Monday 5 May 2014

The Odessa massacre

NOT for sensitive souls!

How the thugs killed Odessa inhabitants in the Trade Unions House - the details of bloody scenario

Как убивали одесситов в Доме Профсоюзов - детали сценария...

Уже понятно, что в Доме Профсоюзов в Одессе было убито много более 42 человек. Провокаторы увлекли людей в здание, где их можно было убивать безнаказанно, с наслаждением и без свидетелей. Пожара внутри здания не было - была постановка пожара, чтобы списать на него массовое уничтожение граждан Украины.

It’s clear that the number of people killed in the Trade Unions House was far more than 42 (officials reported 42 dead people). Provocateurs captivated people into the building where it was possible to kill them with impunity, pleasure, and without witnesses. Fire inside the building was directed in order to hide mass murdering of Ukrainian citizens.

Сначала поджог палаток на площади и организация значительного по площади открытого пламени на фоне здания. Людей увлекают под защиту массивных дверей Дома Профсоюзов. У сторонников федерализма на площади не было заранее заготовленных бутылок с зажигательной смесью. Откуда же возник пожар внутри здания?

First, the tents on the square were set on fire which resulted in appearance of large open fire areas close to the building. People were captivated to hide behind massive doors of the Trade Unions House. Federalism supporters had no Molotov’s cocktails prepared in advance. From whence has fire inside the building appeared?

Люди, спрятавшиеся за дверями на первом этаже, были атакованы боевиками Правого Сектора, которые находились там задолго до начала экзекуции. На первом этаже люди сгорели до костей. Сначала у одного выхода...

People behind the doors of the ground floor have been attacked by the Right Sector thugs who got in there long before the execution has begun. People on the ground floor burned to the bones. First at one exit…

... потом у всех трёх.

…then at all three ones.

... пожарные прибыли, когда уже сгорели даже массивные входные двери.

…firefighters have come when even massive entrance doors were burnt already.

В солидном пятиэтажном здании с потолками за 3 метра открытый огонь был ещё только в одном кабинете.

Inside a massive five-storey building with ceilings over 3 meters high an open fire was seen in a single room only.

Кто мог пробраться на крышу административного здания федерального значения? Наверно те, кто заранее получил ключи от замков, запирающих стальные решётки, ведущие к дверям на крышу.

Who could get onto the roof of the administrative building of nationwide significance? Perhaps those who in advance got the keys to locked steel gratings protecting the roof doors.

Этих боевиков следует найти. Они могли бы рассказать много интересного о том, когда начался осуществляться план по массовому уничтожению одесситов, и как они заранее заготовили запасы горючей смеси в Доме Профсоюзов.
На нижнем фото клоуны из массовки изображают сторонников федерализма. Типичная голливудская (США/Израиль)подстава под "чужим флагом".

These thugs must be found. They could tell a lot about when the murdering plan started to realize, and how in advance they brought supplies for Molotov’s cocktails to the Trade Unions House.

On the picture below stunt clowns play a role of federalism supporters. Typical Hollywood (USA/Israel)-style “false flag” action.

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Полностью сгоревшие трупы на первом этаже у входных дверей.

Charred bodies on the ground floor, near the entrance doors.

Откуда обгоревшие трупы оказались выше первого этажа - там где не было открытого огня?

From whence have charred bodies appeared on higher floors where there was no open fire?

То же фото с другого ракурса :
- деревянная панель на батарее, деревянные поручни на лестнице и лист дсп не сгорели
- синий овал - баррикада из столов, стульев и тумбочек. Она даже не затронута пламенем, хотя мы видим обгоревшие тела
- откуда баррикада? Скорее всего она была сооружена боевиками ПС, чтобы заблокировать пути к спасению на этажи выше

The same bodies from other viewpoint:
- Wooden battery panel, wooden railings on the stairs and chipboard sheet don't look burnt;
- Blue oval points to the barricade made of tables, chairs and cabinets. It hadn’t even touched by fire, unlike the charred bodies lying nearby;
- From whence has the barricade appeared? It was built by the Right Sector thugs in order to block the path to salvation leading to the floors above.

