Friday 14 December 2018

How much have methane emissions gone up?

This internal comparison of CAMS data is one way of asessing this. I do not have an archive of data from NOAA. Someone else will have to do the analyis.

Guess what? I can bet it never happens!
Reconsidering the large increase in methane emissions

I do not have a very good mind for mathematics or for detail but I am a few steps ahead of those lazy people who do not do research and rely on 'authorities' for their information.

Right now I am doubting most of the authorities.

The change of colour ledgers by CAMS has made me rethink and realise that methane emissions may have increased even more than I had previously thought.
It all has to do with the three different colour scales.

When Margo caught the following from the global view for surface methane the first version (the bottom one that ends with 2300 ppb) applied.

That means that prior to a 3,000 methane burp the Arctic Ocean was represented by GREEN which in that scale represented 1820 ppb.

That can be seen here:

Now, this is AFTER the methane burst (and on the same scale as above).

That means that back in May emissions went from 1820 ppb to 1900 ppb in a few days

Fast forward to December and the background level of methane in the Arctic Ocean was about 1900 ppb; large areas were abut 2,000 ppb with areas (in dark brown) were some unspecified value above that.

Officially, the average emissions have gone from 1800-1900 ppb.

This is how it all looks today with the new scale.

 There has been another 3,000 ppb high in the last 24 hours.

I wonder what effect that  might have; and then there is the question of all those earthquakes.
I wonder if more are coming. 

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