Sunday 2 June 2013

NZ - The National Party

Lusk papers 2 – selling out to America

Here’s the second of the Lusk papers that we were leaked, as was to be covered in today’s Sunday Star Times.

This paper confirms that factions a faction within National sees New Zealand as a vassal of America, and wants to see American influence (and American money) gain control over our politics.

This document outlines an organisation for United States citizens to build a firm, reliable, long term ally in New Zealand. The organisation will support politicians and aspiring politicians in New Zealand with the medium term aim of having an enduring centre right majority, with a pro United States outlook on the world stage.”

To run a successful operation a minimum of NZD$300,000 per annum needs to be available, with a considerable amount of this spent in election years.

An initial capital investment of $5m will allow the organisation to run off the investment returns, with a conservative investment strategy.

Once again, the leaking of these documents is evidence of the civil war going on within the National Party…

Let's see if this leads anywhere, or if, like in the past, this story is buried. We seem to have been here before

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