Monday 24 December 2018

Ukraine to invade Russia?


The Saker

23 December, 2018

Note by The Saker: Eugenia and the other translators were wondering whether it was worth translating such a demented piece of proposed legislation, but I asked them to go ahead and do it even though I fully agree with them that the author of this text is clearly completely insane and the ideas this draft legislation are the product of sick, hateful and infinitely stupid minds.  But that is precisely the point!  I am personally sick and tired of the western patrons and sponsors of the Euromaidan and of the very notion of a “Ukraine” constantly trying to constantly put some half-way decent make-up on what are the demented, corrupt and, yes, Nazi faces of the ruling Ukronazi junta in Kiev.  The truth is that just like in the cases of Noriega, Saddam Husein, al-Qaeda, the Takfiris in Syria and elsewhere, the West is yet again allied with, and protector of, an ugly clique of hateful and demented people.  This resolution is a very good example of the kind of ideas which this AngloZionist ruling gang of thugs have advocated for many decades (beginning with the hate-saturated propaganda of  RFE/RL, VOA, BBC, DW and the rest of them), then inside the Ukraine since even before 1991 and now from the Ukie Rada and Presidency.  When we post this text, we are simply holding up a mirror to the collective face of the AngloZionists but, as we say in Russian, don’t blame the mirror if your face looks crooked!   This translation is important because it shows what kind of demented monsters the collective West has lovingly nurtured for decades.  It is also important because it is a direct attack on Poroshenko from the Nazi-crazies in the Rada, folks who might well one day replace him as the President of the “Independent Euro-compatible the Ukraine”.  When that happens, at least they won’t be quite able to say “we did not know”.  Yes, you did know, you have known for decades, and at the end of the day, this resolution is not the product of the demented mind of one crazy Ukie, but a pure product of the rabid russophobia of the collective West.  And for that I say: shame on you!

The Saker
Translation by Eugenia

On December 21st just four days after Sergei Lavrov stated that Russia will not wage war against Ukraine, three days after Speaker A.Parubiy met US Special Representative K.Volker to discuss “recent Russian aggression” and “further support of Ukraine by United States of America,” and a day after A.Parubiy named the UK to be mightiest balancing military force in the Black Sea, Vitaly Kupriy, a member of the Ukrainian Rada, and an associate of Israeli oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, submitted a draft resolution No. 9442 titled “Draft Resolution on the appeal of the Supreme (Verkhovna) Rada of Ukraine to the President of Ukraine about declaration of war, termination of diplomatic relations and the cessation of transport connections with the Russian Federation.

The text of the proposed resolution is still absent on the official website, but the Ukrainian lawmaker graciously posted it on his official FaceBook page, accompanied by a memorandum titled: Down with usurpation!
Friday, December 21st, was Rada’s last day in section before winter recess. It will be back on January 5th, 2019.
Vitaly Kupriy (member of the Ukrainian Rada)
Down with usurpation!

