comments that will no doubt follow this.
comments, as you’d expect, were full of people commenting on her
obvious bias, pointing out her half-truths and correcting her glaring
factual errors. In the world the Guardian wants Clinton to build,
this will be called “demonisation”.
it will be illegal.
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