Wednesday 24 August 2016

Ankara supports Ismamist fighters fighting ISIS

Mark Sleboda is sceptical about claims of a rapprochment

Erdogan invades sovereign #Syria after 6 yrs of failed proxy war under US air cover with the pretext of fighting ISIS

"Rapprochement with Russia" and "Eurasian pivot", my ass...
Kremlin just got fucking played by Erdogan and US. Big time.”

I found this a telling comment on Mark's FB timeline:

From the Iranian defense ministers statements, I got the impression from him that this back and forth kowtowing to the US is what was irking them. I guess they feel that if they're going to stick their necks out and break with their long held tradition of not allowing foreign militaries on their soil, it had better be for a trusted ally who will respect this and view Iran as a real partner. I think Iran probably feels the minute there's reproachment hinted at from the EU and US towards Russia, Putin will simply throw Iran under the bus.”

Turkey, Ankara-backed rebels launch op to retake Syrian town from ISIS

FILE PHOTO © Bulent Kilic
FILE PHOTO © Bulent Kilic / AFP

24 August, 2016

Ankara has begun a military operation with the aim of retaking the Syrian town of Jarablus from the hands of the Islamic State (IS, ISIS/ISIL), state-run press agency Anadolu Agency reported. The Turkish army is reportedly backing Islamist rebels fighting IS.

Turkish military employed intense artillery fire against Islamic State fighters in Jarabulus, officials told the Turkish media.

The troops managed to get close to the town quickly, with reports saying that the troops are just 5 kilometers way.
TSK'dan 'a askeri harekat
The operation is receiving air support. The Turkish air force has hit IS targets in northern Syria, according to Anadolu.

"Operation in Jarabulus aims to prevent new flows of migration, deliver aid to civilians, clear area of terrorist elements,” the news agency tweeted. 

The military advance began at around 4 a.m. local time. 

The decision to move in on Jarabulus is said to have come after a number of mortar bombs hit a residential Turkish area near the Syrian border on Tuesday morning.

But other reports have pointed to the fact that it comes at a time when a US-backed alliance of Kurdish and Arab fighters is also making a push toward the border town.

The Kurdish-led force has taken full control of nearby Manbij by driving IS militants out of the city, which was used by terrorists to smuggle weapons and goods.

Ankara has been concerned over the autonomy of Kurds in Syria as Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) of the Democratic Union Party of Syria (PYD), with the help of American-led airstrikes, continue to capture vast swathes of territory in northern Syria, which borders Kurdish-dominated southeast Turkey, where Ankara has engaged the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) in a brutal military campaign for over a year.

Turkey has repeatedly stressed that it would not tolerate Kurds staying west of the Euphrates River, with YPG-PYD advances in northern Syria remaining the key security issue for Ankara. The Turkish government has labeled both groups as terrorist organizations, despite their fierce efforts in fighting Islamic State.


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