The hybrid” war must be stopped!
Poroshenko is an enemy of the Ukrainian state, who skillfully fools some of our people. One part of his uninterrupted lies is his stated intention to win the war with Putin.
He sends our service people to be captured or killed, but neither wants to nor has the ability to free our territory. Recently, this happened with our sailors. The existence of the so-called “hybrid” war with Russia allows Putin to mock our patriots, keep them in jail like criminals, because de-jure during the fifth year of the war we do not have an enemy. Even the international UN court in 2017 did not recognize Russia as an aggressor or even a combatant.
There is no hybrid war. Tens of thousands have died, hundreds of thousands were maimed, millions lost their dwellings. What kind of hybrid is this? It is obvious that this kind of war keeps Poroshenko in power, and he makes a lot of money on the blood spilled.
This hapless, unlawful position of Poroshenko does not allow us to ask for the international help, as everybody believes that we are fighting ourselves. Non-declaration of war under clear signs of aggression contravenes the 1907 Hague Convention, and Poroshenko and Turchinov must go to prison for a long time for that.
I want to calm the Ukrainians. The declaration of war is not a prelude to an offensive at the front. But after that happens, nobody in the world would consider that we are aggressors. On the contrary, it will be the beginning of the full-scale non-military legal operation of freeing our territory and repairing the damage caused by Kremlin. This is the way to a peaceful victory, this is the way to save the lives of the Ukrainians!!!
Our tough and lawful position as well as ratification of the Rome Statute of International Criminal Court, the established status of Russia as a hostile country and aggressor at the level of UN will force our “allies” to introduce real sanctions against Russia, up to disconnection from the international paying system SWIFT, introduction full-scale trade and economic embargo, etc. We also must introduce serious sanctions against the aggressor, impound and nationalize all Russian property in Ukraine, cut diplomatic relations, try criminals-collaborators, as well as stop any official collaboration with Russia.
Then Putin would be unable to withstand that and will back off. He does not have the will or the force for any full-scale war with Ukraine. Otherwise, his regime will fold like the house of cards. Economic problems, failures in social sphere and pensions, a union of unhappy elites and the people would be the death of the ruler in the Kremlin. Putin understands that the “best” President for him is Poroshenko. Poroshenko would never dare to do what I indicated in my draft of Rada resolution. Poroshenko is a collaborator who helps Putin to remain on his throne.
I would also like to note that legal consequences of the declaration of war and of the identification of the enemy, as well as cancellation of the martial law, will not include taking away any constitutional human rights. The elections won’t be cancelled, people will keep living their normal lives. In contrast, the introduction of martial law without declaration of war and identification of the enemy is a game, the only purpose of which is that the person chosen by the Kremlin usurps power!
Draft of the resolution
Introduced by Kupriy V.M.
Appeal of Supreme Rada of Ukraine to the President of Ukraine about declaration of war, termination of diplomatic relations and the cessation of transport connections with the Russian Federation
Because of the annexation of a part of the Ukrainian territory, occupation by foreign troops of additional territory, as well as military aggression of the Russian Federation, taking into account the failure of the Ukrainian President to fulfill his constitutional duties to defend our country, our Fatherland, the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, Supreme Rada of Ukraine, expressing the sovereign will of the people and taking responsibility for the situation in Ukraine, as a sole national representative organ in Ukraine, declares:
  1. Suggest the following to the President of Ukraine:
  • introduce to the Supreme Rada a suggestion to declare war at the Russian Federation;
  • terminate diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation;
  • create the General Staff structure under the Commander-in-Chief to organize a proper response to the country-aggressor;
  • inform the United Nations and countries who signed the appropriate international conventions about the state of war with Russian Federation and demand implementation of the international humanitarian law to free the Ukrainian prisoners of war and ban passing of military ships via Bosporus and Dardanelle straits;
  • request that Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense and Supreme Rada introduce martial law in occupied territories and along the war lines to 50 kilometers;
  • disallow restrictions on the constitutional rights of people on the Ukrainian territory where the martial law is not declared, including the right to elect and be elected to the national and local governments;
  • request that the Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense introduce personal sanctions against persons and legal entities from country-aggressor, including: block their assets –temporarily limit their rights to use and dispose of their property; limit trade operations; completely terminate transit of resources, flights, and transportation via Ukrainian territory;
  • initiate criminal prosecution of collaborators of the country-aggressor, including Victor Medvedchuk and other agents of the Russian intelligence, who constitute a threat to the Ukrainian national security;
