Friday 7 September 2018

Twitter bans Alex Jones permanently

Twitter Permanently Bans Alex Jones, Infowars

6 September, 2018

One day after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey appeared on Capitol Hill to tell lawmakers how his company doesn't discriminate against conservatives, the company permanently banned Infowars host Alex Jones from the platform for insults hurled at CNN's Oliver Darcy on Wednesday.
Twitter told the Daily Beast that the final straw was when Jones said of Darcy and CNN: 
"Look at this right here. Goes around policing and calling for censorship, and then claims that Trump's wrong - there's no censorship of conservatives. You are incredibly shameful man. You're just - look at you. You are literally an anti-American, anti free speech coward. You're going to go down in the history books as the criminal news network.

This is one of the main people right here who thinks we have no memory. Who sits there and lobbies. Sits there and lobbies people to take other news off... when CNN is the fakest WMD gulf Arab state dictatorship-funded... unbelievable." -Alex Jones
"Those are the eyes of a rat," Jones added. 

Today, we permanently suspended @realalexjones and @infowars from Twitter and Periscope. We took this action based on new reports of Tweets and videos posted yesterday that violate our abusive behavior policy, in addition to the accounts’ previous violations,” the company posted on its Safety account.

As we continue to increase transparency around our rules and enforcement actions, we wanted to be open about this action given the broad interest in this case. We do not typically comment on enforcement actions we take against individual accounts, for their privacy.
Twitter added that it will continue to take further action "regarding other accounts potentially associated" with Jones or Infowars, and will "take action if content that violates our rules is reported or if other accounts are utilized in an attempt to circumvent their ban."
We will continue to evaluate reports we receive regarding other accounts potentially associated with @realalexjones or @infowars and will take action if content that violates our rules is reported or if other accounts are utilized in an attempt to circumvent their ban.
Prior to confronting Darcy, Jones got into a verbal altercation with Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) outside the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on internet censorship. 

The exchange begins with Jones condemning Silicon Valley tech giants for "shadow banning people en masse," to which Rubio deflects to foreign government interference in the US political process.

After Jones says "thank God" Trump is addressing conservative censorship, Rubio then says "I don't know who you are, man" to which Jones replies "he plays dumb." 

He’s not answering,” said Jones, adding: “The Democrats are doing what you say China does.”

I don’t know who you are, man,” responded Rubio. “I don’t really go on your website.

That’s why you didn’t get elected. You’re a snake,” Jones fired back, touching the senator’s shoulder to keep his attention. “Marco Rubio the snake. A little frat boy here.”

After Jones put his hand on Rubio's shoulder, the Florida Senator said “Don’t touch me again, man ... I’m asking you not to touch me again.

When Jones then asked whether he'd be arrested, Rubio said "You're not gonna get arrested man, I'd take care of it myself," suggesting he would engage Jones physically. 

Following the exchange, which included Jones proclaiming "The Democrats are raping the Republicans!" and "You're a little gangster thug," Rubio walked away, telling the remaining reporters "You guys can talk to this clown." 

Jones shot back: "Go back to your bath house!" adding "There goes Rubio...Little punk." 

Jones was in Washington, DC to "face his accusers" as Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sat next to Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg as the Silicon Valley execs testified on censorship and foreign interference on their platforms. 

His suspension comes on the heels of a seven day "timeout" after he tweeted a link to a video in which he said "now is time to act on the enemy before they do a false flag." 

Shortly after the temporary suspension Jack Dorsey told NBC NewsLester Holt that he had resisted internal pressure to ban Jones amid a seemingly coordinated multi-platform blacklisting by YouTube, Facebook, iTunes, Spotify, Pinterest, Linkedin and others. 

EXCLUSIVE: Twitter CEO @jack Dorsey on Alex Jones’ "timeout":

"Any suspension, whether it be a permanent one or a temporary one, makes someone think about their actions and behaviors."@lesterholtnbc has more tonight on @NBCNightlyNews.
Whether it works within this case to change some of those behaviors and change some of those actions, I don't know,” Dorsey said. “But this is consistent with how we enforce.”
Jones was banned or restricted from using the services of at least 10 tech companies this month, including Facebook and YouTube. Twitter had been the most high-profile holdout, until it announced on Tuesday that Jones was suspended from posting for seven days.
Dorsey later clarified on Twitter that he was "speaking broadly about our range of enforcement actions" with regards to the company's use of timeouts.
in a follow-up question on weighing the importance of Twitter’s rules versus its moral obligation, Dorsey said the company has “to put the safety of individuals first in every single thing that we do, and we need to enforce our rules and also evolve our rules around that.” -NBC News

"I don’t assume everyone will change their actions. Enforcement gets tougher with further reported violations," Dorsey said over Twitter. 

And now - as midterm season ramps up, the very influential Alex Jones and his empire has been all but put out of business.




This is what happens when you confront your accusers

Exclusive: Alex Jones Responds to Twitter Ban

Alex Jones was permanently banned from Twitter Thursday afternoon, a day after he faced his accusers in Washington, DC, who were lobbying to have him silenced online.

Watch his statement on the ban below as he gives Owen Shroyer of the War Room the exclusive:

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