is shocking to see how quickly this meme has come upon us.
December, 2018
Zealand's relationship with China is rapidly deteriorating as the
country is swept up in what long-time trade and foreign policy
adviser Charles Finny describes as a "new Cold War" caused
by the Western alliance pushback on Chinese cyber-espionage.
warning New Zealand companies operating in China to watch for signs
of difficulties with customs procedures or government permissions,
and for changes in tourism and international student arrivals.
to the strain on a relationship that Finny believes has gone from
constructive to troubled in the last six months was yesterday's
disclosure that an investigation into complaints about Chinese
government subsidies on steel imported to New Zealand has been
reopened following a September court order.
Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) report on Chinese
spying represents a small, new chapter in the weeks of increasing
tension between China and the US both on trade and cyber-security
issues, causing global financial market jitters and contributing to
the absence of the typical end of year "Santa rally" in
global equity markets.
cyber-espionage push has led to componentry from Chinese manufacturer
Huawei being all but banned from the next-generation 5G mobile
telecommunications systems by members of the so-called Five Eyes
global cyber-surveillance alliance: the United States, Canada, United
Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.
actions by Five Eyes partners saw the arrest this month of a senior
Huawei company officer by Canada for the US, followed by the
potentially tit-for-tat arrest of three Canadian nationals in China.
seems to me that the new Cold War that seems to be developing is one
that's being fought as much about technology as anything else,"
said Finny.
former trade negotiator and diplomat, Mandarin-speaking Finny is a
partner in Wellington lobbying firm Saunders Unsworth, which has
represented Huawei in New Zealand. He is also chair of Education New
Zealand, the government agency responsible for international
education and marketing, with China the largest single catchment for
foreign students studying in New Zealand.
has come to a head over the introduction of 5G technology equipment
but I think it's going to be much broader than just
telecommunications technology."
Zealand appeared to have provisionally ruled Huawei out of the 5G
rollout "for reasons of solidarity with Five Eyes rather than
any obvious security flaw," said Finny, noting that Huawei
componentry in the 3G and 4G systems had all been vetted and
approved by the British version of the GCSB, the GCHQ.
of the middle of the year, I was absolutely certain that we were
being seen as a better friend than the Aussies," said Finny.
"It did seem as everything was OK. I'm not sure that things
are now."
to Australia, there had been numerous ministerial exchanges in
both directions between Beijing and Wellington whereas Australia
had had barely one such exchange in recent times. While it did not
occur, there had been active discussion of Prime Minister Jacinda
Ardern visiting President Xi Jinping in Beijing, which is now
of that visit to materialise next year would be "a bad sign",
said Finny, who said Chinese diplomatic practice was to retaliate
rather than complain first.
just do it."
latest developments followed a string of related developments in
the wider New Zealand-China relationship, including criticising
China's expansionism is in the South China Sea, acquiring new air
force reconnaissance planes capable of carrying anti-submarine
weaponry, and the so-called "Pacific reset" in foreign
policy, which last weekend saw Foreign Minister Winston Peters
deliver a strong plea in Washington DC for increased US presence
in the region.
told journalists on Monday that she had not read and would not
expect to have seen the speech, in which Peters "unashamedly"
sought to "enlist greater US support in the region" in a
region that was "becoming more contested and its security is
ever more fragile".
Finny said he would have expected a foreign policy speech
representing a significant shift in messaging would have been
approved by the full Cabinet.
clear that the New Zealand First bit of the government are much
more suspicious about China," he said, referring to Peters,
who has long taken a sceptical view of Chinese economic
engagement, and his defence minister, Ron Mark. "And I'm not
seeing serious pushback from Labour and actually not much from
GCSB report said "a long-running campaign targeted
intellectual property and commercial data of a number of global
managed service providers, some operating in New Zealand" and
labeled such cyber-campaigns "unacceptable".
China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship | Foreign Correspondent
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