Friday 5 December 2014


The 'donate' button at the bottom of the article did not work.  However if you use the button on the sidebar it will take you to my account.


A request for help

So I am back to my own resouces.

If I could I would perhaps have gone to consult with myself.  The next best thing is a practitioner of natural healing who advocates the SCENAR, which I have been using over the last little while and is the sole thing that seems have any positive effect. 

Unfortunately none of this comes cheaply -  (and I would like to pursue some other optiions, such as Chinese herbal medicine).

As I have said before, all my financial resources have exhausted themselves and we've been living off the redundancy my partner received when she was made redundant from the job she had worked at for many years.

Working at this blog really does take up most of my waking hours (apart from a weekly visit to my equine therapist),  and although I have been tempted by my declining health to throw in the towel, I'm not going to do that - because there is no alternative.

It is simply a moral imperative.

Nothing I do brings in a single brass razoo, so it is with some reluctance that I am putting my hand out  and requesting donations from those who are not in a similar predicament to me, and are capable of doing so.

The last time I did so I was waiting for email notification from Paypal which never came and assumed that no one had answered my plea. When I later checked I found that several people had made generous donations.

I acknowledged this belatedly (with apologies) and would again like to thank those who contributed.

Donations can be made in the usual way - through Paypal

If you use the "donate" button on the sidebar it will take you to my account

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