  • initiate measures to ensure energy independence from the country-aggressor, the Russian Federation, in particular, produce nuclear fuel in Ukraine, separate from Russian electric grid, etc.
  1. This declaration takes effect upon its adoption.
The speaker of the Supreme Rada                                 A. Parubiy
Explanatory Note
To the draft of the Supreme Rada resolution “Appeal of the Supreme Rada of Ukraine to the President of Ukraine about declaration of war, termination of diplomatic relations and transport connections with Russian Federation”
  1. Explanation why this act is necessary
The military aggression of Russian Federation against Ukraine lasts more than four years. In 2014, a part of the Ukrainian territory was annexed, and another part was occupied by foreign troops; armed aggression continues, and as a result, people are killed virtually daily.
Only on November 26, 2018, the Supreme Rada of Ukraine approved the decree of the President of Ukraine #393 “On the introduction of martial law in Ukraine”, which introduced the martial law in the following regions: Vinnitsa, Lugansk, Nikolaev, Odessa, Sumy, Kharkov, Chernygov, Donetsk, Zaporozzie, Herson, and in the Ukrainian territorial waters of Azov-Kerch area.
In spite of that, the President of Ukraine does not fulfill his constitutional duties regarding the national defense.
The article four of the Ukrainian law “On the defense of Ukraine” states that in case of armed aggression against Ukraine or a threat of aggression the President of Ukraine makes decisions about total or partial mobilization and introduction of martial law in Ukraine or its regions, use of the Ukrainian armed forces, other military units created in accordance with Ukrainian laws, submits these decisions to the Ukrainian Supreme Rada, and introduces to the Supreme Rada a suggestion regarding the declaration of war.
The President still has not introduced to the Supreme Rada a request to declare war at the Russian Federation, which, according to Article 106 of Ukrainian Constitution, is his exclusive competence.
Because of this, the Ukrainian Supreme Rada, as the only national representative organ in Ukraine, must propose to the President of Ukraine the declaration of war and other actions for the effective defense of the country, with a view of further defense of the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
  1. Goals of enacting this resolution
The goal of the suggested draft of the resolution is to exert political pressure on the President of Ukraine to make him fulfill his constitutional duties regarding the defense of the country against a foreign occupier – the Russian Federation.
  1. Key points of this resolution
Suggest to the President of Ukraine:
  • introduce to the Supreme Rada suggestion to declare war with the Russian Federation;
  • terminate the diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation;
  • create the General Staff under the Commander-in-Chief to organize a proper response to the country-aggressor;
  • inform the United Nations and the countries that signed appropriate international conventions about the state of war with the Russian Federation and demand implementation of the international humanitarian law to free Ukrainian prisoners of war and ban the passing of military ships via Bosporus and Dardanelle straits;
  • request that the Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense and the Supreme Rada introduce martial law in occupied territories and along the war lines to 50 kilometers;
  • disallow limitations of constitutional rights of people on the Ukrainian territory where the martial law is not declared, including the right to elect and be elected to national and local governments;
  • request that the Ukrainian Council of the National Security and Defense introduce personal sanctions against persons and legal entities from the country-aggressor, including: block their assets – temporarily limit their rights to use and dispose of their property; limit trade operations; completely terminate transit of resources, flights, and transportation via Ukrainian territory;
  • initiate criminal prosecution of collaborators of the country-aggressor, including Victor Medvedchuk and other agents of the Russian intelligence, who constitute a threat to the Ukrainian national security;
  • initiate measures to ensure energy independence from the country-aggressor, the Russian Federation, specifically, produce nuclear fuel in Ukraine, separate from Russian electric grid, etc.
  1. Legal basis in this sphere of the law
Key laws that regulate these issues are: the Ukrainian Constitution; the Ukrainian law “On the defense of Ukraine”, the Ukrainian law “About the legal rules of the martial law”, the Ukrainian law “On sanctions”. The adoption of this resolution does not require changes in these laws.
  1. Financial and economic basis
The realization of this resolution would not require additional spending of the Ukrainian State Budget.
  1. Prevention of corruption
This draft of the resolution does not contain rules or procedures that create risks of corruption.
  1. Prognosis of social, economic, legal and other consequences of the adoption of this resolution
The adoption of this resolution will exert influence on the President of Ukraine with a view of making him declare the state or war with the Russian Federation and take other actions necessary to defend the country, which would make him properly fulfill his constitutional duties to defend the Fatherland, the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
Member of Rada                                        V.M.Kupriy

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