An Aussie journalist who advocates for Julian Assange and WikiLeaks is reporting home invasions, thefts, psyops and harassment akin to that experienced by myself in NZ, and TPP & Occupy campaigners in the USA
That's Weird. No, I'm Not Going Crazy
Mark Hodge
April, 2018
wouldn't have the courage to write this without the support and
reassurance given by Suzie Dawson, who has endured far worse than
this but took the time to reassure me that I'm not going crazy. For
that, I am most grateful.
recently, I believed that I lived in a democracy. Sure, it was
tattered around the edges and there were some disturbing instances of
rules not applying to sections of the upper classes, but by and
large, I believed that we as Australians had the right to form and
voice our own opinions.
was naive, which is quite an achievement for someone who is viewed by
those closest to him as cynical, sceptical and at times just a tad
been writing about various taboo subjects on and off for about
eighteen months. By taboo, I mean CIA, Deep state, the incarceration
of Julian Assange, the influence of America over Australian policy,
Pine Gap, the coup of 1975, banking cartels and anything else that
gets up my nose on a given day.
most of that time, I've flown under the radar. My audience has been
minimal. I've used the writing as a pressure valve release, while I
worked as freelance writer providing content for small business
owners. I didn't think I was worth noticing.
probably wasn't.
I accepted a challenge to write a piece about Julian Assange on
Australia Day.
wasn't my best piece of work, not by a long stretch - but it hit a
had never seen website traffic like that article got.
audience grew, as a result. I'm still no heavy hitter and don't
expect to ever be, but my articles started to get traction and were
being shared by some pretty influential and, it has to be said,
subversive people.
when those weird little things started to happen. In isolation, they
seem to be nothing, but when I put them together, I don't feel
comfortable. Most of these instances seem trivial. Some of them are
probably coincidental. But even so, I feel compelled to record
The Telstra Guy
stuck in my mind as being a little odd. It was a week or so after
writing that first Assange article. I was sitting on the front steps
talking to a tradesman who was doing some work for me. There is a
telecom "pit" right outside our fence line.
It's hardly
ever used. The main nodes are a little way up the street. A van with
Telstra emblazoned on the side pulled up and a technician jumped out.
He looked directly at us and seemed surprised to see me sitting
fast is your Internet,"he asked.
told him it was pretty quick.
will be quicker when I'm finished," he replied and set to work.
would not have given this a second thought, if it weren't for
subsequent events and the fact that my Internet if anything is a
little slower.
Coming Home
after this, my wife and I made a day trip to Melbourne, some three
hours drive away. We returned home after dark and discovered that the
front doors were wide open. We never use the front doors and yet here
they were wide open. My wife freaked. We went through the house and
could find nothing missing.
Lost Papers

have been keeping a paper record of social media accounts in a spiral
binder. The binder is kept by my laptop. I went shopping and returned
to find the spiral binder left open and overturned on my desk. I
couldn't remember leaving it like that, but presumed I must have.
When I went to access the list of social media accounts, it was gone.
There is no reason why I would tear that page out. It is not there.
It s gone.
spent several days in a state of disbelief. I went through that
notebook repeatedly, thinking that I must have overlooked the page. I
went through rubbish bins. I searched the house high and low. Slowly,
I started to realize that someone had taken it. It meant nothing, but
it was screwing with my head.
Lost Computer Work
was struggling to meet a deadline for some work I had been engaged to
do. I took a break and took the dog for his daily walk, before doing
so, I put my laptop in sleep mode, hoping to return refreshed and
with the energy to get the job done. When I returned, I switched on
the computer. All the windows that were previously open were open -
except all of my word documents (I had 5 separate documents open).
They had been closed down. They weren't saved and they weren't
recoverable. They were gone.
needed those documents. I had spent hours on them. They had
There was no way I could meet the deadline. I lost a day and a job. I needed the money, if I'm totally honest. I scraped together a vastly inferior document and submitted it three hours late. The clients are not happy.
There was no way I could meet the deadline. I lost a day and a job. I needed the money, if I'm totally honest. I scraped together a vastly inferior document and submitted it three hours late. The clients are not happy.
don't think so. These happenings are eerily similar to other
I've been encouraged to make this post as a permanent record of what has happened. Future "coincidences will also be recorded.
I won't be promoting this page widely. I just want a record.
once again to Suzie Dawson for believing me.
not crazy and I'm not stupid and I find it bizarre to write this
Julian Assange Is Our Canary in The Coal Mine.
Suzie Dawson Retweeted
Yet another anti-TPP, pro-WikiLeaks and Anonymous campaigner steps forward to confirm that she has been extensively targeted by private security/intelligence companies:
Here is Suzie Dawson's story
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