years ago I came across this shocking website which identifies and
lists what this extremist website calls “self-hating Jews” - just
about every fair-minded Jew of any note.
everyone who has to watch their ‘P’s’ and ‘Q’s’ and
tippy-toe around the question of the State of Israel.
am full of affection for all my Jewish friends but cannot stay silent
about the nature of political Zionism and how it has infected much of
the religion as well (but not all – have a look at the Jewish sects
that reject the State of Israel)
have always watched Brother Nathaniel (an anti-Semite if ever there
was one) with great discomfort. I have just learned that he is yet
another “self-hating Jew” and that makes a real difference to me.
I found a reference to him in an article so I decided to check. The following video came with this warning:
seems thaI to criticise the State of Israel and its
genocidal policies is 'hate speech"but calling for
the geocoding of "anti-Semitic" Semites is not.
is the only "democratic" country that is given a completely
free-pass. They are allowed to be as racist as they like - towards
their own as well as towards their Palestnina neighbours - even
up to advocating for genocide.
the early-1980’s I dated a Russian Jewish girl and can confirm,
from my visits to homes and to the local synagogue that much of what
Brother Nathanlel talks about here with reference to attitdes to
the Goyim is quite true
Self-Hating and/or Israel-Threatening
Self-Hating and/or Israel-Threatening
Aalto, LauraAaron, Scott "RABBI" Associate Director of the Arie and Ida Crown Memorial Foundation in Chicago , Illinois
![]() Despite all our efforts to root out all the toxic Self-Hating, Israel-Threatening voices out there, we somehow missed this guy... all the more incredible considering he's fat enough to have his own ZIP code! ![]() Aarons is a member of the "Peace and Freedom Party", of which he is probably the only member. Its platform? In his own words, "to struggle against oppression in general and the United States ruling class in particular... personally I object to the flag as a symbol of the U.S. empire." Now isn't that profound? And so original. Unless, of course, you hang around other potheads. We all know a Jewish mind is a terrible thing to waste. In Aarons' case, it's toxic waste that's IN his brain! Here's more pollution... "I support and encourage struggles on all fronts against the U.S. imperialist ruling class and its allies at home and around the world. One of my main concerns has been showing solidarity with the people of Palestine against U.S.-enabled Israeli oppression.... "Why does Israel have a "right to exist" as apartheid state? Israel" is an apartheid European settler colony and has no "right to exist". ![]() ![]() ![]()
Further, "The reason the Democrat Party won't be any less murderous toward Muslims than the Republicans are is that they are totally in the pocket of the Israel Lobby. U.S. imperialism is capable of mass murder even without Zionist encouragement. But Zionist influence certainly plays a big role in turning the fangs of the AmeriKKKan beast specifically against Arabs and Muslims... Jews must act against Israel and Zionists. We Jews are already being blamed, unjustly, for the massive rip-offs by a small number of mostly-Jewish bankers. But, given that so many Jews are openly supportive of the Zionist terror-state, the rest of us had better speak and act forcefully against Israel and its enablers if we don't want to be JUSTLY blamed for its crimes."
Aaron is not totally inflexible when it comes to Israel's Jews. "When the number of dead Zionists catches up with the number of dead Palestinians, then maybe I'll start worrying about the former." Gee, thanks for your qualified support. Now go screw yourself. We mentioned earlier that Aarons was big enough to have his own ZIP code but didn't. To make up for that, he has created for himself an array of email addresses... at least six (one for each ton) that we know of: kpfa@aarons.fastmail.fm, aarons@USERMAIL.COM,indyathens@aarons.f-m.fm, aaron_aarons@hotmail.com, ukindy@aarons.f-m.fm and the one he used to contact us... fuckIsrael@aarons.f-m.fm. L E A V I N G T O X I C W A S T E Z O N E ![]() Aaronsohn, Elizabeth "Liz" At the mid-October, 2011 Occupy Hartford [Connecticut] rally , far-left professor Elizabeth Aaronsohn (Central Connecticut State University) thrilled the crowd by reading a letter of support from Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI), which calls on "academics and intellectuals in the international community to comprehensively and consistently boycott all Israeli academic and cultural institutions as a contribution to the struggle to end Israel‘s occupation, colonization and system of apartheid." Note that this Omar Barghouti is a well-known vocal opponent of Israel’s right to exist and is not to be confused with Marwin Barghouti, leader of the Fatah Tanzim who was found guilty of three terror attacks, involving the deaths of five Israelis and remains a permanent "Guest" serving five life sentences in one of Israel's top security prisons. Even Aaronsohm gets these two Bharghouti confused!!! See video on commentary half-way down this page! Aaronsohn is also a supporter of "Jewish Supporters of Palestinian Refugee Right to Return". She also signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! She also uses her position as a university professor to bully students click Here
Aarts, Paul
![]() Abarbanel, Avigail This former Israeli citizen is now a resident of Canberra, Australia, president of the Australian National Network of Counselors and a practicing psychotherapist-counselor. As a counselor, she wants the Israelis and the make-believe "Palestinians" to begin "a journey of healing together." It appears part of that healing process is to charge Israel with war crimes!!! Since the start of the second Intifada in September of 2001, "I have been speaking out in support of the Palestinian people... I want to reach Palestinian people in the hope of providing some comfort... I cried many tears for my people all my life. But now it is time for me to cry for the Palestinian people... The list of injustices and crimes against the Palestinian people is long... Israeli aggression has to be stopped immediately and the Palestinian people must be protected." "The Palestinian fight for liberation and independence from Israeli occupation is conveniently called terrorism. Israel does not face any danger for its existence and it is the aggressor [see three examples below #1] in this conflict. Palestinian attempts at retaliation such as suicide bombings are cruel and inexcusable but they are the action of the desperate [see another three examples #2] . In my profession when we deal with domestic violence our first priority is to stop the violence and make sure the victim is safe... no one blames a battered and abused wife if once in a while she tries to fight back." "When all the Palestinians are gone Israelis will have to live with their blood on their hands... I do wonder how they are going to live with this and what impact it will have on them... It is time to recognize the sins that we have committed against the Palestinians, ask them for forgiveness, invite them back into the country that was their own for thousands of years, and make the brave decision to begin a journey of healing together." Of course, invite in 5 million Arabs --- outnumbering and overwhelming the Jewish population and THEN turn loose your "desperate" friends so they can murder up close and personal.
![]() ![]()
![]() ![]() ![]() "Desperate Suicide Bombers" according to psychologist Avigail Abarbanel [Left] Note Koran in hand [Middle] Note Koran on right leg... and mother wishing him a fond farewell [Right] Text on video screen says "I'm motivated to commit this act in order to satisfy Allah." "Desperation? We don't see "desperation" except for Abarbanel's desperate" attempt to excuse murderers of Jews! We DO see, however, Islamo-fascist brainwashing!
What would turn a Jewish girl into a vicious self-hating Jew? Perhaps a read of her accounting of her relationship with her mother... "the most dangerous person I have ever encountered in my life and I was her victim... will explain why she does what she does. If you can stomach more from this crazed loonie (who attempted suicide twice), click here. A plea to Avigail Abardanel: If at first (or twice) you don't succeed, TRY, TRY AGAIN... PLEASE!
Abdela, LesleyAbel, Elizabeth
Abel, Heather Abel, Laura Ruth New York, NY Abeles, Ben Branford, CT Abeles, Steve Knoxville, TN Abelove, Henry ![]() Abend, Noa Jerusalem, Israel. She objects to "apartheid Israel as an act of solidarity with the Palestinian people, including LGBTQ Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexual, Trans-gendered, Queer] Palestinians... We call on LGBTQ communities to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people in their struggle against Israeli violence. Putting words into action, we call on LGBTQ communities across the world to endorse the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel until it complies with full international law, including an immediate end to the occupation and colonization of Palestine, a dismantling of the wall, an end to war crimes against the people of Gaza, and for the Palestinian Right of Return... Israeli atrocities and crimes against humanity. Dissociating ourselves from Israel’s brutal policies is the only non-violent way now to avoid becoming complicit in the killing, the wounding and the maiming, and the robbing of Palestinians."
Abendstern, George Rochdale, Lancashire, England. Member of Jews for Justice in Palestine. "Israel represents a major link in the world network of repressive and racist regimes. Its nuclear weapons capacity... is a danger to the entire Middle East, and to the whole world... the Zionist structure of the state of Israel is at the heart of the racism and oppression against the Palestinian people, and should be dismantled."
Abendstern, Jeanette Another sick Jew from Rochdale, Lancashire, England and member of Jews for Justice for Palestine. ![]() Aberle, Stephen This Vancouver, British Columbian singer is a steering committee member for Jews for a Just Peace . He may say they care deeply for Israel and believes that Israel has the right to exist and endure. However, everything else about that group is completely in the Palestinian Arab camp. For example, he says, "We must no longer abandon our Palestinian sisters and brothers to a similar fate that our Jewish elders and ancestors righteously fought or escaped throughout our history. How dare he compare the 5,000 year history of the Jews to a made-up "Palestinian" national identity begun in earnest since only 1967! And since when are Jew and ARABS "brothers and sisters!" Further, he is particularly concerned about the "legal and moral rights of the expelled Palestinian refugees." The fact that the Arabs initiated the two wars ('49 and '67) which led to their refugee status doesn't factor into the equation! He also adds, "We [should] take a stand for human rights and against injustice." Interesting comments from a man who looks the other way when an Israeli school bus goes up in flames but whines like a weasel when a single leaf on an Arab fig tree gets bent! Perhaps justice and human rights apply only to his "Palestinian brothers and sisters?" Oh, yeah, we almost forgot. He also wants a "Right of Return" for millions of "Palestinians"... yet another way to threaten the existence of Israel. And who should compensate those so-called ARAB "Palestinians" who choose not to flood into Israel or live under Arafat's brutal thugocracy? Of course Aberle also supports the Israeli "refusnik" soldiers who refuse to join the IDF and defend the state against an influx of those returning Arabs! "Compensation of other [Palestinians] who choose not to return is well within the means of Israel and its international backers." TRANSLATION: Hold Israel [the Jews!] responsible for wars started by the Arabs and then get the Zionist conspirators (American) to add to the pot. Note:Some of the above information was taken from Marxism-Thaxis , a "forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marx and the thinkers he inspired." Do we detect the scent of a radical Marxist-Leninist socialist revolutionary? Abernethy, Ron Englewood, NJ ![]() Abileah, Rae She is the co-director of CODEPINK Women for Peace and is a co-organizer of Occupy AIPAC, Stolen Beauty boycott of Ahava cosmetics, and Women Occupy. Rae is a contributing author to 10 Excellent ![]() This certifiable attention-grabbing nut-job well known for her near hysterical theatrics... and sagging titties [photo, right]. For example, in Nov. 8 2010 she interrupted a Netanyahu speech both at the Jewish Federation General Assembly in New Orleans and at his speech at the the U.S. Congress by screaming out, " No more occupation! Stop Israel war crimes! Equal rights for Palestinians! Occupation is indefensible!" In this regard she follows the same script as another Code Pink nut-job, Medea Benjamin!
