Wednesday 7 May 2014

Tribute to Mike Ruppert

9/11 Truth and the Analysis of “Conspiracy Facts”. A Tribute to Michael C. Ruppert

Global Research

On April 13, 2014, Michael Ruppert had just completed his final broadcast of his weekly radio show The LIFE BOAT Hour, which he has helmed since September 12, 2010. He went to an outdoor meditation spot on the property at which he had been residing. When he was found, he had apparently shot himself in the head with a Glock 30 .45 caliber pistol. He was 63.

Mike Ruppert had become one of the most outspoken and compelling voices in the realm of independent journalism and analysis. He brought to the table a stupendous command of economic, historical and political issues.

Ruppert represented a convergence of valuable traits which included an academic’s restless intellect, a cop’s eye for detail, a heart-felt passion for justice, and the street-level experience of a whistleblower who broke ranks with the people he trusted in the name of an all too uncommon ethical code that he lived by.

He was able to bring to the table the critical arguments challenging official government narratives about the global economy, the 9/11 attacks, the fratricidal death of Pat Tillman, CIA drug dealing in Black communities throughout the US, peak oil as a causative factor underlying US foreign policy, and many, many other stories.

This week, the Global Research News Hour pays tribute to Mr. Ruppert on the occasion of his recent tragic death.

The podcast contains audio from past speeches and a previously recorded conversation with him, as well as post-mortem conversations with five individuals who knew and worked with Mike Ruppert over the years.

Carolyn Baker is a long-time acquaintance of Mike Ruppert’s. She was an adjunct professor of history and psychology for 11 years and a psychotherapist in private practice for 17 years. She authored several books related to the concept of societal collapse. She contributed to Ruppert’s on-line newsletter From The Wilderness, and co-hosted his final radio broadcast before he died.

Kellia Ramares-Watson is an Oakland-based independent journalist and broadcaster. She was Bonnie Faulkner’s co-host on the very first broadcast of Guns and Butter for radio station KPFA back on October 12, 2001. This debut episode featured none other than Mike Ruppert with his initial impressions of the 9/11 attacks and the US role in failing to prevent the attacks. The transcript of that interview is available on the Global Research website.

Wesley Miller was Mike Ruppert’s attorney, executor and personal friend. He replaced Ruppert as CEO and President of COLLAPSENET, the on-line community portal for individuals and communities seeking to transition away from a dependence on fossil fuels and industrial civilization.

Barrie Zwicker is a long-time independent journalist and media critic. He became one of the first people in the world to publicly critique the official story of 9/11 on a national television broadcast. Barrie was largely for getting RUppert’s analysis of 9/11 aired on Canadian television and paid tribute to him in his 2006 book Towers of Deception: The Media Cover-up of 9/11.

Guy McPherson is Professor Emeritus of Natural Resources and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona. He has appeared on Ruppert’s radio show a number of times pioneering his research pointing to the prospects for the Near Term Extinction of the human species due to climate change.

Ruppert’s work has appeared often over the years on the Global Research website. A link to some of those stories can be found here.

To hear the broadcast GO HERE

A special on-line memorial to Michael C. Ruppert will take place Thursday May 8 at 9pm EDT.

To register go to

I don’t deal in conspiracy theory, I deal in conspiracy fact!” 

---Michael C Ruppert

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