Monday 17 June 2013


Britain's death by a thousand cuts revealed in union's dossier of destruction
The appalling human cost of David Cameron’s savage cutbacks are revealed today by Unison

16 June, 2013

The appalling human cost of David Cameron’s savage cutbacks are revealed today in a damning dossier.

Showing how the Tory-led Coalition is causing misery to millions, the report also exposes the damaging legacy that will be left for communities throughout Britain.
The dossier – compiled by the UK’s biggest public sector union, Unison – reveals how the axe wielded by Mr Cameron and henchmen like Chancellor George Osborne is affecting people from the cradle to the grave.

Their shameful plans include earmarking A&E departments to close. Other vital services, such as brain injury rehabilitation units, have been axed.
Almost 7,000 frontline police have already been lost since Mr Cameron came to power.

And while councils are spending millions on making staff redundant, residents are facing hikes in charges for services such as meals on wheels and home care.
Even the street lights are being switched off at night.

Unison, which will present the findings at its annual conference in Liverpool this week, says the most needy are being abandoned.

The union’s disgusted general secretary, Dave Prentis, said: “The dossier exposes the devastating human cost of the Coalition’s cuts. Nothing is safe from the Chancellor’s axe.

Communities are losing a staggering range of services, charges are increasing and vulnerable people are not getting the support they need.

Hundreds of thousands of public sector jobs are being lost when sacking workers is the last thing our economy needs to get back on its feet.

We are urging the Government to listen to the overwhelming evidence that cuts are not working. Investment in jobs is what we need to fuel growth. Cuts have got us nowhere. The time for Plan B is long overdue.”

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