Monday 5 May 2014

Noam Chomsky: Climate change - the world on the edge of destruction

"Noam Chomsky": The Anthropocene Period and its Challenges

To watch the video GO HERE

For Noam Chomsky the edge is literal and deadly as he looks into the present and predicted future consequences of how humans in industrial society "Anthropocene Period" are impacting our environment and ecosystems which is increasingly having more extensive and rapid effects to our world. We as always have a choice, as a commons to let this continue or we can we can be the forces of change.

Noam Chomsky who was on of several speakers who spoke at the 10th. Annual Pen World of Voices Festival held April 28, 2014

Filmed in The Great Hall, The Cooper Union 7 East 7th Street, New York, NY 10003 on April 28, 2014 at the 2014 PEN World Voices Festival. Some of the globe's most prominent thinkers each, in turn, brought their enthusiasm for societal improvement to the stage for a short oration ‪

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