Monday 17 December 2018

In which I get some anger off my chest and impart some information

I have quite a bit to say about official fraud (and it's rampant) and recent changes in methane emissions.

I am not nearly so critical of scientists who by-and-large do their best but are subject to the same pressures as everyone else as I am of the institutions that pay their salaries. 
Under presssure they self-censor and eventually they lie. 

One might be more understanding were it not for the fact that others put them on a pedestal and hang on their every word. Some use their authority and power to determine what we should, and shouldn't know.

Forget citizen science. Keep the power within the priesthood”

Here is the latest from CAMS

Here is my video recording

Robin is joined by Pam (who provides a refreshing ‘beginner’s mind ) in a large-ditch attempt to get out research that has used a longitudinal study (as opposed to a comparative) to demonstrate that there has been an increase in methane emissions that have not come down and has been largely ignored. Recent changes introduced suddenly by CAMS without notification appear to show a desperate attempt to hide the reality while not actively suppressing the data


Methane levels have increased since a methane spike in late- May and have not got down since

CAMS does a sleight-of-hand with methane data

CAMS' sleight-of-hand and extremely high methane emissions


Continued Methane Tracking with Margo (Dec. 9, 2018)

Margo & Robin Discuss the New CAMS Methane Color Ledger - Livestream Dec. 11, 2018

This is at 500 hPa

This is at 300 hPa

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