the source this seems like confirmation of what has been said for
some time now
price of gold has been manipulated. This is more scandalous than
July, 2012
new media and the 24-hour news cycle have a great deal to answer for,
not least encouraging a political class which would otherwise be
happily engaged expensing duck houses into the belief that it should
demonstrate perpetual action on our behalf – hence the endless
stream of badly drafted legislation from the corridors of Whitehall.
does, however, reveal things that would otherwise be ignored. The
issue of manipulation in the gold market which I wrote about last
week is a case in point. The ball of half-truths and downright lies
which have surrounded the issue for a long time is beginning to
unspool in an issue internet activists kept alive long before it was
acknowledged by the mainstream media.
ask why the issue is important at a time of naked market manipulation
of the Libor rate. The answer is simple: the Libor manipulation
scandal can be seen as the thin end of the wedge in terms of
government market manipulation.
Libor manipulation affects the interest rates we pay on all number of
credit products, gold market manipulation is more serious still.
price of gold is traditionally a proxy for the value of money. A
soaring bullion price is indicative of a lack of faith in fiat
financial system is predicated on the notion that money stands as a
proxy for the factors of production – capital, labour, land and
short, the abundance of money in the economy should be related to the
abundance of those factors. The harder we work, for instance, the
more we create. There is more labour in the economy, therefore a rise
in the money supply is legitimate in order to mirror this. There is
nothing wrong with printing money per se so long as the printing
reflects an expansion in the real economy.
and Twenty-First century economics appears to have done away with
this. Money is now created ex nihilo to feed both the top and bottom
ends of society.
printing or Quantitative Easing is mainly of benefit to two parties.
Firstly, the Government, which is able to borrow more and borrow
cheaper than it otherwise would have done. This is because QE money
is used to buy bonds, forcing down yields.
Government uses this money to finance both existing debt and an
expansive welfare state which bribes large portions of the population
to accept a life of hellish boredom and dribbling docility in
exchange for £70 a week in dole money. Such payments are not a
genuine transfer of the fruits of existing production within an
economy; they are borrowed. They help governments electorally at the
cost of the vigour of society.
the top end, Quantitative Easing money goes directly to banks, who
are able to sell their government bonds at a profit. In theory they
may use this to even up their balance sheet. In reality they
frequently use it as stake money at riskier tables.
both cases, paper money has been stripped of meaning. It is no longer
a reflection of production nor any of its components. It now simply
exists of its own right – but it can survive as a measure only for
so long as the government keeps such printing in small enough doses
that the de-leveraging does not become apparent to workers.
with everything in economics, there is a correctional market
mechanism for this scenario – the flight to commodities,
particularly precious metals like gold. Gold holds its value when
paper money loses value, because it is beyond the gift of the
government to simply will gold into being and give it to friends in
high places or voters in low ones.
gold has been manipulated downwards and if that process continues,
then all recourse to a store of value (other than land and property)
has been taken from the individual.
value of our money is falling thanks to Quantitative Easing. Fixing
in the gold market takes away one of the key hedges for those with
cash assets but no property.
true fall in the value of money is probably better seen through the
rise in house prices since the 1980s – a much better reflection of
the market mechanism thanks to the suppliers being so large and
because of the lack of a two-way interplay between house prices on
the street and derivative products for traders.
any case, it would appear that the Libor scandal at Barclays has
acted to draw out more market figures willing to claim openly that
organised price fixing has occurred in gold.
Naylor-Leyland, investment director at Cheviot, a British investment
firm, had the following to say on CNBC the other day (H/Tt Chris
the aftermath of the Libor scandal, the Bank of England complained
that it had received no forewarning from the marketplace.
price manipulation may well be the next big scandal to break – if
it does, this time nobody can say that they were not warned.
a mea culpa – the tonnage figure quoted in the original article
certainly undershot the true extent of the short position held by the
US bank in question. It was very difficult to get accurate tonnage
figures from anyone I spoke to for the article, and I took a pithy
aside relating to a “couple of tonnes” rather too literally in a
desire to include some. The true extent would have been far greater
as many of you pointed out in the discussion board below the article.
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