Monday 5 May 2014

Info Wars US mercenaries on the ground in Ukraine

These are rumors circulating of the following

"A MoD report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the US has refused to repatriate the bodies of 13 CIA military operatives killed when their helicopters were shot down by pro-federalist forces this past Friday.

"According to this report, on 2 May the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion of the 25th Separate Dnipropetrovsk Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Army, which had defected to the side of the pro-federalists in April,downed two Mi-17 helicopters belonging to the Ukrainian Air Force that had been attempting to land CIA military “command and control” operatives into the battle zone of Slavyansk".

If the origin of this is Sorcha Faal then it should be treated WITH GREAT CAUTION, This has been a source of disinformation in the past.

What I can say, however that there is no doubt that there are Greystone mercenaries on the ground, as confirmed by the report from Voice of Russia below and by the Russian UN ambassador, Vitaly Churkin

What's REALLY Going On In Odessa, Ukraine

May, 2014

Ukrainian War Crimes Whitewashed 

by Western Press

After more than 30 people died in a fire in the Ukrainian seaside resort town of Odessa, most of the Western press pretended that no one knows what happened or whose fault it was. For example, see these stories from the  Guardian and BBC.

But USA Today reports:

Witnesses and journalists reported that as the building burned with people inside, a crowd shouted, “Glory to Ukraine!” and “Death to enemies!” [These are neo-Nazi slogans.]


[T]he Associated Press reported that the Russian sympathizers took refuge in the trade union hall on Kulikovo Field Square after government supporters rousted their encampment outside and then burned their tents. Police said the building was set on fire with Molotov cocktails.
At 5 seconds into this 15-second video, you can see a Molotov cocktail being thrown at the building in which the Russian sympathizers:

Former Associated Press and Newsweek reporter Robert Parry points out how bad New York Times coverage of the Odessa attack has been:

On Saturday, for instance, the dominant story from Ukraine was the killing of more than 30 ethnic Russian protesters by fire and smoke inhalation in Ukraine’s southern port city of Odessa. They had taken refuge in a union building after a clash with a pro-Kiev mob which reportedly included right-wing thugs.

Even the neocon-dominated Washington Post led its Saturday editions with the story of “Dozens killed in Ukraine fighting” and described the fatal incident this way: “Friday evening, a pro-Ukrainian mob attacked a camp where the pro-Russian supporters had pitched tents, forcing them to flee to a nearby government building, a witness said. The mob then threw gasoline bombs into the building. Police said 31 people were killed when they choked on smoke or jumped out of windows.

Asked who had thrown the Molotov cocktails, pro-Ukrainian activist Diana Berg said, ‘Our people – but now they are helping them [the survivors] escape the building.’” [Here's the Post story.]

By contrast, here is how the New York Times reported the event in its Saturday editions as part of a story by C.J. Chivers and Noah Sneider focused on the successes of the pro-coup armed forces in overrunning some eastern Ukrainian rebel positions.

Violence also erupted Friday in the previously calmer port city of Odessa, on the Black Sea, where dozens of people died in a fire related to clashes that broke out between protesters holding a march for Ukrainian unity and pro-Russian activists. The fighting itself left four dead and 12 wounded, Ukraine’s Interior Ministry said. Ukrainian and Russian news media showed images of buildings and debris burning, fire bombs being thrown and men armed with pistols.”

Note how the Times evades placing any responsibility on the pro-coup mob for trying to burn the “pro-Russian activists” out of a building, an act that resulted in the highest single-day death toll since the actual coup which left more than 80 people dead from Feb. 20-22. From reading the Times, you wouldn’t know who had died in the building and who had set the fire.
Billmon comments:

Not even “atrocities were commited,” just a fire “related” to clashes that “broke out.” Immaculate conception theory of war crimes.

Postscript: While the Western press tries to paint the percentage of neo Nazis within the new Ukrainian government as small, the leader of the “protests” which ousted the previous president of Ukraine is a neo Nazi and follower of WWII Nazi sympathizer Stepan Bandera, and neo Nazis are largely in control of the new government.

