Monday 9 April 2018

Julia Scripal being manipulated by British police

British Police Are Manipulating Julia Skripal – Niece

Image result for Julia skripal

8 April, 2018

The niece of former Colonel of Russian intelligence, Sergey Skripal, Victoria stated that his daughter Julia “desperately” wants to return to Russia.

In this situation, taking into account what is happening, no one can protect them, neither side can guarantee their safety,” she said. In Russia, meanwhile, a family and a job are awaiting Julia.

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She has a dog here, she has a life here, she has work and a loved one here,” added Victoria Skripal.

Earlier Victoria Skripal commented on the conversation she had with Julia and stated that Julia was being manipulated. Later, Victoria expressed willingness to testify to the British police.

This is from the BBC

Yulia Skripal's cousin fears 'information war' - BBC Newsnight

MI6's Skripal Psychological Warfare Operation: Novichok, Salisbury, Viktoria, Yulia

Public Enquiry


  • Russia still prime suspect
  • Former OPCW head describes UK government action as ‘premature’ and says impossible to analyse and identify toxin in 24hrs, let alone source
  • Queries why OPCW was not called in immediately.

8 April, 2018

José Bustani is a former Brazilian ambassador to the UK and was the first Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). He told the broadcaster RT that the UK government was ‘premature’ in deciding the source of the Salisbury toxin was Russia and that the government could not possibly have analysed and identified it as quickly as it claimed to:

Bustani also queried why the UK had not called in the OPCW immediately to identify the toxin, in accordance with usual practice.

The most likely source of the toxin is probably still Russia, but the UK government’s handling of the crisis and the lies it has told around it are falling apart almost by the minute

Portonblimp Down Episode 2 – A Tale By Boris Johnson

Craig Murray,
8 April, 2018

Comrade Putin, we have successfully stockpiled novichoks in secret for ten years, and kept them hidden from the OPCW inspectors. We have also trained our agents in secret novichok assassination techniques. The programme has cost hundreds of millions of dollars, but now we are ready. Naturally, the first time we use it we will expose our secret and suffer massive international blowback. So who should be our first target? The head of a foreign intelligence agency? A leading jihadist rebel in Syria? A key nuclear scientist? Even a Head of State?”

No, Tovarich. There is this old retired guy I know living in Salisbury. We released him from jail years ago…”

With respect Comrade Putin, are you sure he is the most important target to reveal a programme we have put so much resource into for ten years?”

Yes. I sit here every day and I cannot concentrate on the affairs of Russia or the World as all the time am thinking of Sergei Skripal. I should never have let him out of jail to spend his life buying lottery tickets and eating in Zizzis. But you must make absolutely certain to kill him.”

Don’t worry Comrade Putin, we have been training in secret novichok assassination techniques for ten years. We even have an detailed manual explaining our methods. We will spread the novichok on his outside door handle (fiendish laugh).”

Are you sure comrade? Is there not a danger it will wash off or get diluted?”

No Comrade Putin, it never rains in England.”

That is, genuinely, in every detail the official British government version of what happened in Salisbury, including the ten year programme and the secret assassination manual.

Despite this story being one of the most improbably wild conspiracy theories in human history, it is those who express any doubt at all as to its veracity who are smeared as “conspiracy theorists” or even “traitors”.

All copyright on this article is waived. Feel free to use, translate and republish as you wish.

UK Treatment of Skripal’s Pets Was Appalling - Worse it Pokes a Big Hole in Poisoning Story
Of all of the Skripals' animals, only a cat from Russia survived.

CIA & MI6 To Relocate Skripals To America, Give Them New Identities: Report

8 April, 2018

Sergei and Yulia Skripal will likely be offered "a new life in America in an attempt to protect them from further murder attempts," reports The Sunday Times.

Intelligence officials at MI6 have had discussions with their counterparts in the CIA about resettling the victims of the Salisbury poisoning. “They will be offered new identities,” a senior Whitehall figure said.
Security sources said Britain would want to ensure their safety by relocating them with one of the “five eyes” countries, the intelligence-sharing partnership that also includes America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. -The Times

The obvious place to resettle them is in America, because they’re less likely to be killed there and it’s easier to protect them there under a new identity,” an intelligence source familiar with the negotiations added. “There’s a preference for them to be resettled in a five-eyes nation because their case would have huge security implications.”