Ablow, Rachel
Abod, Jennifer Aboulafia, Shlomo Abraham, David Abraham, Josef Abrahami, Guy Tel Aviv University Abrahami, Rachelle New York, NY Abrahams, Paul Abrahamson, Estelle New York, NY Abrahamson, Rose Abram, Eliahu Legal Adviser for Public Committee Against Torture in Israel [PCATI] Abram, Ruth Abramovici, Ayala Ann Arbor, MI , Graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania Abramovich, Dorit Abramowitz, Ilana Brooklyn, NYAbramovitz, Tessa Executive committee member of Jewish Voices Abramowicz, Marc Abramowicz, Mark Abramowitz, Yosef Abrams, Allen Prairie Village, KS ![]() Abrams, Arthur J. "RABBI" Signed a petition, "Rabbinic Call for a Shared Jerusalem," which concluded that "the pursuit of both justice and lasting peace requires that, in some form, Jerusalem be shared with the Palestinian people." After all, "the Old City, the area of greatest contention, has a population of 30,000; of its residents some 90% are Palestinians." Is there a reader out there in Internet Land who can explain to Rabbi Abrams and those other imbeciles who signed this petition that (1) the Old City's Jewish Quarter was destroyed by the invading Jordanian Army in 1948-9 and all Jewish residents were either murdered or driven out. An another thing. Have this bald-headed baboon of a rabbi read "You've Been Had" which explains who his so-called "Palestinians" really are. Abrams, Denise Abrams, Diane "RABBI" New York, NY Abrams, Ivan Tucson, AZ Abrams, Miriam Abrams, PaulaAbramowicz, Marc Psychotherapist, Belgium Abramowitz, Ilana Brooklyn, NY Abrams, Rochelle (Dr.) Silver Spring, MD Abrams-Hourani, Paula This Nashville, TN and Vienna, Austria (where Hitler was born) Jew signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! Abramson, Adiv Abramson, Rochelle North Bergen, NJ Abramson, Ruth Herndon, VA Abramson, Craig (Dr.) Princeton, NJ ![]() Abramson, Nic Woodstock, NY He accuses Israel of "Crimes against Humanity" in this YouTube video
Abramson, Zivit Tel Aviv, Israel
![]() Abranovitch, Dorit Abrans, Diane "RABBI" NYC, NY Abromowitz, David ![]() Abromovitch, Dorit Abusch, Ra'anan Shaul Professor of "Eunuchs and gender transformation." Cambridge, MA Abusch-Magder, Ruth Maplewood, NJAbusch-Magder, David Maplewood, NJ ![]() ![]() Achtenberg, Anya ![]() Achtenberg, Deborah (Prof.) Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, NV Achtenberg, Emily Ackelsberg, Irv Philadelphia, PA attorneyAckelsberg, Marilyn K. Manchester, NJAckelsberg, Robert Manchester, NJ ![]() One must wonder how this American professor would so quickly sign the LGBT-OUT (the Lesbians/Gays/Bisexuals andTransgendered of the University of Toronto) petition yet give so little support for Israel --- the ONLY nation in the Middle East which has always allowed such life style freedom of choice and expression. Ackerman, Claire This recent graduate of Columbia University's School of General Studies served as a volunteer with the Arab American Family Support Center in Brooklyn. She is interested in human rights issues in the Arabic-speaking world... including "Palestine," where she will no doubt focus on the "Israeli aggressors" while seeing Arabs as only victims. In fact, she already signed the Columbia University petition demanding, among other things, that Columbia University (1) to use its influence--political and financial--to encourage the United States government to suspend its military aid and arms sales to Israel, and (2) to divest from all companies that manufacture arms and other military hardware sold to Israel, as well from companies that sell such arms and military hardware to Israel. Ackerman, David Adam, Galit Yet another leftist linguist who express a unity against Israel. Adam, Zach Adams, Anna Adams, Mimi Adams, Miriam Adams, Sheherezade Missoula, MT Adan, Bo Researcher in the University of Oregon College of Education Alternate email bojadan3@efn.org Adas, Jane Addelman, Mike Adelman, Alan Alderman, Deborah Adelman, Janet (Prof.) Professor of English Adelman, Mike Adelman-Sage, Sybil New York, NY writer Adelson, Beth Adiel, Ellie Woodbury, NY Adini, Elad Rehovot, Israel Adiv, Ehud "Udi" He and several other leftists were members off the Revolutionary Communist Alliance - Red Front. This underground group collaborated with the murderers of his fellow Israelis and were found guilty of helping to form an "espionage and sabotage network." In the early 1970s Adiv was accused and found guilty for spying for the Syrians and sent to prison. For offering hisservices to the Syrians but ended up serving a 17 year sentence. Adiv and the others traitors are all out on the streets now. In Adiv's case, his streets are at the Israeli taxpayer-funded Open University and is being hailed as a hero by an increasing number of Israeli leftists and media personalities. [Note: Other Israelis who were part of this spy ring were Dan Vered, Yehezkel, David Cooper and Rami Livneh.] Ehud Adiv currently lives in Israel, lately divorced from his wife Sylvia. Sylvia is the daughter of Marcus Klingberg, who was convicted in Israel for passing biological warfare secrets to the Eastern Bloc. Is this the Israeli version of "All in the Family"? Adiv-Ginach, Michal Adivi, Stav Adkins, Rainer Waldman Seattle, WA Chairperson for the Greater Seattle Chapter of Brit Tzedek v’Shalom and serves on Brit Tzedek’s national board. He is an artist and educator, and a member of Congregation Beth Shalom. Adland, Jon "RABBI" Rabbi Adland is one of those nice guys we almost hated to add to our list. After all, who could not like a nice Jewish boy who speaks out for abortion rights (even if they're unborn Jews) and same-sex marriages? But what sent out the red flags was his strong support for a group called "Rabbis for Human Rights" [RHR]. For those of you unaware of RHR and what they stand for (and what they DON'T stand for), here's a quick over-view: In a nutshell, RHR campaigns for "Palestinian" justice and "Palestinian" civil and human rights. A Jew defending himself is anathema to RHR especially when that defense is against the poo' poo' ancient [yeah, right!] "Palestinians"! In the first place, there are no such people called "Palestinians." They are simply A-R-A-B-S, most of whom moved into a geographical area once inaccurately referred to as "Palestine." See http://masada2000.org/historical.html for more. RHR is obsessed with rebuilding Arab homes and re-planting Arab olive trees. It matters little that these particular homes were build illegally or that Arab terrorists were shooting from behind olive trees. What matters is that Israel is trying to maintain the Jewish character of the Jewish State while also trying to dodge Arab bullets! Arik Ascherman [the leader of RHR] and his group claim to be concerned with human rights. At best they are naive. Perhaps they are disingenuous. At worse, they are enemies of Israel. Those who support RHR [like Rabbi Adland] also fall into one of these three groups. Although there is no doubt that many rabbis ( Rabbi Adland included) are well-intended, RHR's campaign ultimately shifts the public's focus away from Arab terrorism and aid the Arab propaganda machine whose sole purpose is to de-legitimaze Israel, Zionism and Jewish ties to the Holy Land. As much as they might claim their projects are strictly humanitarian, Rabbis for Human Rights and similar left-wing groups have a clear political agenda: to stigmatize Jewish self-defense as repression. These mischief-making rabbis and those rabbis who support them are (1) reinforcing Arab intransigence and rejectionism, (2) masquerading as an outreach to enhance Jewish-Arab coexistence and (3) assisting the Arabs' public relations offensive against Israel. As a final thought... take a look at http://www.betterworldlinks.org/book102.htm. This obviously pro-Arab web site lists some of the most virulently anti-Israel and anti-Jewish groups on the face of the earth. Rabbis for Human Rights is listed there! As they say, "Birds of a feather...!" Adler, Anne Roslindale, MA Adler, Donna M. Altimari Adler, Frances Adler M.D., Frederick Adler, Glenn An American academic who is now a senior lecturer in Sociology at the Marxist and rabidly Israel-hating Wits University in Johannesburg , South Africa. He said in an interview with South Africa's The Star newspaper that he cannot identify as a Jew today because of the link between Judaism and Zionism and only considers himself "historically" as Jewish. Professor Adler, don't do us Jews a favor. You have our permission to discard every shred of your Judaism! Adler, Josie This South African Jew who signed a January 2009 petition condemning Israel's retaliatory attack on Gaza.
Adler, Karen (Dr.)
![]() ![]() Adler, Lisa This New York native from a Latin American Jewish family. She spent several weeks in "occupied Palestine" in 2002 working in solidarity with Palestinians. She is a member of the International Jewish Solidarity Network. In the photo she can be seen chaining herself to block an entrance to the Israeli Consulate in protest to the Israeli attack on Gaza. ![]() Adler, Louise This far-Left Jew is associated with a group called Independent Australian Jewish Voices, which advances a progressive view of the conflict in the middle East. In the space of 12 months, Melbourne University Press, of which Adler is the chief executive, published two stridently anti-Israel books, Jacqueline Rose’s The Question of Zion and Antony Loewenstein’s particularly notorious My Israel Question . In 2005 she organized a session at the festival for British author Jacqueline Rose, also a hardline critic of Israel, challenged what it sees as extreme pro-Israeli bias among Jews in Australia. Adler, Moshe Adler, Muriel Beaverton, OR Adler, Paul S. Adler, Rachel Associate Professor of Jewish Religious Thought and Feminist Studies at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles. Adler, Rutie An Israeli who coordinates the Hebrew Language Program at UC Berkeley (where else!#!), Professor Adler has been at the forefront of the anti-Israel economic divestment petition drive. The basis for her activity is her charge that Israel continues to violate the human rights of three million Palestinian Arabs. Adler is such an extreme racist that she can't see past her hatred of Israel to where real problems exist in the world. Rutie Adler.s name even made it to the neo-Nazi Stormfront website because of her adamant support for anything against the Jewish state. Adler, Taffy Head of the Johannesburg Housing Company. This South African Jew signed a January 2009 petition condemning Israel's retaliatory attack on Gaza.
Adler-Bressler, Susan (Dr.) Alamo, CA
Adler-Gordon, Steven Newtonville, MA Adler-McDonald, Sarah Berkeley, CA One of the signers of a petition urging Berkely Hillel [Jewish campus organization] to not allow Daniel Pipes speak on campus... "We are concerned that Hillel's sponsorship of this event gives the false appearance of an endorsement of his views from the Jewish community. Pipes has used his stature to espouse some of the most vilely xenophobic sentiments that we have ever heard from a modern American public figure. Pipes portrays a world so threatened by Islamism that Muslim organizations are inherently dangerous, Muslim public relations groups are inherently dishonest, and Muslim names are red flags. While Pipes claims to differentiate between "bad" Islamists and "good" moderate Muslims, he is so relentless in his insistence that violent Islamism is the most urgent of threats that he defames the religion he claims to respect." So much for the Jewish left's proverbial protection of freedom of speech! Adlerblum, Joelle Amherst, MAAdmenko, Elaine Fort Lee, NJAdmoni, Miri Sde Zvi Israel. On her Facebook page is a large "Boycott Israel" signAdoni, Udi Currently working with the Jenin Freedom Theatre, ![]() Aelony, Zev Minneapolis, MN This Nonviolent civil-rights activist refused military service saying "it is the most heinous of crimes to participate in an armed gang,..." He thinks even less of Israel. Aelony also endorses the work of Brit Tzedek. As trhey say, "Birds of a feather..." Afec, Adi Tuscon, AZ ![]() Afek, Dina Tuscon, AZ Afo, Amy This Fornari, California Jewess grew up in the Jewish suburbs of New York City and currently lives in San Francisco. Afo has been living in Jerusalem and Ramallah for the summer learning about the occupation and solidarity work in Palestine. When not in Palestine, Afo provides daily support for people living with disabilities in the San Francisco Bay Area. Previously the executive director of SVARA, a "queer yeshiva dedicated to the serious study of the Talmud." She recently signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! Agagian, Amy (Dr.) Somerville, MA, Suffolk University - Boston Agassi, Judith Buber Agate, Susan Evanston, IL Agnon, Amotz Agnostini, Barbara Italy Agre, Deborah This Director of Donor and Community Relations at The Breast Cancer Fund in San Francisco is a participant in the Middle East Children’s Alliance delegation to Israel/"Palestine." She also signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! On March 30, 2009 she signed an online petition of "Progressive Jews" calling the boycott of Israel not anti-semitic. Agre, Jessie Philadelphia, PA Agur, Shmuel Kiryat Tivon, Israel Aharoni, Ada Aharoni, Ron Prof. of Mathematics, Technion Aharony, Ofer Ahrens, Carleton Houston, TX ![]() Ahrens, Constance (Dr.) Sociologist and Psychologist ![]() Ahuvia, Aaron Department of Management Studies, Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI ![]() Ahuvia, Aura Aigen, Ron "RABBI" Ainsworth, Haim West Hollywood, CA Aizer, Daniel Tel Aviv / Jaffa ![]() Aizikovich, Tanya This young Jew is a member of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition. She's against demolition of illegally built Arab homes and even those homes of homicidal Arab bombers but she is not against demolishing Israel's security fence which keeps out those very Arab murderers! ![]() Ake, Wendy She is a graduate of Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio where she organized with The Committee for Justice in Palestine a student and community group and other social justice organizations. While active with CJP, she worked on the group's divestment campaign. She currently works with Badil, the Palestinian Resource Center for Refugee and Residency Rights.