Whatever You Think of Putin, You Should Understand How Russia Thinks
Even if you think Putin is a tyrant with ambitions to build an imperial Russia, you can’t understand the war in Ukraine unless you understand how Russians think.
20 million Russians died fighting the Nazis in World War II.
Neo Nazis just killed at least 42 Russians when they firebombed a building in Odessa, Ukraine that the Russians had taken shelter in.
Agence France-Presse reports:

Russian official rhetoric has increasingly compared events in Ukraine to the darkest crimes of Nazi Germany, ahead of next week’s anniversary of Soviet victory in World War II.


The fire in the southern Ukrainian city of Odessa that claimed at least 42 lives on Friday has been swiftly dubbed a new “reprisal raid” and even the “new Khatyn,” a reference to the Belarussian village where 149 residents were burned alive by the Nazis in 1943.


The Khatyn massacre went down in Russian history books as one of the Nazis’ most brutal “reprisal raids,” a term the Kremlin has now adopted to describe the offensive Kiev authorities have launched against pro-Moscow rebels in the flashpoint town of Slavyansk.


What has happened, especially in the Trade Unions House, brings to mind the crimes of the Nazis during World War II,” pro-Kremlin lawmaker Leonid Slutsky told reporters in Moscow, referring to the Odessa fire.

These are the new Khatyn and Auschwitz.”

A senior official in the pro-Kremlin government of Crimea, Ukraine’s peninsula taken over by Russia in March, chimed in.

The last time people were burned alive in Ukraine was by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War,” Rustam Temirgaliyev said on Facebook, referring to the Russian name for World War II.


Russia’s losses and sacrifice during World War II remain a hugely sensitive subject in the country ….

To the extent that the U.S. and Nato are backing the right-wing Ukrainians, we are creating conditions that the Russian leadership – rightly or wrongly – considers an existential threat.
 This next piece needs to be read WITH THE UTMOST CAUTION, until there is some confirmation.

What I can, however say, is that the Russian UN ambassador, Vitaly Churkin confirmed the other day that English voices were heard amongst the Ukrainian troops.

There is no doubt that Greystone mercenaries are present on Ukrainian soil and participating with the Ukrainian army

US Refuses To Take Back 13 Dead CIA Spies Killed

4 May, 2014

A stunning Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that the United States has refused to repatriate the bodies of 13 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) military operatives killed when their helicopters were shot down by pro-federalist forces on the outskirts of Slavyansk, eastern w:st="on"Ukraine this past Friday.

According to this report, on 2 May the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion of the 25th Separate Dnipropetrovsk Airborne Brigade of the Ukrainian Army, which had defected to the side of the pro-federalists in April, fired upon and downed two Russian made Mil Mi-17 transport helicopters belonging to the Ukrainian Air Force that had been attempting to land CIA military “command and control” operatives into the battle zone of Slavyansk.

Of the 14 CIA military operatives aboard the two Mil Mi-17’s, this report continues, only one survived, who was initially identified as Captain Savuilov [photo 2nd left], but whose subsequent questioning revealed him to be an employee of the American mercenary company named Greystone Ltd.

Greystone Ltd, this report notes, states that it provides the skilled professionals and program management services necessary to deliver rotary wing, protective security and training solutions to customers in challenging environments, but had previously been warned about by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov who stated last month: There were reports, as you know, that some several hundreds of [agents from] the private military organization called Greystone were detected to arrive in Ukraine from the US. We'd like this also to be investigated.”

Sadly, this report says, this CIA/Greystone survivor of these two Mil Mi-17’s being shot down, like his 13 dead compatriots, was, likewise, abandoned, and as reported from the scene by a member of the self-defense forces in w:st="on"Slavyansk who stated: His troops abandoned him. I thought they would take him away in another helicopter, but they just took his pistol from him and flew away.”

As to the CIA directing the war operations against pro-federalist forces in eastern Ukraine, this MoD report says, their remains no doubt as a representative from Slavyansk's self-defense movement reporting from the battle zone said, When using radios, activists have heard English several times on the air…this is direct proof of the participation of foreigners in the retaliatory operations against Slavyansk.”

Germany’s highly influential Bild Newspaper this morning further confirmed the CIA operating in Ukraine, this report says, noting that in the middle of last month, CIA Director John Brennan arrived in Kiev on a top secret visit that Washington initially denied. The following day, Verkhovna Rada interim Speaker Alexander Turchynov announced a large-scale counter-terrorist operation in w:st="on"Ukraine's southeast.

