Friday 13 July 2012

Massicve solar flare

Sun unleashes strong X 1.4 class solar flare

July 12, 2012 SPACE 
– Big sunspot AR1520 unleashed an X1.4-class solar flare on July 12th at 1653 UT. Because the sunspot was directly facing Earth at the time of the blast, this is a geoeffective event. 
Stay tuned for updates about possible CMEs and radio blackouts. 
The UV and X-ray pulse from the flare will have partially ionized Earth’s upper atmosphere on the dayside of our planet, disturbing the normal propagation of radio signals.

Space Weather


X1.4 Solar Flare + CME

The silence is broken! A major and long duration eruption reaching X1.4 around Sunspot 1520 peaked at 16:52 UTC Thursday afternoon. Type II and IV Sweep Frequency Events were recorded. This event was also responsible for a Strong R3 Radio Blackout on the sunlit side of Earth. A Coronal Mass Ejection was also produced and looks to be Earth directed.

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