al-Kahttab, Yousef see Cohen, JosephAlabaster, Emma Student, LaGuradia High School, Brooklyn, NY Emails: Auntie_Em0000@aol.com (?) or ea896@bard.edu (?)
![]() Alaluf, Mateo As a Marxist Professor residing and teaching in Europe, Alaluf has made a career of contributing to the calumny of Israel supposedly being the racist capitalist exploiter of Arabs. Mateo's writings lend legitimacy to the unremitting attacks on the Jewish state emanating from Europe. Like most anti-Semites today, Alaluf ritually insists to any audience that he is not anti-Semitic; he just promotes boycotts of Jews in Israel and helps foment and provide intellectual cover for hatred of Israel's Jews from Europe. He is not out to harm other Jews in Europe where he lives, he claims, but only those pesky Jews who live in a Jewish state and defend themselves. Alaluf also works in cooperation with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Movement in the United Kingdom, lending them his name and support as an academic, urging boycotts of Israeli academicians and Israeli businesses. Alaluf also signed a petition in year 2000 claiming along with other European Jews that the Palestinian "resistance" was "legitimate". The petition[12] he signed, translated from the French stated, "We estimate that the combat by the Palestinian people for national independence is legitimate." Albala, Nuri Attorney, France Albats, Yevgenia M. Alberstein, Chava [Hava] "Because of the situation we're in, [referring to the incessant Arab terrorism] we can't concentrate on other people's suffering. I think this is the worst price for the occupation, that we are losing our capacity to have mercy on others. Nobody has exclusive rights to suffering." Chava [Hava] was one of the original supporters of the "Palestinian" right of return. She is one of the most prolific Israel singer-producers of all times. Has she literally sung her brains out? Albert, Arnold Albert, David A. This Comparative Politics professor at the University of Texas-Austin is co-moderator of the Salaam-v-Shalom discussion list and spreader of the Michael Lerner Tikkun message. He is also co-founder and a national board member of Brit Tzedek v'Shalom (a Hebrew name designed to make it sound pro-Israel... which it is not). Albert, Jeanne Albert, Judy Albert, Michael Albert, Ruth Matthews Albert, Stew ![]() Albertini, Francesca Yardenit Email 1 Email 2 This Israel-bashing Jewess is a Professor of Jewish Philosophy at Albert-Ludwigs University in Freiburg, Germany. What on earth a nice Jewish girl is doing in a country that was responsible for the slaughter of 6 million Jews is something this wiener schnitzel will have to straighten out later with HER G-d! Professor Albertini and Masada2000.org had an interesting email exchange. To review this email exchange, click Here. Update: She died on March 27, 2011.
Albertson, Eric Carle Place, NY
Albouze, Paula ![]() Albrecht, Lisa D. This Associate Professor, School of Social Justice, University of Minnesota Minneapolis, MN is also the former managing editor of Evergreen Chronicles: A Journal of Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Cultures. In August 2006 she signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! Albright, Sally A. Grand Rapids, MI Albritton, Phyllis Taub Blacksburg, VA Jew turned Presbyterian ![]() Alcalay, Ammiel This NYC writer/poet and member of the Medieval Studies and Comparative Literature faculty at the CUNY Graduate Center calls for a boycott of all Israeli Artists Alcon, Gabriel Brooklyn, NY Alderblum, Joelle Alderman, J.R. This London art historian calls for a boycott of all Israeli Artists ![]() Alewitz, Mike Mike is a "labor muralist." Mike cut-off jeans and a single earring. Mike is a Marxist. Mike hates Israel. Now for a few of his thoughts..."Israel is a colonial-settler regime that has grown through periodic military conquest. Every time Tel Aviv invades, annexes or occupies land by force of arms, right-wing American supporters dutifully step forward to legitimize the crimes by invoking the holocaust and demonizing the Arab people. Such is the case now.... Atrocities committed against Jews, both real and fictitious, are used to justify the expansionist aims of the Israeli regime... Palestinians have been robbed of their land and wealth, but they continue the fight for social justice. The Zionist rulers of Israel now possess land and wealth, but they have lost their humanity... There will be no peace in the Middle East until there is justice for the Palestinians... A two-state solution for Palestine is a pipe dream. There is only one answer to the cycle of violence the establishment of a democratic, secular Israel/Palestine." Alexander, Dana Alexander, Sara Israeli musician living in France Alexander, Jack ![]() Alexander, Jason (Played George Costanza on "Seinfeld") Click Here for full report on this short, fat loser! Alexander, Lynne Alexander, Michele This Bethesda, Maryland health researcher calls for a boycott of all Israeli Artists Alexander, Phyllis ![]() Alexander, Sara ![]() Alexander, Seymour British Jew who signed a petition stating among other things, "We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land. We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state that even now engages in ethnic cleansing, that violates international law, that is inflicting a monstrous collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza and that continues to deny to Palestinians their human rights and national aspirations." Alexandrowicz, Ra'anan ![]() Algazi, Gadi This Marxist historian at Tel Aviv University led a march of Arabs supporting Hezb’Allah. Alhanan, Erik Aliyuddin, Karen Aliyuddin, Suriana Alkalay, Tom Alkon, Gabriel Alland, Alex Allen, Douglas Allen, Francine Joy Whittaker, MI Allen, Joan Kramer Allen, Sheila Allen, Terry ![]() Allen, Woody Allen Konigsberg (this twerp's real name) said "I am appalled beyond measure by the treatment of the rioting Palestinians by the Jews... Perhaps for all of us who are rooting for Israel to continue to exist and prosper, the obligation is to speak out and use every method of pressure moral, financial and political to bring this wrongheaded approach to a halt." Not so funny, Woody! All this moral condemnation from a man accused of sexually assaulting his step-son and who had a sexual relationship with his step-daughter (1/3 his age) and then married her! Is this the same Woody Allen who spent his entire life making movies in which he exemplified a pathetic, anal-retentive Jew and now suggests that the brave Israeli soldier behave the same? In an August 4, 2004 article, Jack Engelhard put his finger on the real Woody Allen... "Real Jews, according to Woody Allen, whine, worry, reflect and dither. No time for action; there is so much deep thinking to be done." What say we all boycott all Woody Allen films?
Allies, Paul Professor at the university of Monpellier, france
![]() Almagor, Dan This Israeli poet, songwriter and researcher of Israeli music wrote lovely patriotic (or, more precisely, idiotic) poem called "We Shoot Children Too, Don't We?" Here are a few excerpts: "What will they say, Of those terrible beatings, The brutality, Of houses blown up, And most of all, the humiliation. That humiliation... Mean, arrogant, and dumb. Who do we think we are? Who gave us the right To be so deaf, so dumb?... And our children now shoot theirs With lead, plastic bullets, and gas." Israel is in a continual existential threat from its blood-thirsty Arab neighbors, including the fictitious "Palestinian People." This is not the time for homo-pansies to write one-sided anti-Israel poetry. He is, perhaps, best known for bringing the musical Fiddler on the Roof to Israel. But he sees distinct parallels between Israel's treatment of Palestinians in Gaza and the Tsar’s soldiers treatment of the Jews of Anatevka. In an interview with The Jewish Chronicle he said: "To this very day, tears fill my eyes each time I see the officer tell Tevye and the other Jews that he’s sorry, but they should evacuate their homes within three days. Even a genius author such as Shalom Aleichem had never thought that the great-grandsons of Tevye and his fellow Anatevka deportees would one day discover a much simpler, humanistic, method to convey such a message: a phone ring and a recorded message, announcing: ‘You have 10 minutes to evacuate your homes." After the outbreak of the first intifada in late 1980s, Almagor responded to reports of acts of brutality and murder by the Israeli military. "I suddenly realized that we’re doing there the very things which, as I was told throughout my entire childhood, were done to us Jews." After he read the poem at a rally in a 1989 rally, he received dozens of death threats and his car was set on fire. Almagor, Gila Alman, Heidi Almog, Ayelet Santa Cruz, CA Almog, Tamar Tel Aviv Almi, Orly Head of Physicians for Human Rights' (PHR) project on unrecognized villages in the Negev. "The brutal siege and bombing of Gaza is a heinous crime." No, Orly Almi, YOU'RE a heinous crime!
Almi-Hantke, Noga
Alofs, Ben Aloisio, Laurie Sacramento, CA Co-Chair of the AIDS Housing Alliance Alom, Bosmat Israeli videographer Alon, Chen Alon, Osnat Alon, Yaara ![]() Aloni, Shulamit She has always been free with the Nazi-Jewish equation, calling then Prime Minister Netanyahu a "good student of Goebbels" and accusing religious Jews of "drinking from the same wellsprings as the Nazis." She also said, "The Israeli government places the Palestinians in a concentration-camp-like situation. Should we delay our protests until they are also ![]() She also has a deep contempt for the religious Jews of Gush Enunim and is convinced they are "bloodsuckers... snakes... suckling from the most darkest urges that the Nazi horror suckled from. They are greedy, domineering, evil, primitive, immoral, parasitical and power-hungry." ![]() Aloni, Udi This American-Israeli filmmaker, writer, and visual artist stated that Israel's "violations of human rights are precisely the reason why many Jews all over the world have joined the BDS (Boycot, Divestment and Sanctions) campaign... a key issue for those of us who are trying to prevent violence against Israel while simultaneously countering its arrogant and aggressive policies against the Palestinians living under its rule." Sounds like Aloni is justifying such violence against Israel's arrogance and aggression! Click HERE to watch and listen to this leftie quisling judenrat bullsh*t artist as he states, "The only way I can perform my Jewishness now is with the unconditional solidarity with my Palestinian brothers and sisters." Warning: Grab a barf bag. Then he took a few more totes from his bong and drew Noah into the conversation... "The occupation and the racism are not trickle-down evil, they are the deluge itself, pouring down on our beloved common land. Artists may not have the power to stop the deluge, but they must not be part of it. Perhaps maybe, just maybe, they are the ones who can build Noah’s Ark, which will cherish the values of justice and solidarity until the sky is clear again." Forget the B.D.S. campaign. Just get a "load" of Udi Aloni's B.S.! ![]() ![]() ![]() Aloni, Yuli Tel Aviv "Israel has returned to openly committing war crimes, worse than what we have seen in a long time... Israel`s destructive criminal policy will not cease without a massive intervention by the international community... We are calling on the world to stop Israeli violence and not allow the continuation of the brutal occupation. We call on the world to Condemn and not become an accomplice in Israel`s crimes." On her Facebook page Yuil lists a few of her "Interests": Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement, Gaza TV News, Tent No. 1948,Activists around the world for Palestine. She is the sister of another anti-Israel activist, Alison Carmel Ramer... who has even more "Interests".
