Sense and nonsense about gun control in New Zealand
Sense and nonsense about gun control in New Zealand
I have had to totally reassess things several times over the last eight years and I am having to do so once again in the aftermath of the 15 March massacre in New Zealand.
It's a matter of who is acting decently and who is not. Who is speaking the truth.
When I found this article from Martyn Bradbury from the Daily Blog last night my disgust knew no bounds.
more & more I read of the irrational, wilfully ignorant &
down right malicious crap spouted by the NZ Gun Lobby
more & more convinced I am these folk should have been on Police
& SIS radar from day bloody one rather than Māori, Muslims,
Greenpeace, Environmentalists, the Green Party, the MANA Party &
far have we collectively allowed these gun fetishists to define the
if you are a gun proponent who is now using violent language or
imagery or words to insinuate threats then you should be under
surveillance by our intelligence agencies.
farmers and hunters have nothing to fear here. Gun fetishists and
violent extremists, (from all parts of the political spectrum),
should openly know they will be under the obligation of extra
surveillance and responsibility.
atrocity in Christchurch has made us all question why weapons of such
enormous violence were allowed to be accessed with such ease. If it
costs a billion dollars to buy back and eradicate this tumour before
it metastasises, then so be it.
Is this from someone on the Left who is normally supposed to be an activist against spying and surveillance? This is something that I have always supported. Now this individual in his campaign against "hate speech' is spewing forward hatred and vitriol against people he doesn't like.
Now we see that he is advocating the SIS and GCSB spying against gun nuts while at the same time saying they shouldn't have been spying on the Left.
The hypocrisy is truly epic.
While Bradbury has found a new-found support for the security organs that he presumably didn't have before another (ex)-friend put this out the day after the shooting asking people to come forward and act as snitches and informers.
My consternation went up a few notches when I discovered that the above had not been taken down (no second thoughts) and was still up on this person's timeline.
I can talk about these people because I have had personal experience with the communist movement in New Zealand in my youth - yes I was young and stupid!
What I can say is that for the 'comrades' truth is a movable feast and is highly relative and fully subservient with what suits the movement and 'democratic centralism'. Once a person becomes 'inconvenient' and starts to follow their own conscience rather than the Party they are on the outside.
I have a vivid recollection of a conversation with a 'comrade' about what mansion they were going to confiscate and move into after the revolution.
It is clearly very possible for these people to make a quick transition to being an informer and snitch and basically support the move to a Stasi state.
Whilst I am not saying that these two individual are active communists but they are well-and-truly on the Left and obviously display the same characteristics.
In fact I would go so far as to say that this attitude goes across the board as is illustrated by the contention of some "philosopher" that if given the choice between the Truth and protecting human organisms (whatever he means by that!) he would choose that over the truth
Some of the discussion is about this 'gun nut' Mike Loder and his submission (one of the very few).
Whilst I do not agree with Mr. Loder about everything he says he does have some very salient points about the gun culture in New Zealand.
For what it is worth I do not think that the idea that the Jews inGermany were persecuted because of gun control. It soes not accord with my knowledge of history.
What I find totally obnoxious about this is the line of questioning from what I take to be a Labour MP (presumably because he had called Jacinda Adern a 'tyrant', especially accusing him of being a 'conspiracy theorist' for saying things that are pretty close to the truth.
This is the atmosphere of hatred that is coming from people on the Left. Apparently the PM set up a hotline so that people can do exactly what the person above exhorted people to do and its seems that is exactly what people have been doing which has meant that Vinny Eastwood has now had FIVE visits from the police now, something the cops were embarrassed about.
Does this look or sound like a white supremacist to you?!
Bradbury and a chorus of other voices have been saying that farmers, hunters and 'legitimate ' gun users have nothing to fear and the following police video seems to be saying.
But that is given the lie in this article quoting Federated Farmers who one would suspect would be supportive if all the propaganda and spin were true.
ban would include farmers who currently use the firearms for pest
control, however exemptions would be made for pest controllers
engaged by the Department of Conservation, or by a management agency.
Farmers is disappointed with the recommendations and said unless
further changes are made, pests will be the winners and the
environment will be the loser.
Security spokesperson Miles Anderson said the Government has failed
to deliver on its commitment to farmers and other major landowners
that they would continue to have access to the firearms they need for
effective animal pest control.
However, there have been stories about the police jumping the gun telling a young man that he was suddenly not stable enough to own an air rifle.
There have been complaints from gun users about polices trolling social media or turning up at someone's workplace to ask them questions about the guns they have.
They are still discussing the legislation!
This was posted on the internet about police search and seizure
restrictions makes anything other than shotgun with more than 10
rounds prohibited. Collateral damage of legislation. Initillay was
removable Magazines in Order in Council, but draft first round of
prohibited says any magazine over 10, which by default includes the
tube magazines. EVERY firearm owner needs to check all of the details
as a huge number of firearms will be collateral damage."
This is the latest from the media. Clearly the government and their friends with their new-found love for the Stasi state don't intend to listen to anyone.
Think they are going to listen to Federate Farmers?
Think again!
This legislation was sitting there waiting and scarcely any time elapsed before the decision to announce gun control legislation.
Don't get me wrong. I am not in favour of machine guns being out there. But the fact is that they are already out there as a result of actions of governments, even as late as December, 2018.
This hypocrite is using the completely fake narrative of a "lone-wolf gunman", that is demonstrably false to bring this and other changes to the country and negate all its historical political traditions of peacefulness and tolerance at the stroke of a pen and to divide society into a 'them' vs 'us' that has absolutely ZERO to do with the reasons they put forward.
Minister Jacinda Ardern responded today to speculation she could lead
an international coalition in a campaign against harmful content on
social media.
has come up with a white paper to make social media owners personally
liable for not taking questionable material off their sites, and Ms
Ardern's name was one brought up to lead the campaign.
Ardern told TVNZ1's Breakfast today she had taken an interest in
social media issues since the massacre.
do think New Zealand has a role to play but I'm just working on what
that looks like because this needs to be meaningful - we've got to
learn lessons from this," she said. "Domestic law can only
take us so far."
To finish off I penned the follwing comments on Facebook this morning:
The Otago Daily Times is saying “don’t give oxygen to racism”.
concur but we need to see things in the context
A third generation of neo-liberalism that has removed people from the
workforce, from the education system etc. - all as a result of STATE
People who are unhealthy and grossly undereducated to the extent they
cannot put sentences together are of course going to put the blame on
the outsider. Look at the educated classes, full of anger and hatred
themselves are projecting the blame out elsewhere without a single
moment’s self-reflection
All of this is BY DESIGN.
all, to not give oxygen to racism we would have needed to have NOT
had 18;years of rapacious, imperialist war against Muslim countries.
would also have needed no STATE-SPONSORED. TERRORISM.
people who are blaming the Muslims for everything are barking up the
wrong tree. I cannot condone this but I can surely understand them.
all of this is the reality of collapse - economic, social,
ecological. People don’t understand what is happening to them and
ate plenty of people, peppered round the country who do present a
threat to the present Order. But right now, I am putting the
responsibility on state terrorists and the liberals who are
justifying the removal of human rights.
of all, right now I would place the responsibility on the Left
who,one supposes, were against the Establishment but now are proving
to leading the charge to a Stasi state where citizens dob each other
to the police state.
is my 2 cents. Its just a viewpoint.
I shall finish off by asking if in the context of the above whether it it is any surprise that people should see red at the picture below of a police training session at what I take to be the al-Noor mosque in Christchurch.
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