Sunday 2 June 2013

The Green Party speak out

Press Relase from the Green Party

Crony capitalism takes root in the Beehive
The National Government is undermining our democracy by giving special treatment to its special friends, the Green Party said today.

1 June, 2013

In his key-note AGM speech, Green Party Co-leader Dr Russel Norman took aim at the National Government’s crony capitalism and attacks on democracy.

John Key’s National Government is arrogant and divisive, and only looking out for their mates,” said Dr Norman.

If you want to be Prime Minister of this country you have got to work for everybody, not just for some.

Under National, New Zealand is a country of crony capitalism where public money and benefits are showered on those who have the ear of the relevant minister.

National abolished democracy in Canterbury to enable big dairy to increase pollution of rivers and aquifers. National rigged the tender process, handing SkyCity a sweet deal to build a national convention centre. National stopped protest at sea, after Shell Oil complained about protesters.

Crony capitalism is not a smart way to run a Government or an economy. It sends the signal to businesses everywhere that the real money to be made in this economy is through lobbying Government for sweet deals, not by honest, hard work.

This erosion of democracy and human rights matters. But it also matters because it is at the heart of every other economic, environmental and social debate we face as a nation.

The Green Party believes that ordinary people should have a say in decision making in this country - ordinary people should have power.

That’s why the Green Party will fight to restore our democracy.

In Government, the Green Party will immediately restore democracy to Canterbury. We will close the door to lobbyists and special interests. We will keep politics honest by restoring public input to law making.

National wants to take from us our collective belief that together we can create a better New Zealand, but we will not let them,” Dr Norman said.

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