Alper, Johanna Inst. of Taoist Education and Acupuncture Boulder, CO
Alper Joseph S. U. Mass. Alper-Sandler, Blair (Dr.) Marxist, San Francisco, CA Alpern, Robert In August 2006 this Jewish member of Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community, Healdsburg, California signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! Alperovitz, Gar Alpers, Benjamin L. Univ. Oklahoma Alpers, Paul Univ. Calif.-Berkeley
Alperstein, Melanie University of Cape Town · Education Development Unit, Faculty of Health Sciences. This South African Jew signed a January 2009 petition condemning Israel's retaliatory attack on Gaza.
Alperstein, Neil This South African Jew who signed a January 2009 petition condemning Israel's retaliatory attack on Gaza.
Alpert, Alana ![]() Alpert, Rebecca "RABBI" Philadelphia, PA Alpert, Thomas "RABBI" Brookline, MA Alpher, Barry Washington, DC Apher, Rogel Alpher, Yossi Writes for Peace Now and co-edits the Bitter Lemons web site. Alster, M. Reuben Alston-Follansbee, Emily Concord, MA Alter, Ann Ilan NY,NY Alter, Karen J. Northwestern Univ. Alterman, Eric Click Here for Information Altimari-Adler, Donna M. Downers Grove, IL Altman, Anita Altman, Colman Technion, Haifa Altman, Heidi Altman, Janina Chemist (retired) from the Weizmann Institute, Haifa, Israel. "We condemn the brutal policy of the Israeli government aimed at destroying the Palestinian society, the Palestinian economy and the elected Palestinian leadership headed by President Yasser Arafat. The erection of the "apartheid wall" is a further device to help the ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people." "We are deeply worried by indications that the "fog of war" could be exploited by the Israeli government to commit further crimesagainst the Palestinian people, up to full-fledged ethnic cleansing." She also wants to have an alternative Nobel Peace Prize to Tali Fahima. What kind of chemicals has Dr. Altman been sniffing all these years! With Judenrats like Altman, who needs Hanan Asrawi? Altman, Renni "RABBI" This Great Neck, NY rabbi signed the "Rabbis for a Shared Jerusalem" [with the so-called "Palestinian Nation"] petition. What Masada2000.org wrote about Rabbi Peter Haas goes for this clown as well. Altshuler, Galit Member of European Jews for Just Peace, Germany Alvarenga, Arlette Retired consultant, France Alwan, Dunya Amado, Honey Kessler One of the founders of the Progressive Jewish Alliance Amakam,Ofra Amar, Netta ![]() Ambalu, Shulamit "RABBI" Amiel-Hauser, Tamar Amiel-Hauser, Tammy Amighi, Janet Kestenberg This Adjunct Professor Sociology/Anthropology at Pennsylvania's Immaculate College is a member of the anti-Israel Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. Amihai, Shulamit Aminov, Eli Aminov, Nitza Aminzade, Ron Univ. Minnesota Amir, Chaya Amir, Delila Aviv, Merav Cohn Institute of History and Philosophy of science and Ideas, Tel Aviv University
Amir, Mia Israeli-born organizer, poet living in Vancouver, BC
Amir, Shmuel Dr. ![]() Amir, Yehoyada Director of the Israel HUC-JIR rabbinic program and a professor of modern Jewish philosophy at Hebrew University. He was formerly an active member of Peace Now. Amit, DanielAmit, Hadas "I am not willing to wear the uniform of an organization responsible for killing and destruction, and acting in a waydetrimental to the environment. Say What??? "Every country, Israel included, should act by peaceful means alone, and even if attacked, not respond with fire." [Say What???] "It is wrong to maintain a military force trained for war and killing." [What else would an army be trained for!] "This is altogether contrary to the pursuit of peace and coexistence with our neighbors in the Middle East." Maybe she'll remove her rose-colored glasses when Hamas and Hizb'Allah missiles start landing on her head. Amit, Itae Amir, Oded Amit, Perelson ![]() Amit, Yali Professor, Departments of Statistics and Computer Science, Univ. of Chicago Amit, Zalman Amit is an Emeritus Professor of Psychology at the Center for Studies in Behavioral Neurobiology at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada. He is an Israeli expatriate who specializes in human behavior. But Zalman Amit’s own behavior toward Israel might be something worthy of its own psychological study. Whereas, some people say those who study psychology do so because they cannot face their own psychological demons, an analysis of Amit’s activities on behalf of the Palestinians would certainly suggest this is so for him. He is one of the most virulent anti-Israel activists abroad and particularly so in his adoptive country of Canada. It’s not so much a case of his being with a “peace” camp, although he has been active in supporting Gush Shalom, but Amit rubberstamps and verifies any untruthful piece of Palestinian Arab propaganda out there as long as it damns Israel, and as a Canadian he seeks to get his fellow Canadians to reject and boycott Israel both through his writings and his personal activities. Click Here to read more. Professor Zalman Amit is also known in some circles as the "child molestation attorney." Amitay, Yonatan Amitay, Yossi Department of Middle Eastern Studies professor at, Ben Gurion Univ. "condemns "the brutal policy of the Israeli government aimed at destroying the Palestinian society, the Palestinian economy and the elected Palestinian leadership Headed By President Yasser Arafat. The erection of the ‘apartheid wall’ is a further device to help the ethnic cleansing against the Palestinian people." Amor, Meir Israeli-Canadian Professor of Sociology, Concordia Univ. Montreal, Canada Amorai, Adam This Jerusalem say YES to President Obama's settlements freeze demand. Not surprisingly, this leftist supports the efforts of B'Tselem, Physicians for Human Rights and Israel Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual, Trans-gendered and Queer (or Questioning) LGBTQ. By the way, that's ONE queer-looking hat! Amotz, Agnon Amsel, Larry ![]() Amsel, Peter This son of Steve "Israel Meyer" Amsel [see below] is an example of the old adage about how a rotten apple does not fall far from the rotten apple tree. Just like his happy-homo Dad, Peter has the vicious anti-Israel "Inner Voice of the CrazyComposer" blog site. And crazy Peter really is! His blog is, in fact, one anti-Israel followed by another... with a few non-Israel buffer items in between. And, of course, he provides his father some space in which to speak out. Both are sworn Anti Zionists who calls upon boycott of Israel. At the very top of his "Hot List" Links is a link to the "Peace Palestine" blog site run by an "Italian art restorer" who wrote, "I believe that the Palestinian people have the right to return to their homeland, and that Israel, in order to truly be a land that can call itself a democracy, has to abandon its character as a Jewish State, and become a State for all, from the Jordan to the Mediterranean." Amsel's other links that follow refer out to other anti-Israel blogs or web sites For over twenty years Amsel have lived with bi-polar affective disorder, type 2, also known as manic depression. We're quite sure that Papa Amsel had something to do with that! Peter Amzel wrote, "This blog is my scream into the darkness on any topic that arouses my passions enough to inspire something to be written. Enjoy the insanity." We couldn't there is a significant degree of insanity although we don't enjoy it very much! ![]() ![]() Amsel, Steve "Israel Meyer" (his birth name) is a self-described "peace activist" and "civil rights" kinda guy. Only problem is that all of his activities are focused on the "Palestinian" cause. The only way to distinguish him from a Hamas is that Izzy Meyer doesn't wrap a checkered tablecloth around his head. Izzy's goal is to "establish a just and lasting peace between Israel and Palestine, while at the same time continue the struggle against racism and for peace throughout the world." Keep in mind that his noble goal is coming from a schmuck who, as the 1980 Communist Party candidate in the Canadian federal elections, garnered a total of 58 votes! Izzy has an anti-Israel "DesertPeace" blog site, filled with one Israel-bashing commentary after another. Interspersed among his tirades are referrals to articles written by confirmed Israel-bashers like self-hating Jewess, Amira Hass and the banana-sucking Bishop Tutu. Izzy's grandpapa was murdered in the Nazi Holocaust. His twisted logic concluded that the Israelis are treating the poor, poor so-called "Palestinians" the same way the Nazis treated the Jews... "I find myself in a situation regarding the Palestinians of seeing descendents of those [the European Jews] murdered by the [Nazi] beast doing it themselves to others [the poor, poor "Palestinians."]. There is no way that I can be silent about it. I, as a Jew, as an Israeli Jew in particular, see the Palestinians as my own people. We share a common history, land and forefather. To sit by and watch the attempted genocide against them would be fratacide [Izzy doesn't know that the word is spelled "fratricide"] on my part; these people are my brothers and sisters." Izzy has three citizenships. He was born in America, moved to Canada and now lives in French Hill (Givat Shapira), Jerusalem, which, according to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PLO and all other Jew-murdering Arab gangs, is "occupied territory." Perhaps Izzy is merely preparing for the future... "Despite being Jewish and despite being an Israeli citizen I have never lost the 'Global Outlook' that makes me who I am... When Palestine gets its statehood, I intend to get my fourth citizenship, then I will really be able to say that the world is my village." Here's a bulletin just for you, Izzy Meyer. If your Arab "brothers and sisters" ever get that terror-state for which you devote your life, they will (1) thank you profusely, (2) take your home, (3) rape your wife (if you have one) and daughter (if you have one), sodomize your sons and goats (if you have one) and then shove the butt of a Kalashnikov AK-47 so far up your arse, you could sing soprano for the "Palestine Symphony Orchestra (if they have one)! Drop "Izzy" a line at samsel@zahav.net.il or manopeace@gmail.com. Amzalak, Nimrod Anagnos, Aris One of the founders of the Progressive Jewish Alliance Anagnos, Caroline One of the founders of the Progressive Jewish Alliance Anantharaman, Melanie Union City, CA Ancis, Miriam "RABBI" Signed the "Rabbis for a Shared Jerusalem" [with the so-called "Palestinian Nation"] petition. What Masada2000.org wrote about Rabbi Peter Haas goes for this clown as well. Anderson, Dorothy Anker Fisher Anderson, Olga Andler, Judy A member of the Palestinian Right to Return and the Boston Working Group Against the Wall. In other words, if large numbers of Arab refugees aren't allowed to flood into Israel and thus change it into an Arab state then at least allow the Arab bombers in! ![]() Andreas, Judy "I was born of Jewish parents [last name Zaldin], became an atheist in my late teens (it seemed so hip) and ultimately became immersed in psychology. From the readings of Carl Jung, it was a short hop into the realm of metaphysics. My metaphysical pursuits led me to Hinduism where I experienced Shaktipat with a Guru. Next came Buddhism, which, although peace loving, lacked the passion I craved." After her dip into Buddhism, this former 1960's Greenwich Village hippie became a Christian. The last we've heard, she's into the Wiccan religion (with all its witchcraft and magic). Not satisfied with simply leaving Judaism, she went on a personal vandetta against Jews and Israel... specifically, Zionism. "It is imperative to emphasize that Zionism is nobody's friend. It is imperative that Jewish people realize that they too have been betrayed by the Zionists who have continued using Judaism to hide behind... the painful reality is that it was ZIONISM which literally sent Europe's Jews into the bowels of the Holocaust... Don't take my word, do your own investigation. It's a painful exploration but I truly believe that the balance of this planet hangs on the opening of Jewish eyes... There is no time to waste. The information is limitless. There is no refuge for Jewish people in Israel. My dear readers, Zionism will not protect you. Zionism will crucify you on a bloody cross of avarice. It is only through a union of Jewish, Christians and Muslims that we will we be able to take back our planet." Did not Hitler have similar notions of ridding the world of the Jew? Apparently there are other threats to the world... "I want to open the eyes of my brothers and sisters. I want to help my children learn of the sins of Israel and the important role it plays in the Axis of Evil....along with the U.S. and Great Britain... I want to alert my loved ones to the dangers of the Zionist behavior and how it is affecting our world. I want to wake up the ordinary Jewish person to the crimes that their leaders have perpetrated and continue to perpetrate. For, at the end of the day, the rank and file Jew is as expendable in the Zionists' grand scheme as the rest of the populace is. There is no safety in tribal banding together. It is only the truth which can set us free." Andreas also questions the Arab involvement in the events of 9/11... "On September 11, 2001, my little world was knocked off its axis. I quickly found myself among a group of 911 truth seekers who could not accept the government's official fiction of Arab highjackers[she doesn't know how to spell hijackers!] with box cutters flying planes into the World Trade Center." Obviously, the hijackers were Israeli Mossad agents disguised as Arabs! Sadly, Judy Andreas has