Sunday 4 August 2019

They are rolling out 5G in New Zealand despite the warnings

Really, who needs their health, accurate weather forecasts 

of even bees when we will have faster internet speeds?!

Vodafone's 5G network concerns New Zealand meteorologists who say it could put lives at risk

1 August, 2019

New Zealand meteorologists are warning the new 5G phone network could affect their predictions - and put lives at risk.

It comes as Vodafone unveils their plans to introduce the new technology across the country by the end of the year.

New Zealand keeps seeing more and more violent and dangerous weather because of climate change.

"We do need to have very accurate forecasts if we want to give people the kind of heads up they need to make decisions to evacuate and things like that," says Nava Fedaeff from the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA).

But a looming threat to accurate forecasting made landfall on Thursday, as Vodafone announced it would partner with Nokia.

"It's a big deal," says Vodafone's CEO Jason Paris.

A big and exciting deal for movie streamers and cellphone users - but an even bigger, more concerning deal for meteorologists.

NIWA's forecasters are among a global cohort of scientists who are worried the frequency used by 5G will disturb the frequency used by one of the most important weather satellites.

"Essentially when the satellite looks down it's looking for water vapour, and it might pick up 5G instead, so there's interference," Fedaeff told Newshub.

And that could mean incorrect forecasting when major storms are about to hit, putting the public in danger.

"In this kind of world we have a lot of extreme events, and we want to be as prepared as possible. We shouldn't be doing anything to jeopardise the potential accuracy of forecasts," says Fedaeff.

But there are some significant benefits to the technology. 5G works up to ten times faster than 4G, allowing someone to project in real-time, as a hologram, from anywhere in the world.

It's a technology that New Zealand police and Westpac rescue helicopter crews are already looking to take advantage of.

"If you're got a specialist that can't be on the helicopter, what 5G can do is ensure the specialist can help, even perform surgery on a patient," says Paris.

This is potentially life-saving technology that Vodafone is confident won't put any lives at risk.

"There's always been talk about interference for 2G, 3G, 4G, WiFi... there'll be a lot of talk about 5G. From our perspective, we're very confident this is a great technology," says Paris.

After stopping Spark from partnering with Chinese company Huawei over security concerns, the Government is actively monitoring these new developments and will determine its position before a global conference in October.

Mere months before the 5G rollout begins - and the next big storm rolls in.



Don't EVER expect this country's authorities to heed the sensibible warnings. We have a habit in this "clean, green" country of doubling down on the use of the most toxic and dangerous products even when the rest of the world has banned their use.

Glastonbury + 5G = Nosebleeds, Migraine & Insonmia ... 😡

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