Sunday, 9 June 2013

Geoengineering and chemtrails

In the past I have toyed with the idea of chemtrails on this blog. I have never fully embraced this view fully but rather just put out information so people can make up their own mind.

I have had problems with chemtrails – the first being that no credible scientist has ever seemed to have taken this seriously.

There is a lot of talk about geoengineering as a way of 'buying time' with global warming (or perhaps as an 'alternative' to doing something about greenhouse gases. But this is always in the future tense. No-one has suggested that there is already a program to conduct geoengineering globally.

I would have to believe that all this talk is some huge form of misinformation, and that anyone who does not embrace the chemtrails theory is either ignorant or a misinformation agent.

It would put me in the uncomfortable company of people who generally think climate change is a hoax, along with peak oil. I would have to go along with some ideas that ask me to believe that just about everything is a conspiracy.

I feel uncomfortable around people who have an opinion about everything without allowing the slightest room for doubt.

At last some sense on this subject.

RT (which tends to at the least, ignore climate change), in the form of Abby Martin has done an interview with Australian environmentalist Clive Hamilton on this subject.

Everythiing he says seems fully credible to me, including his response to chemtrails.

He doesn't provide anything other than 'there is no proof', so I am also posting an article by someone (I don't know who)'debunking' chemtrails, as well as the original video on chemtrails.

Personally, I feel as uncomfortable with the 'debunkers' as with the conspiracists. But that's all we're left with because no one with any scientific credibility has much to say about it.


Geo-Engineering: Playing God?
Interview with Clive Hamilton

Abby Martin talks to Clive Hamilton, public ethics professor at Charles Sturt University, and author of 'Earthmasters', about the controversial practice of geo-engineering; the arguments for and against the artificial altering of the natural world.

How to Debunk Chemtrails


The chemtrail conspiracy theory seems to frequently misidentify ordinary contrails as “chemtrails” – some kind of secret spraying program. This theory comes in many flavors, and there’s a large number of things people bring up as “evidence” to support this theory. I’ve tried to gather all the debunks of this evidence in one place here, for easy reference. This is a work in progress, and will remain on the front page here as I expand and refine it.

While the title of this post is “How to Debunk Chemtrails”, the actual debunking depends on what version of the theory needs debunking. There’s a variety of common claims, and variations on those themes. The best approach is to debunk the individual claim (such as: contrails only last a few seconds), rather than trying to debunk the entire theory.
I’ve tried to arrange each section in the order of most useful links first.
Contrails Through History
Theorists claim:  Contrails used to dissipate in a few seconds, minutes at most.
But they didn’t. There’s a huge amount of evidence (in addition to lots of people remembering persistent contrails). It dates back to 1918, and continues up to the present day.
Contrail photos through history - Fifty photos of persisting and spreading contrails from 1950 to 1995. Taken from people’s old photo albums, and old books. Also links to other similar collections.
Life Magazine Contrail Photos – Eleven photos that appeared in Life Magazine from 1940 to 1998 show persisting and spreading contrails.
WWII Contrails – A large collection of photos showing persisting and spreading contrails from WWII in the 1940s.
Pre WWII Contrails – The History of contrails dating back to 1918, with the first persistent spreading contrail observed in 1921
Some more WWII Contrails – A WWII contrail photo I found in an old photo album uploaded to Flickr.
Thirty Contrails, Forty Years Ago – An impressive photo of a sky full of contrails from before 1967.
Clouds before Planes – Cloud Studies 1905 – A 100 year old book showing photos of clouds that some chemtrail enthusiasts think must be man-made.
Memphis Belle WWII Bomber Contrails – 1944 – A 1940s film that shows planes leaving contrails, including with gaps in them.
Fighter and Bomber Contails, 1940s – Video and photos of wartime contrails over London and the English countryside
Twilight Zone Contrails – Contrails show up in a 1959 episode of The Twilight Zone
Chemtrails were Contrails – A video of some old newspaper accounts of contrails.
Contrail Confusion is Nothing New – Accounts from the 1950s of people being confused by contrails – taking them to be something else.
Chemical Tests, Aluminum, Barium, Etc.
Theorist claim: Chemical tests reveal aluminum and barium have been sprayed
In reality the tests all show normal levels of chemicals. They were often very badly performed (testing soil instead of water, and confusing the level, or using the wrong units of measurements).
What In The World Are They Spraying? – An explanation of the mistakes in the popular chemtrail video.
Barium Chemtrails on KSLA – A very popular “chemtrail” news story where the reporter gets his figures entirely wrong.
Chemtrail Non-science Air analysis from Phoenix that shows levels so high we’d all be dead. They did it wrong.
Chemical Analysis of Contrails – Clifford Carnicom claims high levels of some chemicals, but they actually show lower than normal levels.
Photos and Video used by chemtrail theorists
Theorists claim: Photos and videos show spray planes.
Reality: all the planes have been identified. Most have non-controversial uses, and the rest are demonstrable fakes.
Chemtrail” Aircraft Photos – The inside and outside of variosu suppsed “Chemtrail” planes. Explained.
Fake, Hoax, Chemtrail Videos – Some of the more obvious hoax videos.
Germans Admit They Used Düppel!
– A gernam news story about chaff interfering with weather radar is deliberately mistranslated.
History Channel, That’s Impossible, Weather Warfare & Chemtrails – a look as some of the claims on the Discover channel shor on chemtrails.
Contrails In the Movies – A look at a couple of contrails in some animated movies.
About the Chemtrail theory
Theorist claim: Lots of people believe in chemtrails, and it’s mentioned in a government bill, so it must be true.
Reality: Not really. Lots of people believe in all kinds of things, and the mention in the bill was inserted by some UFO enthusiasts.
A brief history of “Chemtrails” – How it got started in 1997, who started it, and how it developed.
Chemtrail Myths – Five common myths about “chemtrails”
How many people believe in chemtrails? – just how popular is the theory? Not very.
Kucinich, Chemtrails and HR 2977 – The supposed outlawing of chemtrails. What really happened.
General Discussion of Chemtrails
Theorist claim: People don’t remember lots of contrails like this, so it must be new.
Reality: Many people DO remember. But most people still don’t pay any attention to contrails. You see thing when you are interested in them.
The amount of air traffic, grids, and contrail patterns
Theorist claim: grids and X patterns prove they can’t be contrails
Reality: grids and X’s are inevitable results of air traffic, and winds and weather conditions.
Contrail Information
Theorists claim: “chemtrails” are not contrails, because contrails don’t act like that
Reality: yes they do.
 Unusual contrails explained
Theorists claim: odd looking contrails prove they are not contrails.
Reality: all can be explained if you do a bit of research.
The Los Angeles Mystery Missile Contrail, and similar
Other random stuff

What in the World Are They Spraying?

See also Geoengineering: Dangerous Proposal Or Lethal Reality?

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