been thoroughly brainwashed by such well-known anti-Jewish Jews like Lenni Brenner and Norman Finkelstein and non-Jews like Ralph Schoenman and Edward Said. She also buttresses her off-the-wall observations and accusation from viciously anti-Semitic publications such as Liberty Lobby's anti-Semitic white supremacist newspaper, The Spotlight. She has even received a pat on the back from white supremacist and former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, David Duke who wrote of Andreas, "Judy Andreas is a courageous woman of Jewish background who has stood up against the expressions of Jewish supremacism in both Palestine and in America." Another fringe character worthy of her admiration is Rachel Corrie... "I fell in love with the heart and soul of this young idealist." Her antipathy toward Israel knows no bounds... "I was horrified to learn that Israel was a racist, apartheid state. I was heartbroken as I read about the massacres and systematic elimination of the Palestinian people..." This essayist from Suffern, New York has just been nominated as one of the sickest puppies in the Self-Hating, Israel-Threatening Jewish litter. Her website ... http://www.judyandreas.com Andreas, Michael Andreev, Youri Andrew, Arlene Claremont, CA ![]() Angel, Camille Shira "RABBI" She has officiated at more than 200 Jewish weddings for both heterosexual and gay couples, also joined the throngs heading to San Francisco City Hall, waiting five hours to wed her longtime partner, Karen Segal. Both live in San Francisco... where else!!! Rabbi Angel is a supporter of Brit Tzedek. Angel, Roey Angress, Dina D. Petaluma, CA Anidjar, Gil Columbia Unin. Anisfeld, Sharon Cohen "RABBI" Newton, MA Annis, Helen Ansell, Marshall Sweden Ansell, David Oak Park, IL Anshell, Rebecca San Diego, CA Ansenberg, Neta Jerusalem, Israel Anson, Yonathan (Yon) Antebi, David Highland Park, IL Antebi, Paula Highland Park, IL Antell, Rachel ![]() Anton, Anatole This anti-capitalist, radical socialist Professor of Philosophy at San Francisco State University is also co-coordinator of the Radical Philosophy Association (RPA) which struggles against capitalism, racism, sexism and all other forms of "domination"... including THEIR perceived abuses by Israel. As RPA puts it, "We believe that fundamental change requires broad social upheavals but also opposition to intellectual support for exploitative and dehumanizing social structures." [Say what???] "Our members are from many nations and continue a variety of radical traditions including feminism, phenomenology, Marxism, anarchism, post-structuralism, post-colonial theory." [Say what??] Professor Anton has a fixation with a supposed "massacre" in Jenin and Ariel Sharon's "murderous policies." As he says, "We are deeply worried by indications that the "fog of war" could be exploited by the Israeli government to commit further crimes against the Palestinian people, up to full-fledged ethnic cleansing." Interesting that this clown says not a single word about the civilian bus bombings and outright attempts at ethnic cleansing against the citizens of Israel! He also signed petitions calling for the usual items that obsess radicalize S.H.I.T. Jews like Anton, such as stopping U.S. aid to Israel and removing (ethnic cleansing?) one-quarter million brave Jews from their Judea-Samarian communities [the so-called "illegal settlements"]. As a final insult to the intelligence of brighter Jews and other supporters of Israel, this pseudo-intellectual fraud has come up with a solution to the rise in worldwide anti-Semitism: [You won't believe this!] "To combat anti-Semitism effectively, we must stand together with others - particularly Palestinians. That is the answer to anti-Semitism." In August 2006 he showed his true colors (Hamas green?) when he signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! Anton, Bette Anton, Glenna Antonovitz, Theodore Anu, Pamela Bel ![]() Anzel, Erez Co-president of Canadian Friends of Peace Now. Wants Israel to turn over most of Judea, Samaria, Gaza and Golan Heights to her enemies... for peace???
Apfelbaum, Barbra Riverside Language Program, NYC
![]() Appel, Ehud Moshe Every once in a while an incredibly delusional Jew comes along who, no matter what reality stares him square in the face, continues to suck up to his enemies as he abandons his own. Ehud Moshe Appel is one such man. Ehud Appel helped establish a Jewish front group of anti-Israel radical leftists within Hillel called Tzedek to work from within and try to propagandize the Jewish community on campus at UC Berkeley. Appel was instrumental in promoting boycotts of Jews in America and Israel and even succeeded in having several programs and speakers who tirelessly work for the dismantling of the Jewish state presented inside Hillel under the guise of "dialog." These included intentional misrepresentations of leftist radicals who posed as Israeli army soldiers who refused to serve, when in fact they were expatriates no longer subject to military duty. Appel also claims B'tselem represents his views (Anat Biletzski, the head of Israel's communist party runs B'tselem) Appel first came to our attention as a progressive free speech advocate who disrupted Daniel Pipes' speech at University of California-Berkeley. "While we support Mr. Pipes' right to speak on campus, we are concerned that Hillel's sponsorship of this event gives the false appearance of an endorsement of his views from the Jewish community." While he said this in public, he sent an email out to the Arab students and radical leftists in Tzedek , even off campus, telling them to disrupt Daniel Pipes' speech so he could not be heard. Why should the views of a strong defender of Israel and one who bravely exposes the nature and threat of ![]() As a result, Hillel clamped down when the Jewish community got fed up with his antics and Tzedek had to leave UC Berkeley Hillel. Appel cannot be excused as just someone with a "progressive" point of view. He in fact makes excuses for anything the Arabs on his campus do. Ties to Nazism? Appel will look the other way while saying he finds Nazism abhorrent. He works tirelessly to achieve the goals of Hamas and always has an excuse for any time Jews are murdered by terrorists. Were Mr. Appel to confine his activities to protecting free speech for only "progressive Jews" like himself, he might not be on our [now world famous] S.H.I.T. List. However, his "energized" mouth just keeps on running and running and running...[off] [The safety for Israeli citizens] "will only improve if Israel respects the rights, needs, and claims(1) of Palestinians and negotiates with them in good faith as equals(2) [however] I unfortunately expect Israel to continue with the arbitrary detentions, closures, shellings, missile attacks, beatings, home demolitions, and land seizures(3)." Rebuttals: (1) The so-called "Palestinians" claim they have existed as a "nation" for thousands of years, the Jews have no historical or legal rights to any land, the Jews are thieves who stole all the land and that Jews/Christians are "monkeys and dogs." (2) Jews and Arabs/Muslims are not equal. The former are a civilized people who never strap explosive belts onto their children, slice off clitori or engage in honor killings. (3) Appel sounds more like Hanan Ashrawi than Hanan Ashrawi as he unleashes a long list of "grievances." [Click Here for typical 60 second Ashrawi monologue.] More from Moshe Appel... "I do not believe Hamas wants to kill Jews... [Say what?#%!] I do not think that any significant number of Palestinians voted for Hamas because they have inherently anti-Jewish beliefs." Of course, not, Appel. They love Jews... to death! I do think that lots of Palestinians have anti-Jewish sentiment which comes from only encountering Jews who are occupation soldiers or settlers." Most Arabs have never come into direct contact with either the IDF or "regular" Jews. Most have, however, come in contact with crazed mullahs, sheikhs and kindergarten teachers! "This [Arab anti-Jewish] is the type of sentiment that goes away when you realize that there are Jews [like Appel, the boot-licking Kike] and Israelis who support [suck up to] the Palestinians and risk a lot to work with the Palestinians as equals in opposing the occupation and other forms of discrimination and violence... As more Jews turn against oppression and in favor of helping the Palestinians, I have no doubt that support for this [anti-Jewish/anti-Israel] rhetoric will be restricted only to the fanatics and will be rejected by everyone else who is just really (and rightfully) pissed off." [Simple solution from simple minds?] Appel the Kike is a special Jew who can look his executioner eyeball to eyeball and still crack a smile, seek a friendly handshake and begin a "dialogue of mutual understanding"! At the San Francisco Al Awda conference, he was the sole Jewish student telling all the Arabs how to "revitalize" the divestment and boycott movement against Jews and Israel on their campuses. In turn, the Arabs made him their prize cow, af fording a leadership role no Jewish organization would give him. Wake up, Appel. Hamas are Nazis in kaffiyahs! The only differences between them and the 1940's Nazis are (1) the Nazis spoke German and (2) the Nazis murdered the Jews in an organized, methodical, business-like manner. It was nothing personal... it was just business as usual. Hamas, however, has a diabolical enthusiasm... an insatiable bloodlust. It's the thrill of the hunt! ![]() "In the case of two states, Israel would almost certainly object to allowing [this Right of Return], EXCEPT that studies have shown that, at most, 300,000 Palestinians would want to go to Israel. [Based upon an America:Israel 60:1 population ratio, this would be like having America bring in 18 million Muslims!] "Most would simply rather go to Palestine, as long as Israel acknowledges that it caused the refugee problem and pays compensation, [As expected, Appel the Kike says nothing about a single Arab acknowledging any responsibility!] the Arab states would have recognized and made peace with Israel if the refugees were allowed to return." Appel the Kike forgot about how those same Arab states tried to wipe Israel off the map even before there were any Arab "Palestinian" refugees! But let's not dwell on hard, cold facts. "I believe that Israel MUST acknowledge AND apologize AND pay reparations, and MOST Palestinians will be satisfied, as long as the Palestine they DO return to is one hundred percent free." Free of what? Jews? If so, then Israel should "free" themselves of 1.5 million Arabs from within Israel! What's good for the "Palestinian goose [-stepping Nazis] is good for the Israeli ganders. "If Israel is threatened [again by Iran] after a complete end to the occupation, the rest of the world WILL in fact stick up for Israel."And Appel the Kike will lead that charge... from a safe distance In Berkeley. "Eventually Israeli Arabs will approach demographic parity to Israeli Jews. To refer to this phenomenon as a "demographic threat" is reprehensible." What else might one call it when Israeli Arabs equal or outnumber Israel's Jewish population? Appel the Kike might call it "a cause for celebration" but more sane Jews would call it "the end of the Jewish State!" Appel showed his true colors (Hamas green?) when he signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! Ehud Moshe Appel represents the worst of the Post-Zionist Jews. He has become a "Jew for a Second Holocaust!" Fortunately, there are some who will not allow Appel to get away with his disgraceful behavior. Lee Kaplan is one of those individuals. Kaplan uses tacticsthat are justifiable and appropriate considering what and who he is exposing... a little Judenrat mamzer. Appel, Michael Appelbaum, Alan Appelbaum, Richard Univ. Calif.-Santa Barbara Appelbaum, Wilbur Appelman, Evan Kensington, CA Appelman, Harry Silver Spring, MD Appelman, Mary Kensington, CA Appelman, Richard Apple, Michael W. Apple, Rima D. Applebaum, Alan Applebaum, Kenneth Applebaum, Wilbur Illinois Institute of TechnologyAppleton, Ruth British Jew who signed a petition stating among other things, "We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land. We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state that even now engages in ethnic cleansing, that violates international law, that is inflicting a monstrous collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza and that continues to deny to Palestinians their human rights and national aspirations." ![]() Aptheker, Bettina Marxist activist (like Papa below) lesbian-feminist who speaks out for divestment from Israel. ![]() Aptheker, Herbert From the 1950s onward, he fought against Cold War anti-communism, testifying on behalf of several leading Communist Party officials facing prosecution under the Smith Act. In 1962 Herbert became executive director of the American Institute for Marxist Studies, a post he held for more than two decades. He defended the Soviet Union's subsequent suppression AND OCCUPATION of the Hungarian rebellion. He DID, however, have a problem with Israel's so-called "occupation" of so-called "Palestinian lands following the 1967 war brought to Israel. Aptheker defended all of Stalin’s crimes yet he never came to the defense of Ariel Sharon who FOUGHT a population of real war criminals. In 1992 at the national conference of the Committees of Correspondence in San Francisco he called for the broadest possible coalition of the left to counter the Bush administration's policies. Herbert Aptheker, a Brooklyn-born Jewish Marxist left-winger, remained so until his very last breath in March 2003.
