Monday, 8 April 2019

Geoengineering experiment above Norway

NASA dumped trimethyl aluminium (TMA) and a barium/strontium mixture into the magnetosphere Friday (don't worry it's perfectly safe!)

the Big Wobble,
2 April, 2019

According to NASA, which funded the mission, on Friday night two rockets dumped trimethyl aluminium (TMA) and a barium/strontium mixture into the magnetosphere above Norway.

NASA claimed, "the chemicals pose no hazard to residents in the region."

But what was the purpose of the experiment? 

According to NASA, the experiment was to measure winds and currents in the ionosphere, an electrically charged layer of the Earth's atmosphere where auroras appear. Specifically, the researchers are interested in discovering how auroral energy might percolate down toward Earth to influence the lower atmosphere.

Or was the experiment something a little more sinister? Perhaps the most exotic form of geophysical warfare concerns tampering with the electrical behaviour of the ionosphere. Techniques for disturbing radio communication by “punching holes” in the ionosphere with nuclear explosions have been long discussed. So, too, have proposals for opening up lethal windows in the ionosphere to let in the short wavelength ultraviolet radiation which is known to damage biological systems, causing skin cancers in man and damage to crops. What is new, is the suggestion that the natural waveguide between the ionosphere and the Earth could be used to propagate very low frequency (VLF) radiation through it in such a way as to affect the electrical behaviour of individuals’ own brain activity.

New Scientist Magazine 1976

Weather Modification History

Photo  Chris Nation 

It’s been scientifically determined that the U.S. Federal Government has been spraying lithium into the skies across America.  However, the pervasiveness of its use in the upper atmosphere is only now becoming known.

NASA Admits Lithium Release in Chemtrails
According to, on Friday night (April 5th), researchers at the Andøya Space Center launched two sounding rockets into a minor geomagnetic storm.

The results were out of this world.

Aurora tour guide Kim Hartviksen photographed glowing blobs of blue and purple caused by the rockets dumping chemical powders into the storm

"Residents for hundreds of miles were taken by surprise by these strange lights, which prompted calls to the police and 'The aliens are coming!' hysteria!" says Chris Nation who runs the Aurora Addicts guiding service.

"The show began anew as the rockets released their payload into the upper atmosphere."

The name of the sounding rocket mission is AZURE--short for Auroral Zone Upwelling Rocket Experiment.

Its goal is to measure winds and currents in the ionosphere, an electrically charged layer of the Earth's atmosphere where auroras appear. Specifically, the researchers are interested in discovering how auroral energy might percolate down toward Earth to influence the lower atmosphere.

If the US is doing it, well so are the Russians and coincidently over Norway, remember this?

According to Wikipedia, the Norwegian spiral anomaly of 2009 appeared in the night sky over Norway.

It was visible from and photographed from, northern Norway and Sweden.
The spiral consisted of a blue beam of light with a greyish spiral emanating from one end of it.

The light could be seen in all of Trøndelag to the south and all across the three northern counties which compose Northern Norway as well as from Northern Sweden and it lasted for 10 minutes. According to sources, it looked like a blue light coming from behind a mountain, stopping in mid-air, and starting to spiral outwards.

A similar, though the less spectacular event, had also occurred in Norway the month before.

Both events had visual features of failed flights of Russian SLBM RSM-56 Bulava missiles, and the Russian Defense Ministry said shortly after that such an event had taken place on 9 December.

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