Flood Insurance Costs May Soar For Hardest-Hit Sandy Victims
Kasimos has almost finished repairing flood damage to his waterfront
home, but his Superstorm Sandy nightmare is far from over.
June, 2013
thousands of others in the hardest-hit coastal stretches of New
Jersey and New York, his life is in limbo as he waits to see if tough
new coastal rebuilding rules make it just too expensive for him to
because the federal government's newly released advisory flood maps
have put his Toms River home in the most vulnerable area – the
"velocity zone." If that sticks, he'd have to jack his
house up 14 feet on stilts at a cost of $150,000 or face up to
$30,000 a year in flood insurance premiums.
assumes when you say a `home on the water,' people have tons and tons
of money, but that's not the case," said Kasimos, whose Toms
River home was filled with a foot and a half of water in the storm.
"Most of these homeowners are middle class."
as those in the most vulnerable coastal areas have struggled to
recover from the storm, federal authorities have been issuing them a
sobering warning: Raise your homes above the flood plain or face
soaring flood insurance costs.
many, it's an impossible choice. They can't afford to do either. And
many unanswered questions have left residents paralyzed with
the new flood maps are finalized in coming months by the Federal
Emergency Management Agency, homeowners won't know for sure how high
they'll have to raise their homes – if they have to raise them at
are urging people to elevate their houses now because they are
eligible for federal financial aid. About $350 million of New York
City's and $600 million of New Jersey's Sandy relief funding has been
allocated for the repair of single- and two-family homes, which could
help defray the cost.
it's still unclear how that money will be distributed among
individual homeowners, which means many of them could be on their own
process of house-raising is laborious and prohibitively expensive,
especially for working-class people who are already saddled with
storm repair costs. Even a small cottage can cost $60,000 to elevate,
while a sprawling multilevel home could run upwards of $250,000.
damned if you do and you're damned if you don't," said Karly
Carozza, who is living with her parents while she and her husband
decide when to repair their small ranch house in Brick Township, N.J.
"It seems like waiting makes the most sense, but when people
have nowhere to go, how long do you want them to wait?"
say now is the time to prepare for the future: Sandy will happen
again. But many residents don't believe them.
think Sandy was a fluke, a storm to end all storms, the kind they
won't ever see again. And they're preparing to do battle with the
government for the right to continue living just as they have for
generations – in low-lying abodes that were never built to endure
storms, let alone the fierce hurricanes of the 21st century.
Broad Channel in the New York City borough of Queens, where the air
smells like fish and ramshackle bungalows are built along the docks,
few people are raising their homes. The firefighters, police officers
and auto mechanics who live on this marshy island simply can't afford
residents here are staring down a possible A or V flood zone
designation, putting them squarely on target to incur astronomical
insurance premiums. FEMA defines an A zone as an area that has a 26
percent chance of flooding over 30 years. A V zone is the same, but
adds the potential hazard of storm waves, increasing insurance
thing that scares me is that we've invested and worked on our houses
our whole life," said Frank Porcella, who took out a mortgage to
pay for flooding damage to his bungalow. "And now they'll make
this place and the area around it a ghost town."
who is retired and lives on a fixed income, didn't even consider
raising his home. If his flood insurance goes up, he'll simply walk
away from his house and his mortgage. He's gambling that the proposed
rules will be changed and that another Sandy won't happen again in
his lifetime.
months before Sandy hit, Congress quietly passed the Biggert-Waters
Flood Insurance Reform Act, a bill that authorized skyrocketing
premium increases for people in flood-prone communities.
was a desperate attempt to keep the program financially solvent after
it was nearly bankrupted by an onslaught of claims from Hurricane
Katrina, which forced the federal government to borrow about $17
billion from the Treasury.
Biggert-Waters was passed in 2012, the big issue was this debt,"
said Larry Larson, a senior policy adviser for the Association of
State Floodplain Managers. "And the reality that the program
could probably never pay it back."
the same time, FEMA was already preparing to update flood plain maps
that hadn't been revised in more than three decades. The new maps
account for sea level rise and other changes to the coastline,
putting almost every town in a more stringent flood zone.
a home lies 4 feet below the flood plain, for example, a homeowner
could pay $9,000 a year in flood insurance once the new rates take
effect, Larson said. And the cost could be much higher, depending on
the designation and where the home sits.
why Kasimos founded "Stop FEMA Now!," a grassroots group
that's fighting for changes to both Biggert-Waters and the new flood
group has nearly 4,000 Facebook members and counting. And it's
gaining traction from concerned shore-dwellers across the nation,
especially those on the Gulf Coast.
Mattison of Belle Chasse, La., started a Louisiana chapter after
learning her annual flood insurance premium will skyrocket from $300
to nearly $10,000.
going to buy my house knowing they're going to have to fork over an
extra 10 grand a year?" she asked.
Mary Landrieu, a Louisiana Democrat who voted for Biggert-Waters,
introduced legislation last month that would delay the premium
increases and allow homes that had subsidized rates to keep them,
even if they are sold.
you live on the wild side and ignore the maps?
you don't have a federally backed mortgage, sure. But if you don't,
your home won't be worth much if you try to sell it down the road.
it was my house and that was my biggest investment in my life, I'd
build it like a tank," said Rod Scott, a consultant for the
structural elevation industry in New Orleans, who has been educating
thousands of homeowners across New Jersey on house-raising. "I
wouldn't squibble and squabble about this or that. I'd put the money
in and I'd invest and I'd make it stronger so it can survive."
many homes with brick or cement foundations simply cannot be raised.
To meet the new flood zone requirements, residents could instead fill
their basements or first floors and move all electrical equipment to
higher floors. Or they could knock them down and rebuild altogether.
make matters more complex: To elevate in a V zone, people must build
breakway walls that allow water to pass through or put their homes on
most of her neighbors, Lynn O'Hanlon is set on raising her Broad
Channel home where she lives with her husband and two small children.
The entire first floor of the two-story house was destroyed, and the
place was so badly damaged that engineers say it would collapse if
they tried to raise it.
they're planning to use insurance money to knock the whole thing down
and rebuild, possibly as high as 14 feet, depending on the final
instructions from FEMA. O'Hanlon hopes the new height will protect
her children from future storms.
be pretty high in the air," she said. "We'll be climbing a
lot of stairs."
she's worried about the future of their cozy community where people
have lived for generations in close proximity to the sea.
will it look like 20 years from now?
hope that the money comes through and the houses go up, and we're all
one community 14 feet in the air," she said. "Hopefully."
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