August, 2019
honeymoon’s over.” That’s the message Brexit Party leader Nigel
Farage has for Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who he says is willing
to “sell out his own people” by putting the UK in a position of
weakness in Brexit negotiations with the European Union.
his podcast this afternoon, Farage repeated the claim, stating:
very careful when you hear Boris Johnson talking about ‘no deal’
and all the big white noise. The real story, I said 10 days ago here,
is he’s going back to [former Prime Minister Theresa] May’s
withdrawal agreement. He just wants to get the grammar changed, a few
words changed, on the [Irish] Backstop.”
Leader Jacob Rees-Mogg took up the prime minister’s case:
these people who are wailing and gnashing of teeth know that there
are two ways of doing what they want to do. One, is to change the
government and the other is to change the law. If they do either of
those, that will then have an effect.
they don’t have either the courage or the gumption to do either of
those then we will leave on the 31st of October in accordance with
the referendum result. No party should be afraid of the British
they have a vote of confidence, let’s see if they can win it.”
have stormed Rees-Mogg’s home in Bath and North East Somerset—where
he lives with his wife and six young children—after he was doxed by
former Labor Party politician Howard Simpson. The demonstrations are
all part of a group of Labor Party supporters known as Momentum.
Opposition Leader Jeremy Corbyn’s blessing, they are now calling
for a nationwide “Stop the Coup” protest in all major UK cities
on Saturday. Another mass demonstration is also planned for Tuesday,
at which time MPs will return to the Palace of Westminster following
their summer break.
national coordinator, Laura Parker, has vowed to “occupy
Parliament,” if necessary, to prevent the prorogation of Parliament
that TruNews reported on Wednesday. She also railed against Queen
Elizabeth II for granting the suspension order:
power doesn’t sit with the Queen or in Parliament. It’s with us
the people—and that’s why we need to take action. Our message to
Johnson is this: if you steal our democracy, we’ll shut down the
another pro-EU group—this time, one that is allegedly funded by
billionaire socialist George Soros—Best for Britain, is suggesting
the UK should take things to an even more dangerous level.
Referencing the 1649 beheading of King Charles I, who exerted royal
prerogative over Parliament, the group put out a tweet that implied
Queen Elizabeth II should face a similar fate.
Shadow International Development Secretary Kate Osamor has called for
the UK monarchy to be abolished in response to Queen Elizabeth II’s
decision to grant the prorogation order. She said the queen should
remember what happened to her cousin, King Constantine of Greece, in
the 1970s after he “enabled a right-wing coup.”
other Labor Party MPs have vowed they will “defend democracy” and
would have to be dragged out of the House of Commons by police.
Others are seeking emergency injunctions from the courts to
countermand the queen’s decision.
the meantime, Speaker of the House John Bercow is vowing he will do
whatever he can to prevent the prime minister from suspending
Parliament. As TruNews reported Wednesday, he has said he believes
the move prevents the House of Commons from doing its job. Today, he
there is an attempt to circumvent, to bypass or—God forbid—to
close down Parliament: that is anathema to me and I will fight it
with every bone in my body to stop that happening. We cannot have a
situation in which Parliament is shut down—we are a democratic
mocked the speaker’s comments as “phoney outrage”:
think the outrage is phoney and it is created by people who don’t
want us to leave the European Union and are trying very hard to
overturn the referendum result and don’t want the benefits of
leaving the European Union.”
Commons leader also dismissed the current protests. He noted that
perhaps a million Britons have signed a petition calling for yet
another delay to Brexit, but he reminded the press that 17 million
“went out to the ballot box to vote to leave” the EU.
Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons)
Is this man Stalin or Hitler? He is according to the Guardian
"How to stop a no-deal Brexit" - Coverage by the Independent is more propaganda than news.
Channel 4 - propaganda masquerading as news
It's a shame. The vote went out in June 2016 and it was majority Leave. These Remainders have been hampering the process ever since. They are the traitors to the people, they are the treasonous ones who distain democracy. Whatever Boris did was done purely because the other side lost and have not just "thrown their toys out the pram" but have overturned their prams too!