Arad, Boaz
![]() Arad, Roy "Chicky" In 2001, during the peak of Intifadah, "Chicky" was amongst the founders of the Rave Against Occupation assembly, which organized protest-parties of Arab and Israeli youth against the 1967 occupation. This "artist" wasn't even alive during that war but has become a self-proclaimed expert on what's good for Israel's survival. But what he really has become is an enemy agent! Arad, Sharon Zionov (see Zionov Arad, Sharon) ![]() Aran, Gideon Hebrew University, Department of Sociology. Aran claims to be some sort of sociological maven in the sociology of religion, but most of the material by him that I have seen is simply vulgar smearing of religious Jews. Aran considers religious Jews to be fanatics, barbarians. Aran is pro-Arab and even pro-suicide bomber. He published an article entitled "The Other Side of Suicide Bombing" from which we learn that he considers suicide bombers to have another side... a sensitive caring and pro-justice side in which legitimate protest against Zionist encroachment is expressed in the form of blowing up school buses. Gideon Aran is a predator who sexually harassed one of his female students, and the harassment was so bad that the Hebrew University itself agree to pay 38,000 NIS (around $10,000) in hush money to buy off the student. The student, Ortal Ben-Dayan, complained that Professor Gideon Aran had intimate relations with her and subsequently harassed her. Predator Gideon Aran is the brother-in-law to Ehud Olmert. Aran married Aliza Olmert.
Arazy, Haim E.
Arbel, Adi Arbel, Benjamin Herzliya, Israel Arbel, Elias Arbel, Keren She calls for international intervention to save the so-called "Palestinians". She is also "extremely concerned about the rapid deterioration of the condition of the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. "We consider the Jewish settlements in the territories occupied by Israel since 1967 to be an ongoing act of aggression against the Palestinian people... It is our moral obligation as Israeli citizens to express our solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom."
Arbel, Ronen Tel Aviv
Arbel, Yael Arbel, Youval Physical Geographer, Katsir, Israel ![]() Arbeiter, Laurie This American-Jewish artist and a former "Lesbian Avenger" is an activist working in solidarity with the "Palestinian struggle". Back in 2011 she was one of the organizers of a boat flotilla to "break the seige of Gaza". In fact, she proposed two names for the boat: (1) The Audacity of Hope and (2) Dreams From My (Palestinian) Father, based on US President Barack Obama’s memoirs. The former name was chosen. Arch, Adria ![]() Architzel, Hollis Brooklyn, NY Arditti, Rita Ardon, Michael Arenella, Martine Arens, Ari ![]() ![]() Arens, Yigal Moshe Arens [right photo] was a member of the Israeli Knesset, Israeli Ambassador to the United States and Minister of Defense. He was indeed a proud right-wing Zionist. Moshe's son, "Pretty Boy" Yigal, refused to serve in the Israeli army 30+ years ago. Instead, he fled the country for sunny California where he now works as director of the Information Sciences Institute's Intelligent Systems Division, one of the largest artificial intelligence research labs in the U.S. When Yigal's not too busy dealing with human-computer interfaces, polymorphic robots and virtual reality, he's trying to flood Israel with Arab refugees. In fact, he was listed as a speaker at the Palestinian Right of Return Conference that was held in Long Beach, California, on October 5-7, 2001. As if this were not sickening enough, Yigal Arens also wants to have the U.S. cut financial aid to his former country. Chutzpah: Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is a man who has fought in all of Israel's major wars and has the battle scars to prove it. How interesting that Yigal Arens, a draft-dodging coward, calls him a "war criminal." Perhaps Yigal Arens spits on Israel, minimizes the contributions of men like Arik Sharon and plots for the destruction of Israel so that he can assuage his own guilt for being a sick Self-Hating Israel-Threatening Judenrat who sucks up to Israel's enemies! Arenstein, Toni NY Arfa, David Shelburne Falls, MA Arie, Guy Arie, Miri Ariel, Anat Ariel, Ari Ariel, Ashira Ariel, Brian Ariel, Jane Oakland, CA ![]() Ariel, Judah Brandeis University. Other email is judah@brandeis.edu Ariel, Mira Tel Aviv Univ. Ariel, Noga Arieli, Hazel Translator/editor Tel Aviv Arieli, Mordecai Tel-Aviv University Ariel-Joel, David "RABBI" Louisville, KY ![]() Arle, Genevieve This self-hating New York Jew is a fan of "Israelis for Palestine". She has also signed on to several online petitions bashing Israel. Arloff, Steve British Jew who signed a petition stating among other things, "We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state founded on terrorism, massacres and the dispossession of another people from their land. We cannot celebrate the birthday of a state that even now engages in ethnic cleansing, that violates international law, that is inflicting a monstrous collective punishment on the civilian population of Gaza and that continues to deny to Palestinians their human rights and national aspirations." ![]() Armaleo, Daniele Durham, NC - Rachel Corrie supporter Armon, Eli He is a member of Zochrot which seeks to engage the Jewish public in Israel in remembering and talking about the Nakba, the Palestinian tragedy of 1948. He also participates in the Deir Yassin commemoration. Armon, Rony Armon, Rory Arnaud-Dix, Rachel Arnel, Jill Arnheim, Avigail Arnold, Benjamin "RABBI" Signed the "Rabbis for a Shared Jerusalem" [with the so-called "Palestinian Nation"] petition. What Masada2000.org wrote about Rabbi Peter Haas goes for this clown as well.Arnold, Carl Green Party of NY State Brooklyn, New York Arnold, Stephen "RABBI" South Easton, MA Arnon, Arie Professor of Economics at Ben Gurion University who is also one of the heads of [Rest in] "Peace Now." Arnon, Eliyah Arnon, Inbal Arnove, Anthony Arnow, David This Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Science, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, NY, is a "Jew in Solidarity of Palestine." Aron, Ester NY, NY Aron, Melanie "RABBI" This Los Gatos, California rabbi's heart bleeds for the so-called "Palestinians." So when the IDF demolishes an Arab home if one of its occupants detonated himself on an Israeli bus killing scores of Jews or if a tunnel carrying explosives from the Sinai just happens to lead to an Arab home, this chick and others of the "Rebuilding Homes" organization raises awareness and funds the rebuilding of those homes. Talk about the "Mercy of Fools!" What a shame she and others like her don't help rebuild the LIVES of the Jewish survivors of Arab terrorism! Aron also signed the "Rabbis for a Shared Jerusalem" [with the so-called "Palestinian Nation"] petition. What Masada2000.org wrote about Rabbi Peter Haas goes for this clown as well. Arond, Dolly Secular Jewish Humanists in Northridge, CA Aronov, Anne Aronovsky, Ilona Aronowitz, Stanley Professor at CUNY Graduate Center who indoctrinates his students with Marxist politics. "An important part of the [Bush] administration’s strategy," he says, "is to support, by indirection indicated by the U.S. government’s silence on the bloody results of the occupation and the relentless forward march of Jewish settlements." Arons, Michael Long Island Univ. ![]() Aronson, Geoffrey Besides being the Director of Research and Publications at the Foundation for Middle East Peace in Washington, DC, he is the Editor of the Foundation's bimonthly "Report on Israeli Settlements in the Occupied Territories." No, neither his foundation nor its publication advocates for Israel! In fact, this evil Self-Hating Israel-Threatening anti-Zionist is nothing more than a Judenrat whore for some of the most pro-Arab forces on the planet. His publications are promoted by strongly pro-Arab/pro-"Palestinian" outlets such as al-jazeerah and The Council for Arab-British Understanding and Americans for Palestine. He currently lives in Maryland with his family far away from the murderous Arab Jihadists whose cause he helps promote. Aronson, Harvey B. Aronstam, Robyn Johannesburg Area, South Africa. This South African Jew signed a January 2009 petition condemning Israel's retaliatory attack on Gaza ![]() Aronwitz, Stanley Professor of Sociology at the Graduate Center, CUNY. ![]() Arotsky, Deborah In December of 2005 Princeton University was to have featured a lecture by three former Arab terrorists, two from the PLO and one from Lebanon, who were to have spoken in support of America and Israel after renouncing terrorism. The three men were sponsored by the Walid Shoebat Foundation . They had been invited to speak by P.IP.A.C.... the Princeton Israel PublicAffairs Committee. Within a matter of days before the scheduled date the Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Thomas Dunnecancelled the lecture. Many feel that both a staunchly pro-Arab Middle East Studies program and a large, vocal Muslim student body put pressure on the administration. Here is where P.I.P.A.C. should have kicked into action. Instead they folded. Leading the Judenrat Brigade was none other than Deborah Arotsky, class of '06, chief editor at Princeton's campus newspaper and member of P.I.P.A.C. That the PIPAC students may not have wanted to sponsor the event any more or help promote for it is one thing. But to write articles in the student newspaper to claim the Shoebat Foundation was lying or involved in some sort of self-serving publicity stunt could have been something expected from the PLO sympathizers on campus rather than the kids at PIPAC, Hillel or any other Jewish groups. Arotsky even went so far as to run an article on Philadelphia Indymedia , a virulently anti-Semitic and anti-Israel radical leftist website used extensively by Palestinian groups and anarchists who want Israel’s demise. The PLO's prime goal on U.S. campuses is to indoctrinate college kids in school that Israel is an apartheid state (when it is not) and that to support its destruction is not antithetical to Jewish values. Princeton is a prime example of this program because its Arabist Middle East Studies department dispenses Palestinian propaganda and lies and supports "legitimate resistance" as a euphemism for the murder of Jews. The last thing Princeton or any US college needs are P.I.P.A.C. judenrats like Deborah Arotsky. ![]() Arsenault-May, Simone This Toronto Jewish anti-Jew York University student was workshop coordinator of Radical Cheerleading (university students speaking out against inequities and social injustice). In 2002 Arsenault-May’s Squad 416 wiggled their asses in Quebec City wearing red and black-striped knee-high tights, black skirts or pants and a red top with a red bandana. Arsham, Andrew Arsham, David Arsmon, Rutie Arton, Joe British Co Chair of Jews for Justice for Palestinians Artstein, Ron Artz, Donna E. Artzi, Jonathan Ben Arviv, Roberto "RABBI" Arzt, Donna E. Asch, Adrienne Wellesley College Ascher, Carol NYUAscher, Henry Assoc. Professor in Paediatrics, Senior Lecturer in Refugee Health, Gothenburg, Sweden
Ascher, Yoni Dept. of Art History, Haifa University, and member of Humans Without Borders.
