A “marriage of convenience between ISIS and the Sri Lankan government”: NZ Deep State operative Paul Buchanan rails against the Sri Lankan Minister of Defence – and the TRUTH
only that but our PM is now planning to hold a conference with none
other than Emmanuel Macron who shoots and gasses his own population
and bombs other countries - and who would love to "control"
his own population's access to real information - to "control"
social media.
And then came the bombings in Sri Lanka where the death toll has reached 349 dead.
The Sri Lankan government seems from a distance at least, to be doing what the NZ government never did - and investigating the whole affair and waiting before coming up with a theory as to whodunnit.
Compared to those who are running this country I was quite impressed with Sri Lanka's Junior Minister of Defence.
And then came the bombings in Sri Lanka where the death toll has reached 349 dead.
The Sri Lankan government seems from a distance at least, to be doing what the NZ government never did - and investigating the whole affair and waiting before coming up with a theory as to whodunnit.
Compared to those who are running this country I was quite impressed with Sri Lanka's Junior Minister of Defence.
In his press conference he stated that the Easter Sunday attacks in Colombo were an act of revenge for the Christchurch attack on 15 March.
Go back to 20 March and the reporting that ISIS and "every major jihadist group" were threatening retaliation after Christchurch.
Back then the NZ media didn't seem to have too many problems with this possible narrative.
Listen to this piece with another interview with yet another "talking head" from back then:
the surface of it it would appear that there was little possibility
that ISIS could have had time to mount an attack in Sri Lanka in
response to the Christchurch attack.
But who is to say that preparations were not already in train for an attack and the Christchurch attack provided the terrorists with the motivation to attack Christian targets on Easter Sunday?
That is what the Sri Lankan minister seems to be saying and New Zealanders would know this if their media provided the whole press conference instead of just reporting what the government WANTS you to know.
Here is what the government wants to hoodwink you into believing
But who is to say that preparations were not already in train for an attack and the Christchurch attack provided the terrorists with the motivation to attack Christian targets on Easter Sunday?
That is what the Sri Lankan minister seems to be saying and New Zealanders would know this if their media provided the whole press conference instead of just reporting what the government WANTS you to know.
Here is what the government wants to hoodwink you into believing
Sri Lanka blasts: Authorities wary over linking attacks to Christchurch and ISIS
And then in wades American Paul B.Buchanan, shill for the Five Eyes and American Deep State with the disgusting piece below.
How do I know this and what proof do I have? Only what comes out of his mouth in conjunction with the following:
Dr Paul G. Buchanan is a former policy analyst and intelligence consultant to US government security agencies who specializes in matters of security, comparative and international politics. He is a US citizen permanent resident in New Zealand ...These responsibilities required him to have a Top Secret security clearance issued by the US government. After emigrating to New Zealand in 1997 he worked with the New Zealand Defense Forces as an educational consultant on issues of unconventional warfare, and has more recently lectured at the Australian Defense College on Southeast Asian geopolitics. He has an established profile as a media commentator on matters of international import.
Beware the false narrative linking Christchurch to Sri Lanka bombings
You can get a sense of the toxic message by listening to the interview below:
Buchanan says this is a "marriage of convenience between ISIS and the Sri Lankan government"to deflect the responsibility elsewhere.
By buying into this we fall into the narrative of the clash of civilisations - we are getting into a "tit-for-tat" scenario - "we don't want to go there"
Reckless to make unsubstantiated claims
Even if the claims are true we don't want to give credance to the idea we are caught in a clash of civilisations
The attacks are designed to hurt Sri Lanka's tourist business upon which it depends.
"Local grievances in play cloaked in the narrative of the clash of civilisations....
See what he is saying here:
"They occurred against a backdrop of rising violence against both Muslims and Christians in Sri Lanka by Buddhist militants, the real motive for the Easter attacks. These were not random or foreign in origin, but represent a violent response by one oppressed minority using terrorism against another minority and tourists in order to make a sharp point to the constitutionally empowered majority that it sees as increasingly oppressive in nature (70 percent of Sri Lankans practise Buddhism, which is the official religion of the country and which has constitutionally protected privileges.)
"Christians were the targets because they were left unprotected by an indifferent or incompetent government, while tourists were attacked because the country depends on them for hard currency revenues. Neither targeted group were the real subject of the attacks, nor was the objective of the attacks strictly about them."
doesn't just 'seem' to be saying but IS saying that this is "a
marriage of convenience between ISIS and the Sri Lankan
government" to
deflect the responsibility elsewhere and that "Local
grievances in play cloaked in the narrative of the clash of
I would have to go through, line-by-line, paragraph-by-paragraph but this representative of the American Deep State in New Zealand is more about narrative than truth and any lie will do.
The Sri Lankan government has scarcely started its investigation (having only just buried its victims) and Paul Buchanan (just like he knew about the 'lone wolf' 'white supremacist' as the bullets were still flying) knows exactly what went down.
