Hell on Earth
June, 2013
Arctic is melting, but it’s just an invitation to exploit it as the
next hydrocarbon frontier. It’s a golden busine$$ opportunity with
new shipping lanes, untapped oil/gas reserves, minerals, and fish.
Hell, it’s even got potential as another tourist trap.
Drill it, frack it, dig it up, pump it out and burn it!
keep our six lane highways humming, our three-story malls and big-box
stores bustling, our jumbo jets flying, and our semi trucks hauling.
Drill it, frack it, dig it up, pump it out and burn it!
food supply is failing from floods, droughts, and heat waves,
but it’s the perfect open door for Mon$anto’s GMOs. A DNA tweak
here and a genetic alteration there to our fossil fuel-dependent
monoculture crops is all that is needed to withstand this
strange new weather.
Drill it, frack it, dig it up, pump it out and burn it!
forests are dying, biodiversity is disappearing, the oceans are
acidifying and plasticizing, the fresh water aquifers are drying
up, and the skies are simmering, but the show must go on, for the
corporations know no other way. Business-as-usual must continue,
even if it kills us.
Drill it, frack it, dig it up, pump it out and burn it!
history of large-scale industrialization, whether capitalist or
communist, has been marked by the mindset of ‘develop-first
and clean-up later’ if at all.
costs of oil spills, nuclear meltdowns, dead zones, industrial GHG
pollution, chemical contamination and countless other adverse
effects of man’s activities are paid for collectively by the human
race as well as every other living thing on the planet. The totality
of all these environmental assaults has reached such a high degree
that it has set into motion an escalating disruption and alteration
of the Earth’s weather and seasonal patterns. Last year was a
record for CO2 emissions; methane spikes have been recorded in the
ongoing runaway climate change of the Arctic; and we now know that
both poles areprimarily
melting from below by the warming oceans.
What has been the response of this planet’s human inhabitants? …to
sprint headlong toward the climate cliff.
This kind of reaction to the unfolding eco-apocalypse can hardly be
the sign of a wise being, but rather that of a fossil-fuel addict who
cannot stop using, even in the face of death, i.e. near term
extinction (NTE). Wisdom requires a broad and deep understanding of
reality as well as acknowledgment of one’s limitations and
humbleness of one’s capabilities. Industrial man exhibits neither
of these traits, but instead thinks of himself as somehow outside the
web of life and a Master over nature.
change is unequivocally needed, and the alternative of
business-as-usual, which we appear hellbent on following, is
assuredly catastrophic and final. ”But we have technology!”,
they say. Technology cannot substitute for a stable climate or for
the myriad of ecosystem services the Earth provides free of charge to
the human economy. Sorry, but none of the geoengineering schemes
proposed by man will bring back the melting glaciers and ice sheets
nor stop the methane
time bomb we
have unwittingly released. We are talking about geologic processes
which have been unleashed, far beyond the capability of humans to
stop or control at this late stage. We’re sort of like ticks on a
rampaging elephant. Nevertheless humans will try to sequester the
carbon, sprinkle the atmosphere with reflective nanoparticles or
aerosols, seed the ocean with iron, or any other of a number
of schemes,
but to no avail. I suppose the following 1990 statement by the U.N.
Advisory Group on Greenhouse Gases should have been taken more
Beyond 1 degree C may elicit rapid, unpredictable and non-linear responses that could lead to extensive ecosystem damage.
light of the sudden cancellation of the Halocene’s stable climate
regime, I would say that the statement, “The
American Way of Life is not negotiable!“,
first uttered by George Bush Senior at the 1992 Earth
Summit in Rio, is not only negotiable, but will soon be null and
void. Yes the lifestyle of industrial civilization marked by
mountains of disposable plastic bottles and wrappers, cheap crap
shipped from Asia, and hours-long commutes from suburbia to corporate
enslavement centers will inevitably fail as will all things propped
up by hydrocarbon energy. What we took for convenience and progress
was actually killing us, both physically and spiritually. The
trappings of industrial civilization snuffed out the last connections
we had with the real world so that people now think food comes from
grocery stores, water comes from faucets, and climate control comes
from a thermostat.
As disconnected as we are, most never saw Mother
Nature slowly pulling the plug on what Joe Bageantcalled “the
theater state’s 400 million screens” of the “American
Hologram.” Being released from the 24/7 American hologram would
actually come as a welcome relief for most if not for the fact that
the real world which they had been disassociated from for so long was
rapidly deteriorating. In tandem with the collapse of the biosphere
is America’s not so surreptitious slide
into overt totalitarianism.
You must have already figured out that a few well-heeled individuals
are going to try to protect their opulent lifestyle as the rest of
humanity turns to a diet of insects and rodents. Somebody’s got to
pay the price for all those externalized costs and it’s going to be
the unwashed masses – the climax of socialized losses and
privatized gains.
what about the children, if by some miracle a few do survive the
ravages of climate chaos? Well, we can only hope that
in the aftermath of their ancestor’s sociopathic behavior and lack
of conscience, they will forgive us. Bequeathing a destroyed
planet to one’s descendants most certainly earns such a person a
seat in the innermost circle of Hell. But quite literally, Hell is
what we are creating right here on Earth.
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