Friday 7 September 2018

Western media reports Russia readu to attack US-held base at al-Tanf

Russia reportedly warns the US that it's prepared to attack a key base where dozens of US troops are stationed

  • Russia has reportedly warned the US that its military and allied Syrian forces were ready to attack a key US-held base in Syria, according to a CNN report.
  • Dozens of US forces are reportedly stationed at the base.
  • The US warned Russia that it would defend itself if attacked.

7 September, 2018

Russia has reportedly warned the US that its military and allied Syrian forces were ready to attack a key US-held base near the border of Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, US defence officials said in a CNN report published on Thursday.

The Kremlin, which alleges that the US-led coalition base protects nearby militant troops, reportedly delivered two warnings in the past week, according to US officials. At Tanf, the base where a coalition of dozens of US troops and Syrian rebels launch counter-ISIS operations, is seen as a critical location within the scope of Iranian, Syrian, and Russian influence in the region.

We have absolutely advised them to stay out of At Tanf,” a US official told CNN. “We are postured to respond.”

The United States does not seek to fight the government of Syria or any groups that may be providing it support,” another official added. “However, if attacked, the United States will not hesitate to use necessary and proportionate force to defend US, coalition or partner forces.”

US troops would not need permission to defend themselves if attacked, which the US reiterated to the Kremlin, CNN reported.

A potential state-sanctioned attack by Russia could spark a flashpoint conflict within the region. Tensions were raised in February after dozens of Russian mercenaries were killed during a failed assault on a US-held position near the city of Deir al-Zor.

Russian forces have not recently been seen amassing their troops, however; the US military was still on alert, officials said. Senior military officials, including Defence Secretary Jim Mattis and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Joseph Dunford, were reportedly aware of the warnings.

Russia’s warnings come amid Syria and Iran’s looming assault against the city of Idlib, where Syrian rebels have been cornered. Russia delivered an ominous warning last week on an impending chemical attack on the city, which some experts believe is an indication that the Syrian regime may indiscriminately use chemical weapons against the city.

The US followed up with a threat of its own, warning Syrian President Bashar al-Assad that if he “chooses to again use chemical weapons, the United States and its Allies will respond swiftly and appropriately.”

President Donald J. Trump has warned that such an attack would be a reckless escalation of an already tragic conflict and would risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of people,” White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said in a statement.

PROTECTING SYRIA? Russian Bombers Prowling The Mediterraneans of US troops are stationed

6 September, 2018
A statement from the Russian Defense Ministry released on Wednesday revealed that two strategic Tu-160 bombers conducted military exercises in the Mediterranean Sea.
Two strategic Tu-160 bombers that left the Engels airfield successfully completed their tasks in the large-scale exercise plan of the Russian Naval and Aerospace Forces in the Mediterranean,” the statement said.
The plane made a 10-hour flight on low-level terrain under difficult weather conditions and successfully simulated the launch of cruise missiles on ground targets in a specific area,” the document said.
Su-30 and Su-33 jets that left the Khmeimim air base in Syria followed the Tu-160 bombers.
The statement also added that the exercises were conducted in accordance with international airspace rules, without border violations.
This exercise comes as the Syrian Army are making final preparations to launch an operation to liberate Idlib province from jihadist forces. Turkey and the US have hinted towards intervening when the operation is launched to protect the final bastion of jihadism in Syria.
This comes as back in June the Russian Ministry of Defense has reported on expanding the geography of supersonic aircraft flights.
In June, military expert Aleksandr Zhilin, head of the National Security Social Issues Analysis Center and retired commander, commented on plans to use the Tu-160 bombers to bolster the Russian “shield” in the Arctic.
According to the order of the commander-in-chief [President Vladimir Putin], these airplanes have been modernized, in fact, they are new aviation complexes of generic use. They went through all the tests, and it was time to use them properly. As far as the Arctic is concerned, of course our competitors will try to ‘crush’ Russia from this region, take control of the resources .We can not allow it, so we will use all forces and equipment at our disposal to protect the which is ours. The Tu-160 is a great airplane, and taking into account that it can be refueled in flight, this aircraft can be operated for an entire day,” he said.

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