The former double agent and his daughter are both conscious according to senior sources, and will soon begin helping authorities with their investigation into the March 4 nerve agent attack that left the pair comatose in a Salisbury, UK park and sickened 21 others
Senior sources revealed both victims were conscious and would soon begin helping investigators with their inquiries into the nerve agent attack on March 4. Yulia, 33, a Russian citizen, has rejected demands by the Russian embassy in London that it provides her and her father with consular support — a move that has convinced British officials she might move to the West permanently. -The Times
Many are wondering how the pair survived exposure to one of the deadliest nerve agents on the planet, as a 1mm drop is the lethal dose - about the size of a small drop of rain. 
Sergei, 66, is said to be awake - however his recovery is said to be "further behind" his daughter. One source told The Times that ministers "hope they can both assist us with what happened soon." That said, the Skripals "would likely never be the same again" and that the poisoning may have left them requiring "ongoing medical are."

So far we've been told the Novichok was either smeared on a doorknob, at Sergi's wife's graveside, the air vents on Sergei's BMW, and a "gift from friends" opened by Yulia at Zizi's restaurant. Whatever the case, it also sickened 38 others

Skripal is a former double agent who was imprisoned in Russia in 2006 after the Kremlin discovered he had been cooperating with British secret services since 1995. He was released and pardoned by then-president Dmitry Medvedev in 2010, and relocated to the UK as part of a spy swap. According to The TelegraphSkripal reportedlyhas ties to former MI6 agent Christopher Steele
The Telegraph understands that Col Skripal moved to Salisbury in 2010 in a spy swap and became close to a security consultant employed by Christopher Steele, who compiled the Trump dossier. 
The British security consultant, according to a LinkedIn social network account that was removed from the internet in the past few days, is also based in Salisbury.
On the same LinkedIn account, the man listed consultancy work with Orbis Business Intelligence, according to reports. -The Telegraph

The Telegraph's report implies that Skripal - still tied to Russian intelligence, could have been a source for some of the claims in the "Steele Dossier," a 35-page document full of salacious and unverified claims about Donald Trump, which was paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC and arranged for by opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

If Skripal was involved in the Steele dossier - it would greatly expand the list of who might want him to wake up dead.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Skripal wasn't on Russia's radar after the 2010 spy swap. “He was handed to Britain as a result of an exchange. So, why should Russia hand in a man that is of any importance or that is of any value? It’s unimaginable," said the official. "He’s of zero value or zero importance." 

The Skripals were poisoned using what the UK says was a "military grade" nerve agent developed by Russia from the "Novichok" family of toxins - however Russia's representative to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) told state-run television in mid-March that the U.S. and U.K. also developed the military-grade nerve agent used in the attack.
Speaking at the 87th session of the OPCW Friday, Shulgin suggested the “unfounded” accusations from the West should be redirected at themselves. [It] may very well be that the substance used [in Skripal’s poisoning] may have come from the stocks” of the U.S. and U.K. -Newsweek

Our British colleagues should recall that Russia and the United Kingdom are members of the OPCW which is one of the most successful and effective disarmament and non-proliferation mechanisms," Shulgin said. "We call upon them to abandon the language of ultimatums and threats and return to the legal framework of the chemical convention, which makes it possible to resolve this kind of situation."

Following the Skripal poisoning, the UK and several of its allies responded by expelling Russian diplomats - with the Trump administration kicking 60 Russians out of the country, and the UK expelling 23. Russia returned "fire" with the expulsion of several foreign diplomats, and a demand that Britain scale back its diplomatic mission in Russia - affecting over 50 jobs. 
Russia's Ambassador to the UK, Alexander Yakovenko, says that London's reluctance to share information on the March 4 poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal has led Moscow to suggest that London authorities actually perpetrated the crime.
We have very serious suspicion that this provocation was done by British intelligence,” Yakovenko told Russia's NTV channel - adding however that Moscow had no direct proof, but that the UK's behavior constitutes strong circumstantial evidence in support of their theory. 

UK can't confirm origin

Adding to the reasons for concern over what many are calling a rush to judgement over the Skripal attack, the chief scientist from the UK's Porton Down military laboratory facility, Gary Aitkenhead, told Sky News that they had been unable to prove that the novichok nerve agent used to poison the Skripals came from Russia.

attack: Scientists have not been able to prove that Russia made the nerve agent used in the spy poisoning. Porton Down lab's chief exec reveals the details in this interview

"We were able to identify it as novichok, to identify that it was military-grade nerve agent," Aitkenhead said. "We have not identified the precise source, but we have provided the scientific info to government who have then used a number of other sources to piece together the conclusions you have come to."

The chief scientist said that establishing the Novichok's origin required "other inputs," some of which are intelligence based and which only the government has access to.
Aitkenhead added: "It is our job to provide the scientific evidence of what this particular nerve agent is, we identified that it is from this particular family and that it is a military grade, but it is not our job to say where it was manufactured."
And with that, it looks like the Skripals will be whisked away to the United States to live out the rest of their lives under new identities. 

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