There’s a Recession, It Will Be Made in China
country’s integration into the world economy drove three decades of
growth. That’s over.

August, 2019
official -- the yield curve has now definitely inverted, meaning that
one of the most reliable signals of an impending recession is now
flashing warning signs. For a while, the inversion was only partial;
some spreads between long-term and short-term bond yields fell below
zero, but the spread between 10-year and 2-year Treasury bonds
remained positive. That too dipped briefly into negative territory:
Loud But Not So Clear
of three different measures of the yield curve have inverted.
inverted yield curve means that investors expect interest rates to
fall, which typically happens in a contraction. It tends to take a
while, though -- 12 to 18 months. That rule of thumb could mean a
recession anywhere between March 2020 and February 2021. And it’s
even possible that the yield curve could be giving a false signal. So
although the yield curve inversion isn't good news, it’s no cause
for panic. For now, U.S. economic data such as retail sales and
jobless claims are holding up reasonably well.
an inverted yield curve is just a signal -- it doesn’t cause
recessions, any more than a rooster’s crow causes the sun to rise.
Some argue that the inversion could be a self-fulfilling prophecy,
inducing pessimism that leads companies to cut spending and thus
causing a real downturn. But the surge of pessimism when the yield
curve briefly inverted earlier this year failed to derail the
economy, and it’s hard to see why this episode would be different.
a recession happens, therefore, it probably will be the result of
some shock. But what could that be? Paul Krugman has suggested the
cause might be a smorgasbord of small factors -- the trade war,
weakness in the housing market, the end of the demand boost from the
tax cuts and so on. That’s certainly possible. But many of those
factors are specific to the U.S. The bigger concern is that the
global economy is looking even weaker than the U.S. China and
Germany, two export powerhouses and major U.S. trade partners, are
both slowing a lot:

suggests that a U.S. recession, if it comes, will be part of a world
slowdown. Americans tend to think of their own markets and their own
consumption as the driver of both booms and busts. That may not be
true this time around.
any recession may be made in China. In recent years, China has
contributed more to global growth than any other country, and it was
projected to do the same in the years to come:

when China sneezes, to modify an old saying, the world may now catch
a cold. From 2010 to 2017, China contributed 31% of global
consumption growth, and some companies have staked their futures on
the promise of a billion Chinese consumers buying their products. A
drop in Chinese purchases won’t just reduce sales for businesses in
the U.S. and other rich countries -- it will cause multinationals to
cut their investment plans.
are several things threatening China’s growth. The most obvious is
the trade war. The one-two punch of U.S. tariffs and restrictions on
exports to Chinese technology companies appears to have made Chinese
manufacturers more cautious about investing for the future:
there are longer-term factors as well. In order to weather the Great
Recession, China shifted its focus from export-oriented manufacturing
to domestic real estate and infrastructure, and from private
companies to state-owned enterprises. That probably caused
productivity growth to slow. Meanwhile, China’s working-age
population is now shrinking and its supply of surplus rural labor has
dried up. Retooling its economy to produce less pollution and cut
greenhouse emissions will slow growth as well, even if the long-term
environmental effect is worth it.
it’s not just a Chinese recession that threatens the world economy.
The trade war, along with looming geopolitical tensions between the
great powers, are threatening to open a rift between China and the
rest of the world economy. Tariffs have global manufacturers
scrambling to move production from China to countries such as Vietnam
and Bangladesh. Companies, both Chinese and otherwise, are being
forced to decide whether to consolidate their supply chains inside
China or go elsewhere.
decoupling will probably be protracted, and costly. The past 30 years
have seen the construction of a global trading system centered around
a China-U.S. axis, and now that structure is breaking down. In
addition to the cost of reorganizing supply chains and the economic
inefficiency introduced by the separation, companies are facing deep
uncertainty about where they will be able to source their inputs and
sell their products.
the inverting U.S. yield curve may be signaling the start of a
recession that was long in the making, as the global expansion driven
by the integration of a fast-growing China into the global economy
comes to an end. This will combine with the direct impact of tariffs
to inflict pain on the U.S. economy. But the fallout in the rest of
the world, and especially in China, may be even more severe. Out of
all the possible reason for why a downturn is on the way, this is the
most concerning and the most plausible.
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