Or he knows what the Deep State wants you to think
There is much that is unclear. The "islamophobic" line of the Indian media who revealed the mastermind of the attack long before the rest of the media seems to have been borne out in the last 24 hours.
There is the whole question of the scandal around intelligence given to Sri Lankan officials but not handed on - something that if was to guess had more to do with infighting between the president, Maithripala Sirisena and the prime minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe than anything else.
Sri Lanka has had almost a decade of peace after defeating the Tamil Tigers (LTEE) and I suspect that they have been caught off-guard, underestimating, like so many other governments the threat.
This article, written by a Sri Lankan, appeared in the NZ Herald.
'Islamic State is in rebuilding mode': Terror group enters chilling new phase
Now who would be powerful enough to have stood behind ISIS and local Islamist organisations?
I can't say for certain but after reading Paul Buchanan I have my own suspicion- the same people who have allowed ISIS to make a comeback when they seemed to have been on on their last legs.
Sri Lanka and New Zealand are both small countries but Sri Lanka is not a member of the club.
New Zealand IS, as can be seen from this
Adern to co-operate with MACRON to restrict social media ("hate-speech")
EX-UN Ambassador, Samantha Power threatens Sri Lanka
There is little evidence of a false flag in Sri Lanka. Interpreting military drills prior to the attacks as 'evidence of such' is confirmation bias and drawing a long bow.
There does seem to be a habit of high-placed US officials turning up at key times (such as John Podesta in the lead-up to the Christchurch massacre) and Sr Lanka seems to be no exception,
At the beginning of March to praise Sri Lanka's telecoms privatisation tsar, Mangala Samaraweera and to threaten Sri Lanka to get them to fall into line on the "struggle against hate speech"
The interpretation in this video is suspect but the facts are indesputable.
Samantha Power and Mangala Samaraweera on the Same Wagon Train


What We Can Learn From Mangala’s 30 Years In Politics: Ambassador Samantha Power’s Speech – Full Text
United States diplomat Samantha Power has urged Sri Lanka to get
Facebook to crackdown on hate speech, partly thought to have fuelled
anti-Muslim violence last year, and called for greater global
regulation and fines on social media.
like yours . . . are going to have to insist that Facebook uphold its
‘Community Standards’ for all of Sri Lanka’s national
languages, or face serious repercussions,” she said.
is simply not acceptable that Facebook has not invested more in
equipping itself to monitor posts in languages like Tamil or
former U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, said a
platform with this much influence and reach cannot get by just doing
the bare minimum.
needs to be far more transparent, so that experts and civil society
can guide the company in how to do better in the context of the
unique challenges Sri Lanka faces,” she said, referring to
anti-Muslim violence last year, after hate speech and conspiracy
theories about Muslims disseminated on social media.
remarks were made at a forum to mark 30 years in politics of Finance
Minister Mangala Samaraweera, a former Minister of Post and
Telecommunications, who spearheaded the privatisation of Sri Lanka’s
telecommunications industry.
Sri Lanka has one of the highest numbers of phones per person in all
of Asia, with the country of 21 million having 34 million cell phone
subscriptions. Some six million people regularly use Facebook.
said Samaraweera was one of the first political leaders to take to
Twitter during the crisis to condemn the hate speech, sending a clear
message of zero tolerance for politicians and others who incited
racial violence.
societies like ours – with mixed ethnicities and religions, with
free speech and extreme voices – we ignore this reality at our
peril,” she said.
said rapid advances in fields from social media to AI to automation
are posing profound risks to democracies.
tools are going to be decisive in global development going forward,
but governments must confront their dark uses as well as their
boundless possibilities,” she said.
believe we need to dramatically increase our scrutiny of the effects
of new technologies. . . . these platforms also have potentially
deadly impact when it comes to the rights and well-being of
marginalized groups,” Power said.
it comes to companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Google, which
failed for too long to grapple with the dangerous uses and effects of
their products, it does now finally seem that they are seized with
the abuses that their platforms have enabled.
these companies need to prioritize contributing to the health of
democracy as a goal, right alongside making yet more money.
said she was encouraged to hear that Facebook has committed to
serving up to 20,000 Sri Lankan children in a digital literacy
program to be run this year, and that they are participating in the
government’s MART Social Circles initiative, to prepare people to
better discern fake news.
my country, I would like lawmakers and policy leaders to think about
a number of approaches:, (such as) instituting regulations and heavy
fines for failing to remove hate speech.”
also said governments should greatly restrict the ability of
advertisers (or nation states disguised as such) to micro-target
users with messages designed to mislead and enrage.
also advocated re-thinking the type of anonymity afforded to users so
as to cut down on the spreading of lies with impunity.
probing seriously whether some of these tech monopolies have become
so dangerously big – and so dangerous to open society – that they
need to be broken up.”
March 01, 2019-SB)
Within MINUTES of posting my article I got a tweet from Buchanan
He ought to learn how to string sentences together - it takes a verb
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