Cheap credit has inflated the markets, and we could be in for a crash landing
to solve a debt problem with more debt has created a bigger bubble,
and it's hard to see what the central banks can do
June, 2013
the past four centuries, there have been five occasions when major
credit bubbles have led to stonking crashes. Tulip mania in
17th-century Holland was the first; the South Sea bubble in the 18th
century was the second; the US real estate crash of the 1830s was the
third; the 1929 Wall Street Crash and the Great Depression was the
fourth. The sub-prime crisis that began in 2007 was the fifth.
the world approaches the sixth anniversary of the freezing up of
credit markets, a terrible idea has occurred to investors: we might
only be part-way through the crisis. This has come as something of a
shock. For the best part of the year markets have been pushing asset
prices higher in the belief that the worst of the crisis is over.
They have given a big round of thanks to Ben Bernanke, Sir Mervyn
King et al for keeping monetary policy ultra-loose and avoiding a
repeat of the 1930s.
are now starting to set in, and rightly so. Cheap credit has done
wonders for equity and bond markets but precious little to revive
real activity. This has been the weakest recovery from a slump in
living memory. And financial markets have become dependent on central
banks keeping the money taps wide open, even though the evidence is
that each additional dose of easing is less effective than the last.
Markets are currently skittish not because there is a risk that the
Federal Reserve will start to reverse its quantitative easing
programme but because of fears that it might start to reduce the
amount of assets it purchases monthly. An extremely aggressive and
highly dangerous dependency culture has developed and it is not easy
to see how central banks get out of the problem that they have
created for themselves.
is clearly a risk that if the Fed, the Bank of England, the ECB and
the Bank of Japan started to nudge up interest rates towards
pre-crisis levels and gradually reversed QE, over-leveraged
households and banks would not be able to cope. Yet, there is also a
risk that seeking to solve a debt problem with still more debt is
creating the conditions for an even bigger bubble, which could go pop
at any time. Support for this idea is growing. John Kay noted last
week that the world was heading for a second crisis because the
financial sector was inherently prone to instability. "Prices
are driven to silly levels, but everyone makes a load of money in the
meantime, and then you get a correction."
possible flashpoints for the next crisis have been identified: China
and the eurozone. Charlene Chu at Fitch has noted that total lending
by banks and other financial institutions in China was almost 200% of
GDP in 2012, up from 125% four years earlier. Not only is credit
twice as big as China's economy, it is growing twice as fast. The
lesson from the US in the years between the dotcom crash and the
financial crisis of 2007 is that debt-fuelled growth on this scale
can work for a while but eventually proves unsustainable as debts
become unpayable.
Skene and Melissa Kidd of Lombard Street Research think the eurozone
will be the catalyst for the next crisis. In their new book,
Surviving the Debt Storm, the pair argue that Europe's banks are
pretty much insolvent and kept going only by unlimited liquidity
provided by the ECB. What's more, they are far bigger in relation to
the size of the eurozone economy (350% of GDP) than are the American
big banks (80% of GDP). The eurozone banks are highly leveraged,
continuing to expand their balance sheets, and making little attempt
to recapitalise themselves.
and Kidd agree with Kay and Chu: something very nasty is lurking out
there. Investors would do well to take note.
in the sky accord?
dispute whether they deserve to be villains in the climate change
debate. But at their global summit this week they agreed a resolution
that they hailed as a breakthrough. Sceptics, naturally, saw it as
collective buck-passing: a motion asking governments worldwide to
pass unified laws to cap their emissions. Airlines haven't so much
gone green as slipped into the red: high oil prices mean burning less
fuel is critical for their accounts, let alone the planet.
there is also a recognition that minimising CO2 is aviation's
"licence to grow", as a senior figure put it. In the short
term, this will include carbon offsetting – a cheap solution that
risks making research and investment in genuinely greener technology
less attractive. But in a tough market with razor-thin margins,
aviation demands a universal scheme, allowing European carriers to
compete fairly with their Chinese counterparts. Whether politicians
can deliver that global solution is the next question.
cut for Sorrell
year ago this week Sir Martin Sorrell, the founder and frontman of
advertising company WPP, got something of a shock. Almost 60% of the
firm's shareholders voted down a plan to increase his pay by up to
60%. To a certain extent he had seen it coming. The year before, the
company received the equivalent of a yellow card when 41% of
shareholders voted against WPP's pay policies. It also became clear
in the days before the AGM that a rebellion was on the cards.
what did Sorrell do? He broke the unspoken rule in the corporate
world by commenting on his own pay. "In 1985 I borrowed £250,000
to buy almost 15% of WPP. Today anybody who invested £1,000 in WPP
at the beginning of 1985 would have more than £46,000 including
dividends, or £31,000 excluding dividends," Sorrell wrote in
the Financial Times.
needed to pay its staff competitively to have successful companies,
he said, and signed off: "WPP is not a failure, it is a
or not, it was not enough to stop the revolt, which did not sting
badly enough for Sorrell to follow the advice of Ivan
Glasenbergcorrect, the chief executive of commodity trader Glencore
Xstrata, to quit if he lost the vote.
was painful enough, though, for the advertising company to come back
this April with a £150,000 cut in his salary – still a reasonably
healthy £1.15m – and a 20% reduction in his potential payouts from
a long-term incentive plan, which would give him a mere £19m if he
hits all his marks.
has been enough to convince ISS, an influential voting advisory
group, to advise investors to back the pay report at this year's AGM
on Wednesday in the Savoy. But behind the scenes there are still
grumblings from some investors that Sorrell's pay is over the top. He
received £17m in 2012. A full-scale rebellion may not be brewing,
but the row is simmering. If there is another protest this year,
Glasenberg's view from last year may be ringing in his ears.
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