Sunday, 15 April 2018

"Where our imperial overlords go so do we"

"Reasoning" - where's that?

New Zealand will follow its imperial overlords to oblivion – truth be damned.

New Zealand 'accepts' reasoning behind US-led strike on Syria

14 April, 2018

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the Government was told on Saturday morning about plans by the US to bomb Syria.

US President Donald Trump announced the US, UK and France had launched the joint military strike against three targets in Syria just after 1pm Saturday (NZT) in response to the Syrian government's latest chemical weapons attack.

Ardern said New Zealand had been pushing for a diplomatic solution.

"The use of the veto powers at the Security Council prevented that course of action. We have always condemned the use of the veto, including by Russia in this case," she said.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the Government was told on Saturday morning about plans by the US to bomb Syria.

US President Donald Trump announced the US, UK and France had launched the joint military strike against three targets in Syria just after 1pm Saturday (NZT) in response to the Syrian government's latest chemical weapons attack.

Ardern said New Zealand had been pushing for a diplomatic solution.

"The use of the veto powers at the Security Council prevented that course of action. We have always condemned the use of the veto, including by Russia in this case," she said. 

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