Thursday 8 May 2014

New Zealand spies on its trading partners

There is to be a release of information from the Snowden files showing that New Zealand spies on its friends – that'll upset a few parties! My prayer is that this happens during the lead-up to the NZ election in September.

Some very apropos commentary in the audio files

Spy boss quiet on Snowden speculation
The head of the Government's electronic spy agency is refusing to discuss potential information about New Zealand's spying activities that could be leaked by American whistleblower, Edward Snowden.

8 May, 2014

There has been speculation the fugitive intelligence analyst, who has been granted asylum in Russia, will release the information - which could show New Zealand spied on its allies - ahead of the September election.

Prime Minister John Key has said he is not worried, saying intelligence agencies follow the law.

Speaking with presenter Susie Ferguson on Morning Report on Thursday, Government Communications Security Bureau director Ian Fletcher declined to discuss the Snowden speculation.

Susie Ferguson: "There's some speculation that he (Edward Snowden) has files that pertain to New Zealand, what do you have to say about those?"

Ian Fletcher: "I think the Prime Minister answered that very clearly yesterday."
Susie Ferguson: "Some more detail on it though, what sort of things does he have?"

Ian Fletcher: "I certainly can't answer that, sorry."

Susie Ferguson: "Is it about spying on allies?"

Ian Fletcher: "I can't answer that, sorry."

Susie Ferguson: "Is it about spying during the TPP negotiations?"

Ian Fletcher: "I can't answer that, I'm sorry."

Ian Fletcher

Mr Fletcher said the GCSB has a clear policy of not commenting on operational matters.

He did give an assurance the bureau does not carry out mass surveillance on New Zealanders, saying it would be illegal and completely impractical.

"The real interest that governments have focuses on really bad stuff, and the scale of the internet is just such that the resources of governments get focused on the stuff that really matters rather than behavour that people wish other people didn't know about, but doesn't amount to the kind of threat we are talking about."

He said there was a need to watch a small number of people on matters such as terrorism and organised crime.

Some very good commentary from security expert, Paul Buchanan

Dotcom case back in court
The US government is asking an Auckland judge to make public all the details of its case against the internet businessmen Kim Dotcom..

8 May, 2014

Christine Gordon QC is representing the US in a hearing in the Auckland District Court seeking the release of a document known as the Record of Case .

The document sets out Washington's case against Mr Dotcom and his associates, Bram van der Kolk, Mathias Ortmann and Finn Batato on several charges, including breach of copyright and money laundering.

The document is currently suppressed but Ms Gordon told the court on Thursday the US government is asking for that to be reversed. The hearing was continuing.

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