Has Its 'Let Them Eat Cake' Moment - Another Milestone Reached
the pampered Spanish princess said, 'screw them all' rather than 'let
them eat cake.' She is only saying what most of the Western elite are
thinking about 'the problem of the hoi polloi.'
July, 2012
the brazen theft of customer money by a well-connected financier, I
said I was waiting for another shoe to drop, another milestone to be
reached on this cycle of history.
should add that a single instance of something obviously does not
make a trend. It is the trend that is of significance. Do the
perpetrators become emboldened, or does a horror of recognition bring
things back into balance? No one wakes up one morning and decides,
"I think I shall become a monster." Evil is a process of
abnormality with which one becomes increasingly familiar,
accepting,-- comfortable.
next step in the rise of statism is capital controls, media
suppression, and the increased repression of dissent by physical
means and censorship. After that is the singling out of certain
ethnic and religious groups for 'special treatment,' and campaigns to
establish the 'otherness' of select targets. This could also be
related to some age or class group, or even the disabled.
then murder, first occasional and then systematic. It may take the
form of starvation, denial of medical treatment, non-elective
abortion, or euthanasia at first. Hopefully we will not progress as
far on the cycle as any of these latter stage developments.
is a note from a friend about a news item that has not penetrated the
Anglo-American news media yet.
is implementing its latest austerity package. Spanish PM Mariano
Rajoy Raises VAT 3pc in Shock U-Turn
the Prime Minister Rajoy said to their National Assembly that they
must cut benefits to Spain's unemployed, Miss Fabra was apparently
caught on video shouting, "Screw them all."
damage control groups are now trying to explain that Miss Fabra was
not saying 'screw them' to the unemployed, who the Prime Minister was
talking about, but rather 'the Socialists,' who favor things like
benefits for the unemployed.
is sparking quite a bit of anger in Spain, as one might imagine,
which is suffering under very high levels of unemployment and facing
further austerity cuts.
oligarchy appears to be a bit backward and thuggish. Rather than
clumsily rigging lotteries and construction projects, they would be
better off forming a banking cartel, rigging market prices, and
stealing a little from everyone, every day, on every transaction.
Then you can be a Very Important Person, dress well, have Congressmen
publicly kiss your ring, and still gorge yourself at the trough of
public corruption without marring your cufflinks.
every one of these troubled countries that I examine, although the
blame tends to fall on the 'lazy and foolish' many, if one scratches
beneath the surface they find a corrupt core of greedy insiders,
oligarchs, who have been inflicting economic distortions and pain on
the public in the service of their own sense of entitlement.
should come as no surprise to anyone that major commercial banks
manipulate Libor submissions for their own benefit. The OTC
derivatives markets was designed by the big banks, for the big banks,
to ensure that as they set up their own private securities exchanges
- away from regulatory scrutiny - they could control the interest
rate settings. Money center commercial banks did not want the "truth"
of market prices to determine their loan rates. Rather, they wanted
an oligopolistically controlled subjective survey rate to be the
basis for their lending businesses."
& Co
is sophisticated financial corruption. That is progress.
an erudite friend in Europe:
after PM Rajoy announced that the government was going to cut the
benefits the unemployed receive, a PP congresswoman, Andrea Fabra,
daughter of Carlos Fabra, was caught on camera applauding and
shouting "Que se jodan" - which translates roughly to screw
them all.
Fabra was appointed Parliamentary Advisor at the age of 24, straight
out of university. Her father has "won" the lottery at
least 7 times, and is under multiple investigations for corruption.
mangent de la brioche.' France, late 18th century
se jodan!' Spain, early 21st century
least, back then, they had better manners."
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