- женский труп тащили по полу с места реальной смерти. Кто и зачем?

Female corpse was dragged across the floor space from the real place of her death. Who and why did it?

- мужчина убит выстрелом в голову
-ранение навылет - под головой натекло

The man shot in the head

Вы уже обратили внимание, что у погибших сгорели головы и плечевой пояс? Одежда от груди и ниже огнём не затронута - людей поливали сверху горючей жидкостью и поджигали.  Могли ли сохраниться солнцезащитные очки на лице, когда человек пытается стряхнуть с головы напалм?
От того сгорали кисти рук и запястья до кости.

На этом, как и на предыдущих фото, странная "белая побелка" на полу. Это порошёк из огнетушителей. Их использовали каратели после того, как люди погибали... чтобы самим не сгореть или пострадать от угарного газа.

Have you noticed already that some dead people had burnt heads and shoulders only? That clothing under chest is not affected by fire? Somebody from above poured flammable stuff onto people and set them on fire. Could sunglasses stay on the face when a man tries to shake the napalm off his head? That’s why hands and wrists of those people burned to the bones.

On this and previous pictures, a strange “whitewash” can be seen on the floor. That is the powder from extinguishers used by the punishers after people died…in order not to burn themselves or suffer from carbon monoxide.

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Юноша и девушка. Они не сгорели и не задохнулись - нет признаков открытого огня на паркете (ему лет 50 и он должен был вспыхнуть как солома) и копоти от дыма на стенах. Их убили другим способом. Скорее всего обоим сломали шеи - профессионалы развлекались.

Man and girl. They haven’t burned, neither suffocated – there are no signs of an open fire on the floor (the man looks 50 years old, and he should have catch fire as a straw) and soot from the smoke on the walls. They were killed by other means. Most likely, somebody broke their necks – “professionals” entertained here.

Баррикады были и на этажах. Кровь на паркете, Сгоревшая голова.
Вполне возможно, что каратели менялись верхней одеждой с убитыми. Знакомая фишка - простая и эффективная.

Barricades were on the other floors as well. Blood on the floor. Burnt head.

The red arrow: it's quite possible that the killers were "exchanging" their clothing with victims. Well known stuff, simple and effective.

Note: according to one of the main versions, "false flag" version, that day the Right Sector thugs put St. George's Ribbons (symbols of anti-Maidan federalism supporters) and organized violent provocation against Maidan supporters (i.e. against their own allies), in order to later blame federalism supporters and make them look responsible for death of many people.

Женщина у лифтовой шахты без одежды ниже пояса. Скорее всего её изнасиловали, а потом облили голову горючей смесью и сожгли.

Naked woman near the elevator. Most likely, she was raped, then doused with a flammable mixture and set on fire.


Убитые выстрелами в голову.

People shot in the head.

Всё та же картина - сожжённые головы, кисти рук и плечевой пояс, нетронутая огнём нижняя часть тела.

The same picture again: burnt heads, hands and shoulders, lower body untouched by fire.


Убитый выстрелами в голову.

Man shot in the head.

Самая страшная картина. Скорее всего беременная сотрудница. Есть такие, кто убирают в кабинетах и поливают цветы в дни, когда учреждения не работают. Её задушили электропроводом. Она пыталась сопротивляться - на полу сброшенный цветок...

The scariest picture. Most likely, a pregnant woman. She is likely one of the employees who work on holidays, cleaning offices and watering flowers. She was strangled by an electric wire. She tried to resist – one can see discarded flower on the floor.

The following video recorded how this woman cried and called for help ("HELP ME! HELP ME!") being killed to death (started at 0:20).

... убийца.

…her presumable killer.

Радость "патриота Украины" - он сам указывает на жертву, на убийцу и на место преступления. Будущая мать и Одесса-мама убиты. Убита и Украина.

