Thursday 23 May 2013

Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer

U.S. groundwater running dry
The depletion of groundwater from one of the largest aquifers in the United States since 2001 was faster than during the entire 20th century, the USGS finds

22 May, 2013

The U.S. Geological Survey reviewed groundwater data from 1900 to 2008 and said the annual rate of depletion was accelerating. The Ogallala Aquifer, which covers more than 170,000 square miles in the middle of the United States, declined rapidly because of the high rate of water use for agricultural, industrial and municipal water needs.

"The depletion during the last eight years of record [2001-2008] is about 32 percent of the cumulative depletion in this aquifer during the entire 20th century," the USGS said in a statement.

The USGS said groundwater depletion has increased steadily since the 1950s but has accelerated more quickly in the last eight years.

"Because groundwater systems typically respond slowly to human actions, a long-term perspective is vital to manage this valuable resource in sustainable ways," acting USGS Director Suzette Kimball said in a statement.

The World Meteorological Organization said there was a global level of sustained drought last year. Groundwater sources are replenished in part by rainfall and other forms of precipitation

Every American needs to watch this. Watch as hired-gun politicians commit murder for hire. Watch how a naive community is bullied and ignored, overridden and dismissed. Watch how their cries of protest are totally ineffective. Watch and learn how your life -- and the life of your community -- will be taken by infinite growth.

Your cries of protest will not do any good either.

My observation is that if the human race does decide to fight for its life, it will have to do a much better job than this. This is what's going on all over the industrialized world... And we walk to the showers as a string quartet plays Mozart.

--Mike Ruppert

Boulder County Votes to Begin Fracking next to Elementary Schools on June 11, 2013

Cindy Domenico, Deb Gardner, Elise Jones, County Commissioners in Boulder County just made the decision to let the 3 fracking wells set up next to Niwot, Gunbarrel and BC Erie elementary schools and family neighborhoods, and 7 other wells ready to begin operations POISON our children and beautiful home here. The moratorium extension request from 2/2/12 was denied as they feel enough data is gathered and we the People do NOT have the authority to change and improve Emission regulations that HAVE NOT CHANGED since 1990. Do you know more that you did 23 years ago? They claim they do not have the authority to continue the moratorium or initiate a ban like Longmont has done NOR can they allow the Public to VOTE on this Initiative. Where do the Powers that Be expect to collect money from once we're all dead??? Are you going to stand by and let the Oil and Gas companies poison your families when we already have the technology to create a better way?

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