Friday 5 October 2018

The last (and only) time the truth on climate change has been told was in November, 2016


Listen to the following.

The following time represents THE ONLY time something  even remotely approaching the truth on climate change as it relates to New Zealand has ever been told

This interview with Paul Henry (who interviewed Guy McPherson TWICE) at the end of 2016 is the only time in the last 7 years that a New Zealand government scientist has been allowed to speak the truth.

When asked Brandalino describes the situation as an emergency and says that warming by carbon emissions Is far more important than factors like el-Nino.

The next week Brandalino appeared on Radio NZ , clearly uncomfortable, hedged and stated that “more researach needed to be done”

It is as clear as day that Chris Brandalino was hauled over the coals by his “superiors” and given a stern warning.

From that day no media outlet, scientist or media outlet has even mentioned climate change as a possible ‘cause’ - even reaching the ridiculous point of when they belatedly mentioned the marine heatwave in the Tasman Sea ascribed it to a la-Nino phenomenon.

At the time I recorded an item on this - below .

See my item from 29 November, 2016  New Zealand scientists MUZZLED

Listen to "Abrupt climate change in New Zealand and the NZ media" on Spreaker.

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