![]() Asher-Schapiro, Avi This Georgetown University student studying at the American University at Cairo said he was raised Jewish but is not religiously observant. The California native said he feels comfortable revealing his identity in Egypt, a country where the Jewish population has dwindled to a few hundred after 1948 and the wars with Israel. He said his views on the Arab/Israeli are not what most Americans would expect from an American Jew and feels Israel is too capricious with the lives of non-Jewish people. He added that he believed too many people -- including American Jews -- were intolerant of criticism of Israeli policy, putting pressure on both individuals and the media to downplay Palestinian issues. "People aren't born hateful. They become hateful when they're oppressed." Avi thinks Hamas is a reaction to oppressive Israeli policies! [The Israeli Devil made 'em do it???] "I think Palestinians feel completely surrounded and desperate," he said. "They see [rocket attacks] as the only path to resistance but they wouldn't condone it or do it." He said one secular state for both Palestinians and Israelis should be the ultimate goal. [Of whom? Those wishing to dilute the Jewishness out of Israel and set in motion a bloody civil war?] "I don't agree with a state that's based on religion or ethnicity... [However,] " I can't really impose my idea of a state on [them], but it's unacceptable to have a Jewish state occupying Palestinian land." Avi iis a frequent contributer to leftist rag publications such as Salon.com. Here is a sample of his demented logic as written in Salom.org ... "While Western alarmists often depict Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood as a shadowy organization with terrorist ties, the Brotherhood’s ideology actually has more in common with America’s Republican Party than with al-Qaida." ![]() Ascherman, Arik "RABBI" Arabs around the country regularly build houses on vacant land or build additions to existing structures without getting the necessary building permits. This illegal Arab building in Jerusalem or elsewhere undermines Israel’s sovereignty. The Arabs, both Palestinians and Israeli citizens, generally refuse to recognize Israel’s authority to issue permits. Every time Israel wants to enforce the building laws, Arabs, Israeli leftists and their international followers turn it into an international incident. Arik Ascherman is one such pain in the [Israeli] ass. Ascherman, a Reform [Deformed?] rabbi and leader of the left-leaning Rabbis for Human Rights, was charged with blocking police from demolishing illegally built Arab structures in eastern Jerusalem in two incidents in 2004. He was convicted of interfering with police performance of duties on two different occasions in 2003 and with the intention to commit acts to prevent police from performing their duties. The "rabbi" was represented by Leah Zemel in his trial, a communist party lawyer who often represents Arab murderers and terrorists. She and he lost. How revealing that Ascherman will fight against the demolition of illegally erected buildings which Arabs build but would never fight against the uprooting and expulsion of 9,000 Jews in the Gaza Strip who HAVE legal, government issued building permits. In other words, Ascherman is an Arab sympathizer and Judenrat to boot!. Ascherman represents the far leftist extremist splinter group "Rabbis for Human Rights". Some feel Ascherman should change the name to "Rabbi for Human Rights", but Ascherman's claims the group has at least two members. Naturally, Rabbis for Human Rights is awash in oodles of megabucks donated by the usual overseas far leftist sources of funding. What a shame he and others like him don't help rebuild the LIVES of the Jews whose LIVES have been demolished of Arab terrorism! Ascoli, Albert Russell Berkeley, CA Ascoli, Lucy Ascoli, Peter ![]() Ash, Arlene Research Professor of Medicine and Public Health at Boston University School of Medicine. What's so damn funny! Oh, we get it. You signed a petition called "An Open Letter from American Jews to Our Government" in which you demanded Jews out of Judea-Samaria & Gaza, the creation of a PLO State in the heart of the heart of Israel and holding back of American aid to Israel until she complies! Now THAT's a freakin' riot!!! Ash, CanyAsh, Gabriel [Also known as "Gabriel the Ash-Hole"] This is a core member of IJAN (Inrternational Jewish Anti-Zionist Network) was born in Romania, grew up in Israel and now resides in the United States from which he heaves one poison dart after another after another after another... all at Israel. There is nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, that Israel can ever do right. Not a single action, neither defensive or offensive, is justified in this sick Jew's mind! As Ash itemizes endless accusations, he asks the question, "[at what point does] an incursion becomes a slaughter, at what point a slaughter becomes a massacre, at what point a massacre becomes a genocide." Not that it really matters for he has accused, tried, convicted, sentenced and condemned Israel. "Don't mumble about how 'difficult' or 'complex' the situation is. It isn't. You are the oppressor. You are the occupier. You park your tanks on plundered land. You fill your swimming pools with stolen water. You kill and destroy in order to inherit. So don't bullshit about 'the situation.' Just get out! Stop abusing people. Stop abusing language. Stop spinning your own moral cocoon. Stop turning your country and your people into a metaphor of evil. Just get out! Take your rabid Jewish fundamentalists from Kiriat Arba and Beit El with you. Load them on buses and pump the gas pedal until the hills of the West Bank vanish in the rear mirror. Just get out! Gather your thugs from the borderless 'border police,' give them scholarships and send them to school again. Let them discover there is more to life than beating people to a pulp. Just get out! Let your hideous bulldozers loose on the illegal settlements of Ma'ale Edomim, Har Homa and Gilo. There is plenty of demolition work for them there. Let them continue until the mountain line bears no more memory of your rape. Then just get out! What more is needed to show that Israel's 'defense' policies are nothing but international terrorism? ...a nation that hallucinates the moustache of Adolf Hitler above the lips of every Palestinian, man, woman or child, and whose leaders manipulate its delirium to justify an endless and lawless war against civilians." So simplistic, so generalized, yet so vicious and so incorrect. When Ash has his pound of flesh from Israel in general, he goes after his blood-sucking vampires, the Jewish "settlers" and their "settlements." "Many settlers also believe genocide is a legitimate way of dealing with the 'enemy.' In all their forms, settlements are therefore something other than civilian habitations. They are actions at the front of the war of conquest. A settlement is an aggressive action in a post-modern war, a genocidal war..." Leave it to a progressive to explain away any semblance of Arab culpability by using fancy psycho-babble footwork... "The extreme violence of the settlers is also a matter of this repressed identification: a hatred of the self projected onto the idealized other." Finally, as do most other vicious fabricators, Ash plays the Nazi/Holocaust card. Specifically, he uses it against Israel and her Jewish population. The Jews are now committing pogroms against the poo' poo' simple Arabs innocents. And those horrible, blood-sucking Jews of the "settlement movement" are "racist, supremacist, totalitarian, anti-humanist, anti-democratic, and extremely violent...[they]sanction expansion, conquest, ethnic cleansing, murder, repression and genocide." And how does Ash justify brutal and intentional Arab terrorism against Jewish civilians? He simply transforms the Jewish victim into the guilty party. "Like all offensive military operations, settlements trigger a defensive reaction, which Israel calls "terrorism." Why did the IDF finally kill Sheik Ahmed Yassin, Hamas spiritual leader and mastermind of countless suicide-homicide bombings against Israeli citizens? "It seems now Israel prefers suicide attacks to negotiating with Hamas and Fateh." There is good reason why this Ash-hole is idolized by and has his articles featured time and again on such rabidly anti-Israel, anti-American websites like Al-Muhajabah's Islamic Pages where he is listed among "Western Journalists in Support of Palestine!" Treat yourself to a YouTube video showing Ash-Hole sucking up to Arabs. ![]() Ash, Jordan As a Jewish American, I strongly support selective divestment from companies benefiting from the occupation... There will not be any peace in the region until Israel ends its illegal and immoral occupation." ![]() Ash, Michael Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy, Univ. of Mass-Amherst Ash, Mimi This American-born peace advocate has been in Israel for 20 years devoting her time to coexistence projects. A lot of good it did! When will she and others like her finally "get it" that the Arabs are not interested in making peace. Ash, Peter Arlington, MA Ashkenaz, Lisa She covers Iraq for The NewStandard, a nonprofit, "progressive" online newspaper. And, being a good Jewish "progressive," she signed a one-sided petition for "U.S. Jewish Solidarity with Muslim and Arab Peoples of the Middle East"... which was nothing less than a full-fledged "mugging" of Israel! ![]() Ashkin, Evan Univ. of N.C.-Chapel Hill Ashley, Karin San Francisco, CAAshley, Leonie Ashton, Dore Asi, Husam Asiag, Sivan Askin, Evan Askins, William NY, NY Aslan,Nili ![]() Asner, Ed Asnis, Deni San Francisco, CA Assaf, Efrat Jerusalem Assoun, Simon Member of the Union of French Jews for Peace Astour, Michael ![]() Atinsky, Bryan This co-editor of the joint Palestinian/Israeli English-language journal News from Within, of the Alternative Information Center in Jerusalem and Beit Sahour accused Israel of "occupation, land confiscation, segregation, and state violence." Atleson, Jim Atrakzy, Lorena Berlin, Germany Atsmon, Rutie Attewell, Paul CUNY Graduate Center Attias, Elaine One of the founders of the Progressive Jewish Alliance Attrash, Olivia Atzmon, Aharon Atzmon, Ariella ![]() Atzmon, Gilad When this Israeli-born musician isn't blowing his soprano sax and clarinet in his adopted England, he's sucking up to Arab/Muslim Nazis. Gilad Atzmon does not like Israel and sees the country of his birth as an "immoral, colonialist terrorist state." He has lots of other opinions. In essence, he is single-handedly bringing up to date the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. In his own words... On Zionism: "Zionism is a very singular political method aimed at perfecting the transformation of world disasters and human pain into Jewish gain." "Somehow, Zionists always volunteer to serve the colonial interests of any leading power.On Israel and Zionism as Corrupters: "America that is about to lose its sovereignty. Now, it looks as if Zionist lobbies control American foreign politics. After so many years of independence, the United States of America is becoming a remote colony of an apparently far greater state, the Jewish state." "The question to be asked is who is going to protect the Americans from their motherland Israel?" "It now appears that the emancipation of the Jewish people that led to the birth of Zionism: a racist, colonialist and nationalist state, is now evolving into its very last phase: a sadistic manifestation." "On reflection, it must be terrifying that such a small lobby from a tiny state is so eager to push the rest of the world into endless confrontation."On the Israeli Government / Army: "The elected Israeli government is there merely to provide the Israelis with Palestinian blood. They specialize in providing the Israeli public with a high Palestinian death rate. In tactical terms they define it as 'power of deterrence' but in practice it is better articulated as sheer bloodthirstiness."On Israel's Immorality and Lack of Human Compassion: "Very much like their biblical ancestors, the Israelis like to see their enemy beaten to death... as terrifying as it sounds, the pain of others makes the Israelis cheerful. The concept of compassion is completely foreign to them." "Israel is engaged in the daily bullying of the Palestinian people. When bullying gets boring, they go for the kill; when killing gets boring, they humiliate the dying Arafat. Israel is...the narcissistic embodiment of any possible inhuman sense. It is the celebration of cruelty."On Arafat, the Madman with a 40 Year History of Murdering Jews: "In the last ten days of his life the world held its breath following what appeared to be an everlasting battle between a giant freedom fighter and the angel of death. Many of us were following the news with care, many of us were praying for the president's recovery."On Israel's Future: "History teaches us that when sadistic narcissism reveals its face, the end should be anticipated. Israel's days are numbered." On the January 12, 2006 Altahrir blog site interview this shameless Judenrat had this to say about his having been placed on the Masada2000.org S.H.I.T. List... "I am very happy and honoured to be listed ... furthermore I think that the sh*t list is a wonderful showcase of the tactics used by the contemporary 3rd category identity. But then the absurdity is that some of the Jewish leftist activists who happen to be listed on it are themselves fully engaged in producing similar lists of their adversaries. My advice to them is to leave behind the Kosher philosophy and to join the local and global Palestinian solidarity movement.We ask everyone to boycott all music produced by this sick piece of S(elf)-H(ating) I(srael)-T(hreatening) Jew. Read More Here He also said, "I don't have anything against people. I'm anti-Jewish, not anti-Jews.... Jewish ideology and Nazi ideology were very similar."
