Tuesday 4 September 2018

The voice of an ordinary 75-year-old German woman on immigration

So, this woman is a nazi, I suppose. The voices of the ordianry people are completely unlistened to.

German grandmother harassed while telling a story about refugees

A 75 year old woman in Hamburg tells her story of how she was sexually harassed by African migrants to a journalist as suddenly "integrated" Muslims rudely interrupt her, insist that she insults Islam, claim they rebuilt Germany and consequently deny any crimes against Christians by Muslims. While on the Subway train, an African migrant showed the old woman pictures of an erect Penis and asked if it was "Good, Good?". While she was sitting on a bench at a train station, a migrant shouted "FUCK YOU!" after she refused to show him the contents of her bag. Natives in her street, mostly the elderly, are outnumbered 250 to 490. Robberies, theft and sexual harassment of both young girls as well as the elderly are now commonplace.

Her friends have been repeatedly robbed by migrants in grocery stores, the stores themselves have given up fighting against shoplifting, within 14 days "refugees" broke into the same mansion twice and the police is completely helpless against the sudden surge of violent crime. During New Year's Eve, she had to be escorted by a married couple as hundreds of migrants gathered near her Church, didn't let her through and later went on to harass girls in what is known as the "Night of Shame" - with multiple violent mass sexual assaults, with over 500 assaulted German girls in Cologne alone.

A Knife in the Back: Germans Afraid to Go Outside, Migrants Own the Streets, Mama Merkel to Blame

Vesti News

This Saturday in Amsterdam, an Afghan migrant pulled out a knife and attacked two American tourists. He brutally stabbed them inflicting heavy injuries. The police opened fire and neutralized the attacker. All three injured tourists were hospitalized. The police considered it to be a terrorist attack because the victims were selected randomly

In Germany the media are known as 'Lügenpresse' which means lying press. 

It is no different here with the lying media pushing out their propaganda rather than the truth. This video highlights some of the frustrations with the press in Germany and the targeting of anyone who speaks out against the globalist agenda as being far right or Nazi.
In Germany the media are known as 'Lügenpresse from Robin Westenra on Vimeo.

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