Monday 31 December 2018


Trump's Syrian Withdrawal Sets Stage for Broader War

Senator Lindsey Graham meet with Trump today to discover new information on Trump Syria withdrawal and seem to indicate a broader war if you examine Turkish movement on the ground as well. Transformers blow in power surge cause panic of new weapons test but are they real?


30 December, 2018

The Idlib area of Syria has been a major problem for everyone because it is the location to which "rebel" fighters were "evacuated" when the Syrian Army - with Russia's help - began winning back control of their country.
Outside countries which helped those rebels wanted to assure they would be safe in Idlib, and agreements were made that Idlib would not be attacked.  Minutes ago, that all changed.  For the first time in months, both Syrian and Russian fighter jets and bombers are aggressively bombing, strafing, and shooting at targets in and around Idlib.  This is a MAJOR change in the status quo.  Unexpected and very bloody.
6:59 PM EST --  Developing fast, check back for updates. . .

7:03 PM EST -- Fast Intel


Over the past 24 hours, members of illegal armed groups violated the ceasefire agreement in 20 areas of Syria's Idlib de-escalation zone, a trusted source in the Russian Defense Ministry says.
"Over the past day, terrorists mortared Darh Abu Assad (three times), Mamuhiyah (twice), Akch Bair, Ikko, Sandran, Beit Zivan and Kirmil, Latakia province, Braididj (twice), Tell Bazzam (twice), Tell Marak (twice), Zor Mahruka (twice), Zellakiyat, Kibriya, Mgair, al-Rasif and Achan, Hama province, and the area of science and research center, the district of Sukkari in Aleppo city," the source revealed.
A Syrian serviceman was killed as a result of the militants' attack on the settlement of Kirmil.

7:05 PM EST --


Airstrikes & missile strikes on Jisr al-Shugur town in western Idlib.
2 explosions in Jisr al-Shughour
Confused reports from Jisr al-Shughour. According to some people living there there, Russia and SyAf are carrying multiple airstrikes.
Targeting villages near Latakia with bombs. Unclear if mortar shells are used.

7:11 PM EST --


According to a military source in the Latakia Governorate, the Russian Air Force launched several airstrikes over the jihadist-held towns of Baksariyah and Marand, hitting a number of sites controlled by the radical groups in this area.
The aforementioned towns are located inside the Jisr Al-Shughour District near the Turkish border.
Typically, when the Russian Air Force carries out airstrikes in this part of the country, it is because they have information about jihadist movements in the area.

7:16 PM EST --


Sources on the ground saying suddenly quiet now. No sound of any more aircraft.  No sound of any more explosions or gunfire. 
Whatever was hit, was hit VERY FAST and EXTREMELY HARD. 
Already reports of "lots of dead Jihadists."  
(HT Remark: Oh. Dear.  Reports of Dead Jihadists?  Cry me a river.  /sarcasm)

7:41 PM EST --

Still all quiet.  Numerous dead Jihadists.  Looks as though this may be over.

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