(The title on the picture posted by Ukrainian “patriot”: “Mom…was killed!!!. Glory to the Ukraine!”)

Joy of “Ukrainian patriot” – he points to the victim, the killer and the crime scene.
Future mother (strangled woman) and the Mom Odessa (famous naming of Odessa) are killed. As the whole Ukraine.

Свидетельство очевидца -

On the following video, an eyewitness says about more than one hundred victims killed inside the Trade Unions House (in Russian).


p.s. Убитых может быть до 300. Большую часть, особенно детей и женщин, рубили топорами и забивали палками в подвале 876486.html

P.S. The number of killed people can be as high as 300. Most of people, especially children and women, were hashed with axes and bitten to death with wooden sticks in the basement of the Trade Unions House: 876486.html

How the thugs killed Odessa 

inhabitants in the Trade 

Provocation gone wrong: 

Murky forces instigating 

Odessa violence?


5 May, 2014

Video footage filmed during the bloody events in Odessa that claimed dozens of lives on Friday shows a more complicated picture, with provocateurs instigating the violence.
Ukrainian authorities blamed the pro-autonomy activists for starting the clashes that led to the tragic fire at the House of Trade Unions. The interior ministry stated that anti-Kiev activists attacked supporters of Kiev authorities before retreating to the building for shelter, and threw petrol bombs at the crowd triggering the fire.
Russia’s Channel One television reconstructed the chronological order of events using publicly available YouTube videos detailing what happened in Odessa on Friday.
It began with a football match between two teams – Chernomorets Odessa and Metalist Kharkov. Despite the high political tensions in the region, authorities still allowed the match to take place, realizing that a few thousand pro-Kiev football fans would be arriving to the city.
Following the match, around 1,500 supporters of the Kiev authorities and football ultras came together for a march in support of Ukraine’s unity. The rally was sanctioned by local authorities.
Nationalists made their way towards the center of the city chanting “Glory to Ukraine” and “Death to enemies,” as well as “Knife the Moskals (derogatory for Russians).” Some people in the group wore ultra-nationalist movement insignia. They were armed with chains and bats, and carried shields.
The violence started when the pro-Kiev crowd was met by what looked like anti-government activists. They were wearing St. George ribbons – identifying them as pro-autonomy – and red bands around their sleeves. Some of the riot police officers present at the scene were wearing the same red bands around their sleeves.
Image from
Image from

Then the visibly smaller group of alleged anti-Kiev activists started to attack the march, apparently provoking the demonstrators. Footage then shows a smaller group men wearing red bands luring the pro-Kiev crowd into a different direction.
At some point, the police line opened up to let the men wearing red bands through and closed back up again. A video then shows a man standing behind the police lines shooting at the pro-Kiev crowd.
The provocations succeeded in triggering clashes, as both sides began to throw stones, and shots were heard.
The alleged anti-Kiev activists then disappeared and angry pro-Kiev supporters headed to the opposition camp based in front of the House of Trade Unions.
However, none of the original attackers with the red bands were there. Instead, a few dozen pro-autonomy activists were surrounding the camp. When the activists saw the angry mob approaching, they took shelter inside the House of Trade Unions.
Survivors of the fire say they had to barricade themselves inside the House of Trade Unions to hide from the agitated mob, which torched their tent camp.
Radicals then began throwing Molotov cocktails at the Trade Unions building, setting it on fire. Witnesses say those who managed to escape the blaze were severely beaten outside by the besiegers of the burning building.
But the Ukrainian Interior Ministry offers a different version of events, saying the victims of the violent unrest started the fire themselves when they began throwing Molotov cocktails from the upper floor.
Multiple videos of the incident, however, show Molotov cocktails flying from outside the building. Another video shows that some radical pro-Kiev elements were also inside the building, waving a Ukrainian flag.
The evidence leads one to conclude that the football fans could have been manipulated while unknown forces instigated the violence.

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