Monday 29 August 2016

Climate chaos

Climate change in our garden

Our magnolia tree loses its leaves, goes into bloom and grows new leaves – all during winter

The last three winters in Alicetown have been very warm and I have been keeping a photographic welcome since last winter.

On 13 August, 2015 our magnolia tree was in flower - something that struck me as very strange back then.

And by 20 September there were leaves on the tree.

Fast-forward to winter this year.

On 10 June, well into winter, our magnolia tree still had leaves on it. Usually this would be a picture from autumn.

By 20 July the tree was starting to come into blossom

And these photos were taken today - 29 August (still winter!)

Our magnolia tree is getting its leaves.

So it has gone from finally losing its "autumn' leaves to coming into blossom and then growign leaves - ALL DURING WINTER.

And if you want another example our gladiolus is in flower.

Advice from the internet says that they should be planted in spring so they can come into flow 90-100 days later.

I suspect the overwhelming majority of people who live their lives between the computer and the cafe would even notice. Few would care.

But it is starting to be noticed by the few that look around them.


  1. Back in the 80s one had sandflies in the Tararuas, last summer I had one land on my leg in central Jville! I wear shorts. That's an absolute first!

  2. Loved your blog post, Robin. I miss seeing you on facebook. Our magnolia is completely off kilter in Sydney. It started in 2014 blooming too early and now I'll be thrilled if it leafs out come spring (officially tomorrow here).

    Anyways, I hope you are well. HoneyButt may be leaving research as there is no longer any funding for research that doesn't support 'industry' (which as we know, is code for the decimation of our planetary home). He is seeking to get into education full-time. I am still off facebook & twitter because we are still extremely vulnerable migrants.

    I hope you and your partner, your horse, and all of your other critters are doing well.

    Love, Kim/Phorus


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