Monday 5 May 2014

Fukushima update - 05/04/2014

Coming back to this after a couple of weeks I find nothing has changed: it's just worse

70 Years of Radioactive Risks in America and Japan by Kevin Kamps

If This talk doesn't make your skin Crawl... I don't know what will!
Kevin Kamps 70 Years of Radioactive Risks America and Japan and you can subscribe to her channel Here:

Seventy Years of Radioactive Risks in Japan and America"
HD, 29 min 55 sec, in English

Kevin Kamps
Specialist in High Level Waste Management and Transportation
Beyond Nuclear
Helen Caldicott Foundation

The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Co-Sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility
March 11th & 12th, 2013

Fukushima News 5/2/14: Britain's Nuclear Experts To The Rescue?-Decommissioning Fukushima

Fukushima Documentary:Senior Brigade: Protecting an Uninhabited Town

Okuma Town, the site of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, is contaminated with radioactive substances and completely fenced off as uninhabitable. The residents have been forced to live elsewhere since the nuclear accident. But the 'Senior Brigade', which consists of workers recently retired from top posts in local government, prepare for the day when the people can return. We follow the members as they worked to protect the uninhabited town.

Fukushima News 5/1/14: Murdering Marine Life-No Plan to Stop Radioactive Contamination of Pacific

Make of this what you will
Arctic Ozone Hole & Polar Melt From Fukushima Catastrophe ✑ Yoichi Shimatsu w/Rense 4.21.14

TEPCO Pleads for Help like an INSANE Person Fukushima update 5/2/14

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