climate change has been happening for a lot longer than we thought,
scientists say

coring at Rowley Shoals, west of Broome in Western Australia,
November 2009. Analyzing coral cores is one way scientists can
look back into the oceans’ climate history. (Credit: Eric
Matson, Australian Institute of Marine Science) FOR USE WITH STORY ON
ABRAM ET AL. 8/24/16
August, 2016
new paper is challenging our understanding of how long human-caused
climate change has been at work on Earth. And the authors say their
findings may question existing ideas about how sensitive the planet
is to greenhouse gas emissions — with potentially big implications
for our global climate policy.
The new
just out on Wednesday in the journal Nature, suggests human-caused,
or anthropogenic, climate change has been going on for
decades longer than existing temperature records indicate. Using
paleoclimate records from the past 500 years, the researchers show
that sustained warming began to occur in both the tropical oceans and
the Northern Hemisphere land masses as far back as the 1830s — and
they’re saying industrial-era greenhouse gas emissions were the
cause, even back then.
don’t think it changes what we know about how the climate has
warmed during the 20th century, but it definitely adds to the story,”
said Nerilie
an expert in paleoclimatology at Australian National University and
the new study’s lead author.
People first
started keeping organized, global temperature records starting around
the 1880s, and these are the records that many scientists reference
when looking back on how the climate has changed over the last
century. And it’s clear that it’s been warming — and that human
activities are the primary cause. But just looking at records from
the 1880s on doesn’t tell the whole story, according to Abram.
can see that by only looking from the 1880s on, we don’t have the
full picture of how we’ve been changing the climate,” she said.
new research involved 25 scientists from around the world, including
more than a dozen researchers from the PAGES
2k (or Past Global Change 2000 year) Consortium,
a group supporting research into Earth’s past in order to gain a
better understanding of its climate future. The PAGES team has been
involved with creating paleoclimate reconstructions of temperatures
over both land and sea. These reconstructions have relied on special
analyses of coral, tree rings and ice cores, all of which contain
chemical fingerprints that can give scientists insights into what the
climate was like hundreds or even thousands of years ago.
research team used these paleoclimate records to look back at the
progression of industrial-era warming across the Earth over the past
few hundred years. The industrial era is a period of time loosely
beginning around the mid-18th century, when industrial growth around
the world led to a sharp increase in the burning of fossil fuels and
the emission of greenhouse gases, which contributed to the onset of
anthropogenic climate change on Earth.
reconstructions suggest that the current pattern of sustained,
long-term warming on Earth began much earlier than existing
temperature records might lead us to believe. The findings are
“further evidence that the climate has already changed
significantly since the pre-industrial period,” said Ed
a climate researcher at the University of Reading who was not
involved with the new study, in an emailed comment.
researchers also examined climate models to find out whether climate
simulations would match up with their reconstructions, as well as to
gain some insight into what exactly was causing the warming effect.
They found the models generally agree with their reconstructions for
the Northern Hemisphere, although they don’t quite capture the
delayed warming effect in the Southern Hemisphere for reasons that
remain unclear.
importantly, the researchers say, the simulations suggest that the
influence of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is the cause
behind the early onset of warming.
researchers suggest that this early, human-influenced onset of
warming may mean the climate is more sensitive to the effects of
greenhouse gas emissions than scientists previously thought.
researchers do note that “naturally forced climate cooling may have
helped to set the stage for the widespread onset of industrial-era
warming in the tropical oceans and over Northern Hemisphere
landmasses during the mid-nineteenth century.” In 1815, powerful
volcanic eruptions in Indonesia were responsible for a strong cooling
effect on Earth, which reversed when the sustained warming
pattern began to emerge.
some experts are saying that the research team should be ascribing
more importance to this early 19th-century cooling effect in the
context of the warming that came after it. Michael
professor of atmospheric science at Pennsylvania State University
said he is “troubled” by the researchers’ suggestion that the
planet may be more sensitive to greenhouse gas emissions than
previously thought.
Mann said a
lot of the warming observed in the early 1800s was actually just the
climate naturally recovering from this unusual cooling effect, and
not primarily caused by the influence of greenhouse gas emissions,
which would not become a primary driver of warming until decades
was certainly some anthropogenic warming prior to the late 19th
century,” he worte in an email, pointing to some recent
co-authored that supported this effect. “But the authors overstate
how much, and how early, by incorrectly conflating early 1800s
warming caused by the recovery from these eruptions with early
greenhouse warming.”
the researchers stand by their interpretation of the reconstructions.
initial reaction to detecting this early onset of warming was the
same – that what we were seeing was the climate rebounding from the
big eruptions in the early 1800s and that later the effect of
greenhouse gases kicked in,” Abram noted in a follow-up email to
The Post. “But as we continued to test the data and our methods it
became clear that you don’t need these big eruptions in the early
1800s to explain the early warming.”
to Abram, the findings could have important implications for the
ongoing global discussions about the range of temperature increases
that should be considered safe for the planet. At last year’s UN
climate conference in Paris, participating nations agreed to a goal
of keeping global warming within 2 degrees Celsius of their
pre-industrial levels at most — and within 1.5 degrees if possible
— in order to avoid triggering more dangerous climate
to Abram, the study’s results suggest that “we have already
warmed the planet more than what we would think we have if we’re
basing our assessments just on the period since the 1880s.” And
this means we may actually be closer to the kind of dangerous climate
consequences many experts have predicted the planet could see if
we blow past the 2-degree threshold, she suggested. For
instance, some natural ecosystems — coral reefs, for instance,
which are already known to be suffering from the effects of global
warming — may have experienced much greater climate changes in
the past few hundred years, far beyond the conditions they originally
evolved to tolerate, than scientists previously thought. These
are points that policymakers could take into consideration when
considering how much climate warming we should be willing to accept
in the future.
any case, the researchers feel that the climate reconstructions can
provide important insights into the Earth’s sensitivity to human
activities, which can help inform our understanding of how future
climate change might progress. And they point to the importance of
creating reconstructions in the first place for making these insights
finding that humans had a measureable impact on the climate in the
mid 19th century was somewhat of a surprise,” Abram said. “It’s
a finding that, no matter which way we tested, we kept coming up with
that same answer.”
Shifting Sands of Climate Change
I trudged across the massive sand dunes in Jockey's Ridge Park in the
Outer Banks, North Carolina, just south of famous Kitty Hawk
(location of the first flight) at Kill Devils Hill I thought that I
may as well rant on abrupt climate change.
my verbal tirade is somewhat disjointed and incoherent,then please
forgive me. Perhaps it can be attributed to overexposure to sun,
wind, heat and sandblasting?
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