As to the CIA’s “strategy” in eastern w:st="on"Ukraine, MoD analysts in this report note, is to “instill complete terror among the peoples in this region as they and their Greystone counterparts are deploying feared Right Sector neo-Nazi forces into the battle zone that pro-federalist forces say are acting strangely, as if they are under the influence of some drugs.

To the success of this CIA “strategy”, this report says, one need look no further then the events in Odessa this past Friday when Right Sector forces firebombed the House of Trade Unions killing dozens of pro-federalist activists, but which the Western media is still refusing to allow their people to know the full and brutal knowledge of.

And with Vasyl Krutov, head of the Ukraine’s anti-terrorist center, stating earlier today that the increased fighting in the east did not appear to be short-term, but “essentially a war,” this report warns, it “remains a fact” that the CIA will order more atrocities to occur as the Obama regime has done in all of their other war zones.

And as to the Obama regimes repeated “lies” that Russia is directing the pro-federalist forces in eastern Ukraine, this report concludes, even the New York Times was forced to admit yesterday that resistance fighters defending Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine are armed with weapons identical to those in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers, and they are all citizens of Ukraine.

And as quoted from the New York Times reporter, who spent a week at the headquarter of the 12th Company, part of People's Militia of the Donetsk People's Republic:Much of their stock was identical to the weapons seen in the hands of Ukrainian soldiers and Interior Ministry special forces troops at government positions outside the city. These included 9-millimeter Makarov pistols, Kalashnikov assault rifles and a few Dragunov sniper rifles, RPK light machine guns and portable antitank rockets, including some with production stamps from the 1980s and early 1990s. Many of the weapons show signs of long service. Militia members said their weapons had either been taken from seized police buildings and a column of captured Ukrainian armored vehicles, or bought from corrupt Ukrainian soldiers.

With forces in the east of Ukraine fighting for the federalization of the country having regained control over the cities and townships of Konstantinovka, Slavyansk, Andreyevka, and Kramatorsk today it, and sadly, remains a fact that more Americans will die in this conflict…but who will claim their bodies still remains a mystery

This is from Voice of Russia

Foreigners take part along with Ukrainian forces in special operation in Slavyansk - activists

Foreigners take part along with Ukrainian forces in special operation in Slavyansk - activists

2 May, 2014

Foreigners are taking part along with Ukrainian forces in special operations in the southeastern city of Slavyansk, a representative from the city's self-defense movement told RIA Novosti Friday. 

"When using radios, activists have heard English several times on the air," the activist said. According to the activist, this is "direct proof of the participation of foreigners in the retaliatory operations against Slavyansk."

Russia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has repeatedly voiced its concerns about the involvement of agents from Greystone private security firm into Ukraine's crisis, as well as about the buildup of foreign forces in Ukraine.

Last month Moscow said it had reports that some 150 of agents from Greystone mercenaries were implicated in a crackdown on protesters in eastern Ukraine.

"There were reports, as you know, that some several hundreds of [agents from] the private military organization called Greystone were detected to arrive in Ukraine from the US. We'd like this also to be investigated," Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said in an interview with RT TV channel last week. "We raised this [question] with the American colleagues. They said they had no knowledge of this going on and they said they had approached the organization itself ' Greystone ' and they denied this. We would like to really be certain of who is doing what because there have been so many 'distortions of reality,'" he added.

Greystone Ltd. however denied reports of sending its personnel to Ukraine.

"While Greystone has the ability to deploy world-class security staff and trainers anywhere in the world, the Company does not currently, nor do we have any plans to, send personnel to the Ukraine," Greystone media advisor Tiffany Anderson told RIA Novosti last month.

"The reports about the foreign mercenaries involvement in this operation once again raises a grave issue of external interference in Ukrainian affairs and the role of the West in provoking this situation instead of sending the necessary limiting signals to the Kiev authorities, instead of encouraging them to rein in all those unbridled extremists and radical nationalists," Konstantin Dolgov, the Russian Foreign Ministry Commissioner for Human Rights, told RIA Novosti Tuesday.

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