Auerbach, Elise
Auerbach, Franz Auerbach, Irit Auerbach, Jess This South African Jew who signed a January 2009 petition condemning Israel's retaliatory attack on Gaza.
Auerbach, Jonathan Univ. of Maryland
![]() Auerbach, Nina Professor of English, Univ. of Pennsylvania Augenstein, Joy R.N. from Humm, Massachusetts Auger, Claudia Miami, FL August, Charles S. ![]() August, Tsurah "RABBI" Seattle, WA Auslander, Joseph ![]() Austrian, Guy Izhak [Wasn't Hitler an "Austrian" too?] This Israeli-American Jewish activist in the New York-based organization Jews Against the Occupation, a Jewish group that works in support of self-determination for Palestinian people, recognizes the right of return for Palestinian refugees, and calls for an end to U.S. aid to Israel. He also serves as senior consultant for community and social justice at Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, NYC, where he was director of social action/social justice from 2005-2008. He previously worked as community organizer and director of the Jewish-Muslim Community-Building Initiative at the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs (Chicago). He lives in Manhattan with his life partner, Ella Goldman. "Countless Jews in the U.S. hate what the Israeli government and army are doing, support the rights of Palestinians, and want to speak out and take action. They're longing to fight for a cause that they feel calling so closely to their Jewishness, but instead they're watching the Palestine solidarity movement from an uneasy distance. Some who did join have left, like one Jewish Israeli-American woman who dropped out of a radical media collective after a fellow activist, returning from Palestine, looked at her and said, "Israelis are the ugliest people I've ever seen... no offense," while other collective members watched in silence... We are Palestine activists because of our outrage and grief over the crimes against humanity committed in our name... The war on Palestinians shows the same set-up on a global, extreme scale. The imperial powers funded a people traumatized by the holocaust to colonize the Middle East. Israeli Jews receive material benefits and a false sense of safety while the primary drive is the interests of U.S. arms and oil companies. Israel is just one small arm of U.S. worldwide imperialism, and U.S. "aid" to Israel is really just a tiny part of U.S. military spending." He lives in New York City with his life partner Rabbi Jill Jacobs. His email contacts are gaustrian@bj.org, gaustrian@cbst.org and/or guyaustrian@gmail.com
Averbuch, Irit Department of East Asian Studies Tel Aviv University
Averbuch, Tali Cambridge, Massachusetts Avesar, Josef This Agoura Hills, California, resident and Utopian dreamer / snake oil salesman created the Israeli-Palestinian Confederation [IPC] with the mission of promoting peace between Israelis and the (so-called "Palestinian") Arabs. IPC is an organization composed of a whopping 12 people who met in Avesar's living room and voted him into office as President. Avesar feels that some form of confederation would be a "pragmatic" solution to the Israeli-Arab/Palestinian conflict. There is a simple term for this -- bi-nationalism, something which would see Israel gradually dismantled and Jews turned into a minority in a greater Palestinian state. If you want to see how Arabs would treat Jews in such a state, check out this video showing what Arabs do to each other! Avesar is a lawyer specializing in personal injury claims... you know, the kind of claims that make EVERYONE'S insurance premiums go sky-high! He once featured on his website [no longer available] a photo of him waving like a used car salesman with testimonials from some people who were given big awards due to his legal skills... such as the $60,000 he won for an injury sustained by a woman while simply parking her car. So how can you tell if a lawyer is out to screw you (or, in this case, Israel)? See if his lips are moving when he talks. For more on this guy, contact him at "1-800-WE DO LAW" or read more at http://www.bruinalumni.com/articles/ipc.html Aviad, Janet This American-born Peace Now activist was a former professor at Israel's Hebrew University and considers herself an expert on the settlement movement and right-wing extremism... the latter refers to proud Jews at Masada2000.org as well. Marwan Barghouti was one of the Arab "Palestinian" leaders responsible for many murderous attacks upon Israelis. He is now servng five life terms in an Israeli prison. And how does Ms. Aviad describe Mr. Barghouti? "He's very charismatic and an amazing character." Aviad, Michal Tel AvivAvid, Nitzan Retired designer, Tel Aviv Av-Ron, Evyatar Avcioglu, Ilhan Avgar, Rotem Young Israeli who refuses to serve in IDF. She comments, "Make love, not war - and the sun will shine on you all." Unfortunately, if she doesn't learn to fight back,6 feet of dirt will be piled on her! Avigdor, Yair Avineri, Shlomo ![]() Aviram, Adina This Tel Aviv University professor is a founder of the leftist "New Profile," and member of the peace organizations Bat Shalom, the Israeli Committee Against House Demolition, and the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace; and Salwa Najjab Khatib, founder of the Union of Palestinian Medical Relief Committees' Women's Health Project. Avishai, Benjamin Avisha, Bernard An Israel-bashing tenured extremist from Israel, who has dedicated his career to stripping Israel of its capital city.
Avissar, Nissim Bar-Ilan University
![]() Avital, Colette This former Knesset member actually believes there are "moderate" Arabs with whom Israel can finalize a peace deal. Instead, these so-called "moderates" will destroy Israel moderately. An example of a "moderate" is Marwan Barghouti. He didn't actually murder any Jews --- he merely "arranged" for the murder of Jews. Avital has called for the release of the monster, Marwan Barghouti. "It is necessary to release him immediately. He is amoderate person and he will empower the Palestinian moderate current." There she goes again with the "moderate" crap! We think SHE is moderately insane! Aviv, Nitzan This leftie member of the Israel Communist Party rants about Israel's "collective guilt" vis-a-vis the Arab Nazis of Gaza. Aviv, Nurit Avivam, Adina Avneri, Rachel ![]() ![]() ![]() Avnery, Uri This radical anti-Zionist. full-fledged traitor of the first order and chair of Gush Shalom has opposed his own country's existence and worked for its demise for decades. He is such an extremist that when his own mother died, she cut him out of her will and declared in her will that she regards him as a traitor. Like they say, "Mama knows best!" Avnery, Rachel Traitor wife of the above traitor Avni, Ronit This New York filmmaker of Just Vision is another useful idiot Jew in the Arab war against Israel... Click Here for a complete write-up of this judenrat. Avraham, Eli This Assistant Professor of Communication at Haifa University is a member of the "post-Zionist" intellectual movement that claims he and other Mizrahi (Jewish immigrants from Arab countries) are in effect "Arab-Jews," are victims like the "Palestinians" and that Israel has no right to exist as a Jewish State. In other words, Eli Avraham and others like him should have remained in their Arab countries of birth. They are contributing nothing of value to the Jewish State and are, in effect, a treacherous fifth column. Avraham, Regina Brooklyn, NYAvraham, Tamar Jerusalem activistAvrahami, Einat ![]() ![]() Avrahami, Yochai This Tel Aviv artist signed a petition calling his county an "Apartheid State." In a later petition he encouraged U.S. President, Hussein Obama [aka "HO"] to condemn the Israeli policy of building inside Jerusalem. He signed another petition to boycott all fellow Israeli artists... in other words to boycott himself! We found one of his sculpture masterpiece... a freakin' tomato riding a Ducati motorcycle. Avron, Arnon This Tel Aviv artist refers to his own country as an Apartheid State and calls for a boycott of all Israeli Artists
Awerbach, Motty Tel Aviv, Israel . Playwright and peace activist in the Israeli Peace Now movement.
Axelrad, Albert "RABBI" Signed the "Rabbis for a Shared Jerusalem" [with the so-called "Palestinian Nation"] petition. What Masada2000.org wrote about Rabbi Peter Haas goes for this clown as well.
Axler, Craig "RABBI" Axner, Howard Maitland, FL Axner, Marya Somerville, MA ![]() Ayalon, Ami This former head of the Israel's Shin Bet General Security Services showed his true Leftist colors back in 1993 when he went along with Shimon Peres and Yossi Beilin's suicidal pact with the Arab devil... the now infamous Oslo Accords. Still not able to see a bad deal even when it came around to bite him another time, he willingly endorsed Oslo's bastard child, the Geneva Initiative. Poor Ami. He cannot stand to see Israel use a heavy hand against those who have sworn to finish Hitler's job. It's also sad to see a tough guy like Ami Ayalon drop to his knee pads every time people like "Sir Shimon of Oslo" come up with one dumb idea after another. With people like Ayalon running Israel's security services, it's amazing that Israel still exists! Ayalon, Uri Aybes, Marc Computer graphics specialist, France Aych, Gil Ben ![]() Azaroff, Lenore Research Professor in the Department of Work Environment at the Univ. of Massachusetts-Lowell. Her research focuses on employment and how it affects worker’s health. She "prposes the state of Israel as a Jewish state" and considers the Zionist structure of the state of Israel as the heart of the racism and oppression against the Palestinian people, and should be dismantled." Azaroff, Lenore Azoulay, Ariella Born in Tel Aviv in 1962, Dr Ariella Azoulay is Academic Director of the Camera Obscura School of Art in Tel Aviv and teaches visual culture and critical theory at Bar-Ilan University. She condemns the brutal policy of the Israeli government aimed at destroying the Palestinian society, the Palestinian economy and the elected Palestinian leadership headed by then President Yasser Arafat. She also considers the erection of concrete security walls (she calls them "apartheid walls") and fences as further devices toward the "ethnic cleansing" against the Palestinian people. Dr. Azoulay has already visited our online store but, thus far, she's still a bit uptight! Azriel, Aryeh "RABBI" Signed the "Rabbis for a Shared Jerusalem" [with the so-called "Palestinian Nation"] petition. What Masada2000.org wrote about Rabbi Peter Haas goes for this clown as well. Azriel, Naomi |
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